Lord of Darkness

Chapter 296: Fighting!

Promotion begins!

This is a potion for improving physical fitness!

As long as this powerful promotion can pretend to enhance the effect of the beast soul, otherwise their physical body alone is estimated to be destroyed soon!

And now--

Seeing clearly, an undercurrent is surging in the body.

Strength is improving.

Around each person is a huge syringe with a yellow scale percentage to show how much power each person has absorbed.

And now--



That scale is slowly rising.


Everyone moaned.

A pain in the heart is piercing and forcibly boosting strength, especially this kind of comprehensive lifting power, which can imagine the physical pain!

It depends on who can hold it!

Everyone should hold their breath, and no one wants to be the first one!



The old man's eyes appreciated.

The willpower of these children is indeed strong. You must know that the subjects of the previous experiments were basically unable to hold up to 10%, and these people ...


They are still working!


Everyone gritted his teeth.


The old man is amazed, even though the girls have persisted to the present, and the scale is still improving, 21% ... 22% ... 23% ...

Several people forgot their time.

The huge pain in the body makes them numb.


The pain is still intensifying!

"I want to hold on!"

"I want to hold on!"

There was a roar, and when the scale reached 26%, a figure suddenly appeared, panting, panting, and sweating all over!

Someone couldn't hold it.


Punch out.

Der Spiegel feels his mighty power!

Sure enough, the physical fitness has been improved by at least three times!

"What is my first person?"

Looking at the mirror, his face suddenly turned black.


He was actually the first sober!

The scale around him is stable above 26% and will never move again.

"I'm actually the first?"

Der Spiegel couldn't believe it.


how come!

"How could this be?"

Spiegel muttered to himself, is he actually the weakest?

"do not worry."

The old man smiled indifferently. "You can reach 26%. You are already very strong. Your star warrior is not a pure combat type. It is already very good to be able to reach this step."

"Is it?"

Derek regained his confidence, and suddenly saw Lin Xia, "I remember she is also non-combat type, why is she ..."

The old man was silent.

How to answer him?

Indeed, Lin Xia is not fighting, but the willpower of others is by no means comparable to you. Do you have to find yourself uncomfortable?

Der Spiegel: "..."

Sure enough, it is still the weakest!


The second person woke up, Wang Hao, 28%!

This young man who has a powerful star, who has never played in the world, has absolutely no willpower. At this moment, he wakes up.

However, the will here is strong and relatively speaking!

For ordinary people.

Even if it is Wang Hao of the Mirror, it is also a steel will!


"I'm actually the second?"

Wang Hao frowned, glanced at the mirror in disgust, and he was close to this guy?

Der Spiegel: "..."

Who did I mess with?

The old man looked at it quietly. The two looked at each other and stood beside the old man silently. They also wanted to see how powerful these people were. !!



That pain ...

They think about it, they are really worried. Can these people really hold up?


The third person is sober, Su Xiaomo, 32%!


There was a faint glow in his eyes, and Su Xiaomo stood up.


The old man's eyes are full of appreciation. It is really amazing that a girl can come to this point! As for Ming Jing and Wang Hao, their looks are complicated. Two of them thought that they knew the past and the present, and they were quite arrogant. One had the strongest star puppet and was quite proud.

Actually compared by a girl.

Oh no.

It's two girls!

The two looked at the experimental area, where there was still a girl, Lin Xia.


Su Xiaomo fists.

Tiger is powerful, and the power of terror is brewing in the body. He has 4% more energy than Wang Hao. This 4% is absolutely terrible to enhance the body!

"So strong!"

Wang Hao and Xu Shaoming were amazed. Think about Su Xiaomo's fighting style, pure fighting! It is a matter of course that physical fitness is better than them.

The two were in balance.

However, soon.

The fourth person is sober, Lin Xia, 36%!

4% more!

is her? How could Wang Hao and Ming Jing swallow saliva and suppress the shock in their hearts? This girl, her weak body, was obviously inferior to him and Su Xiaomo, but she could hardly withstand 36% of the strength! This girl ...

She is clearly pure will to resist!


Lin Xia was awake and looked at her progress bar with some regrets.

in case……

"It would be nice if you were stronger."

Lin Xia sighed. "I'm still too weak."

Wang Hao: "..."

Xu Shaoming: "..."

If you are weak, what have they done? The two ran in tears, without taking such a bully! They remember that in their families, they belong to the strong-willed category. Why did they become a little girl when they got here? Obviously these people are too perverted!

Who are these people?

The college entrance examination was a pure battle. At that time, why didn't these people find such a pervert.

They were both powerless.

And at this time.

The fifth person was sober, and unexpectedly, this person was actually a Sunday!


Just 2% more than Lin Xia, Zhou Tian's body can't bear it.

He has always been behind the scenes, and rarely fights in real combat. His physical fitness is not very strong, so he cannot take it for granted.

This kind of power can withstand 38% is pretty good.

Zhou Tian's will is very strong.

At this time, the remaining six people are still absorbing. Everyone knows that this is a benefit. This is a great opportunity against the sky, and everyone wants to absorb more!

"That rascal……"

Several people looked at Xu Shaoming.


Jiang He and the others are just fine. What is Xu Shaoming?

This guy……

Doesn't seem to make the top ten when fighting? Did he hold it up? Looking at his body, it ’s not that powerful. What amazing consciousness is it?


They don't understand that this stupid middle school boy has been transformed after experiencing that kind of misfortune and after all kinds of slowness!

This transformation is by no means comparable to their sons.

After a while.

Xu Shaoming awoke, 45%, more than the fifth place, a full 7% of terrorist absorption!



When Xu Shaoming walked, everyone could hear the sound of the bones, which was the transformation of the bones after the great enhancement of the physical body, which was unimaginable and powerful.

The next time, there was a long interval.

46% ...

48% ...

52% ...

55% ...


Two people wake up at the same time.

Li Tang! Ocean current!

Energy absorption is also finally fixed in a person's amazing data-58%!

These two people absorbed 58% of their power, which was 13% more than Xu Shaoming. They were too clear how much pain they had to endure! Li Tang doesn't even have to, pure fighting style, the physical body is already strong, what is the current? A mermaid beast soul, a mother gun, actually ...

Don't belittle this guy.

Everyone silently remembers the current, this person may not be as simple as it seems.

And at this time.

Only rivers and forests are still absorbing drugs.

"I! Can! Stay! Live!"

Lin Chuan said silently, even if the consciousness had been confused.

Everyone was shocked.

Lin Chuan.

If he had to give his life an adjective, it would be-Tiansha Lone Star! Because of the special status of the bereaved, because of his own blood, he is basically suffering all the way! Dead father, dead mother, dead friend, all relatives and friends die until he is left alone!

The perseverance of his will is absolutely comparable!


No, it's hard to overstate diamonds!

The physical body is extremely powerful for a long time, coupled with the will of terror, Lin Chuan's tolerance is far beyond everyone's imagination!



Suffering increased pain, Lin Chuan twitched, still holding back.


The pain is rising again, Lin Chuan still hold back!


Hold on!

They can see Lin Chuan's struggles, the painful death is still alive, and they still clenched their teeth! A few people were deeply shocked. Is this the real Lin Chuan?

This powerful will!

After a while, Lin Chuan was awake.

Energy absorption is finally fixed at 75%!

17% more than Li Tang and Hailiu before, a horrible statistic! Coupled with Lin Chuan's already strong physical body ...

Lin Chuan's combat effectiveness has skyrocketed!


Lin Chuan waved a punch, and the air seemed to stagnate.

"Am I the first one?"

Lin Chuan was sober, then looked at the person standing in front of him, and suddenly fell to the side.

"I knew it was you at the end."

Lin Chuan smiled.

He knew that the last one must be the river!

This will not be affected by his bad luck, and even saved his friend many times, he is the most powerful person in his heart!

at this time.

All eyes were on the river.

76% ...

77% ...

Everyone was aggressive.

Not because of how powerful the river is, but because, from the beginning to the end, the river has not struggled!


No struggle at all!

No matter who, when they feel great pain, they will struggle. Even if Lin Chuan has experienced countless times of pain, he will grin in pain, frown, and even scream in the first 50% of the time. 25% is constantly twitching with pain!

That's instinct!

Sometimes ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ even conditional reflection.

But rivers ...

Nothing happened.

At this time, the river is like falling asleep, lying down obediently, and the yellow scale bar is constantly improving at an amazing speed.

82% ...

83% ...

84% ...

Rivers, still motionless!

Everyone was shocked.

Is the will of the rivers so strong? !!

Everyone speculated, but they didn't know that at this time, Jianghe's knowledge of the sea was completely different. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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