The more you try, the more you will be lost.

Is the ability of [Mix of Order and Harmony] strong?

Undoubtedly, it is terribly strong!

But its uncertainty made Luo Chen temporarily restrain his impulse.

If there is a territory characteristic that conflicts with the Collapse Chessboard and the Imperial Army Soul, Luo Chen will have to vomit three liters of blood.

Just when Luo Chen was a little distressed, the caring human mother sent him the visualization method of the unity of heaven and man.

Luo Chen's sight moved down slightly, and the price of the visualization method slowly emerged:

[Sale price: 10 merits. ]

[Introduction: Really blood-vomiting bargain price, if you don't buy it, the human mother will be sad.

But she will still love you as before, and sincerely hope that you can gain countless honors and find the true meaning of Tao on the path you choose. 】

Luo Chen looked determined: "Buy, buy, buy! If you don't buy, you are not a human being!"

The will of humanity is so considerate. If you don't buy it, Luo Chen will wake up in the middle of the night with guilt and slap himself twice.

Luo Chen reached into it, and the glass mirror surface fluctuated.

The warm touch like fairy warm jade, like a loving mother gently touching his palm.


"You get the visualization method·Heaven and man are one (Nine Colors Mythology)."

Luo Chen touched the jade, without hesitation, directly put it on the center of the eyebrows, and integrated it with the soul consciousness.

This kind of good treasure is naturally the sooner the better.

With the inexplicable warm current sweeping through his body, Luo Chen relaxed and began to pick and choose in the treasure house of humanity.

"Random hero (Golden Legend), price: 1 merit."

"Random barracks (Golden Legend), price: 1 merit."

"Random defense tower (Golden Legend), price: 1 merit."

"Random special lord exclusive skill (Golden Legend), price: 1 merit."

"Optional cave paradise (Golden Legend), price: 1-5 merit."

"Optional rare items (Golden Legend), price: 1-10 merit."

"Humanity Favor·Building Upgrade, price: 1 merit."


Looking at the dazzling array of treasures, Luo Chen couldn't help but smack his lips: "I want it so much."

Unfortunately, there is no money (merit).

Luo Chen quickly ignored some items whose prices were obviously mismatched.

For example, Humanity Favor, which is similar to Void Favor, is not worth 1 point of Humanity Merit at the market price.

But the will of humanity is the manifestation of the world will of the human lords who are only instinctive. She will not be like a black-hearted businessman, paying attention to the changes in market value every moment to adjust the price of the human treasure house.

The prices in the human treasure house are all cost prices without a trace of profit!

Oh, except for [Humanity Optimization], which is a real loss-making price.

The gem that carries the nine-color mythical visualization method is not something that can be obtained casually.

The human will is very patient, and Luo Chen is not in a hurry. He compares the items in the backpack, recalls the current situation of the territory, and thinks about the most suitable items for himself:

"Save your life? No need!"

"Uh, no, I need a [Seven-Piece Black Box], resurrection does not include rare items."

If [Lilith's Egg] and [Mixed Sounds of Order and Harmony] are lost, Luo Chen will vomit blood.

Luo Chen quickly searched for [Seven-Piece Black Box] from the [Logistics] category.

[Seven-trick black box]

[Type: Space-time props;]

[Quality: Golden Legend;]

[Attributes: 1. A safe deposit box for rare items, hiding the smell of rare items and not being detected by others.

2. Schrodinger's cat, you can place the seven black boxes in different places, and only you and the people you allow can take out the rare items stored in any black box. ]

[Introduction: The painstaking work of the founder of Seven-trick magic, it is the best home for rare items. ]

[Tip: A Seven-trick VIP membership card is included, with a 70% discount! To order magical props, please look for Seven-trick Pavilion! ]

Luo Chen: "…6."

"The lords are smart, and the advertisements have been put into the human treasure house."

Although he was a little speechless, Luo Chen still spent 1 point of merit to buy it.

He is very confident in the combat power and development speed of the territory, but the necessary life-saving items are still indispensable.

Don't forget that Luo Chen has the blood of a "player" flowing in his body.

If he doesn't commit suicide when there is a guarantee of resurrection, is he still a player? !

Klee is in trouble.jpg!

It took a while for Luo Chen to simply take stock of what he could bring to the future.

More possible talents and items:

"No need to consider [Territory Characteristics] and [Mixture of Order and Harmony]. When I digest the [Harmony between Man and Nature] visualization method, I will consider the next development direction."

"Then, among the remaining attributes, the talents with the greatest potential must be 'Master of War Chess' and 'Master of Runes'. These two talents require very simple things..."

Luo Chen's expression was resolute: "Humanity is above, I want to see the underwear of the goddess of luck!"

Suddenly, the treasure house of humanity flashed, and suddenly a new item was added:

[One-day tour under the skirt of the goddess of luck]

[Type: Special service;]

[Attributes: 1. As the title says, there is no additional special effect. This product is only responsible for safety protection, not for subsequent cause and effect processing;]

[Tip: The probability of the goddess of luck in the human lord world accepting orders is extremely low. You can choose from the observed civilizations and races. ]

[Price: 1 point of merit. ]

[Introduction: Do you like this tune? 】


Luo Chen almost choked on his own saliva and said quickly: "No, I don't need it! This is a metaphor!"

The Humane Treasure House flashed, but the product did not disappear and was still hanging high in the Humane Treasure House.

Luo Chen looked subtle and asked tentatively: "Do you still accept this kind of business?"

The Humane Treasure House flashed and a large number of products that Luo Chen had not noticed before were swiped out.

[Mythical Creature·Quetzalcoatl Mating Permission (Until Pregnancy)...]

[Mythical Creature·Star Soul Titan Mating Permission (Until Pregnancy)...]

[Observed Plane·Tara·Ancestral Beast Mating Permission (Until Pregnancy)...]


A series of product items refreshed Luo Chen's three views.

The densely packed characters were combined together, and Luo Chen suddenly had a strange vision.

The 1.4-meter-tall little Lolita girl, wearing extremely luxurious purple Lolita clothing and with a face and figure that completely fit the concept of "beauty", was proudly gesturing: "Mom, I am very good at raising pets!"

The next second, Luo Chen woke up, and his expression became more subtle: 'The development of the human treasure house by the predecessors is really comprehensive! '

Luo Chen sighed, tried to search in the treasure house, and finally spent 5 points of merit in exchange for a pink and blue spherical object.

[Entangled Fate]

[Type: Fantasy Wonder;]

[Quality: Golden Legend (to be developed);]

[Attributes: 1. Destined, when you carry out a probabilistic event, you can activate this wonder simultaneously. Entangled Fate will anchor the possibility of fate to the greatest extent according to the current situation, fate favor and other factors.

Cooling time: more than 30 days, depending on the intensity of the fate turbulence generated by the current probabilistic event.

2. All wishes come true. The holder gains +1 favor from fate, +10 luck, and +1 luck to the whole territory. ]

[Special: The object is suspected to be incomplete, and the missing part is unknown. Find its true body. If you can connect the fantasy bridge again, you may be promoted to a myth! ]

[Introduction: The things you expect will always come to you in various ways. ]

Luo Chen put it away contentedly: "Good luck blessing? Don't come, I'm afraid of misunderstandings."

Good luck blessing: "???"

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