The battle was over, but the battle was over.

This time, Luo Chen did not let the Templars go out to attack, but took a look at the direction where the dark sky was slowly moving forward, and couldn't help but laugh:

"You are unlucky, you actually hit the position of the blood arrow tower."

The territory is part of the lord. The lord is fully capable of adjusting the position of the territory buildings at will like building blocks, but every adjustment costs "money"!

If it is not necessary, Luo Chen will never do it.

Every Void Source Stone in the early stage of the trial may be an important capital for snowballing in the later stage.

But Luo Chen's luck seems to be very good. The direction where the dark sky is moving is exactly where the territory and the swarm fought a few days ago.

Behind the broken alloy wall, the Blood Arrow Tower was sharpening its blade.

Luo Chen naturally couldn't go out. After finding the right distance, he took over the Blood Arrow Tower and made a tentative attack on the dark sky.


The arrow easily penetrated the sky, and the blind sniper actually hit an undead.

"Lucky, it's a low-grade dark sky curtain that only has the function of covering vision." Luo Chen waved his hand and issued an order, "Everyone, gather around the arrow tower, this time we will fight a defensive battle."

Lyadrin: "Yes!"

Luo Chen turned around and came to the small toilet in the garden, using the God's perspective of the territory to observe the situation on the front line: "If nothing unexpected happens, the dark sky curtain should be blocked by the fence of the territory rules, and then the monster hidden in it will be revealed."

"Let me think about it. With the situation in my territory, the scale of the undead monsters on the fourth day, if it is quantity, should have four-digit skeleton soldiers, with a few functional soldiers."

"If it is quality, the strongest undead creature that will appear in the early stage of the novice trial since Donghuang has records should be..."

Luo Chen looked forward and whispered: "Death Knight!"


Unexpectedly, the monster in the dark sky curtain has not yet appeared. The moment the fog itself touched the fence, a layer of dark purple light suddenly appeared above the fog.

Then, it expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, eroding the dark sky madly.

In a short time, the entire dark sky was transformed into dark purple, with flickering light, revealing a strong corrosiveness.

Luo Chen was stunned: "Is this... Honkai energy?"

The next second, the territory had a connection with the dark sky, and Luo Chen could even control the dark sky and see the dense skeleton soldiers, zombies and ghosts inside the dark sky.

Which version of the dark sky is this that can resonate with Honkai energy? After returning, I must find this version of the dark sky.

At that time, Luo Chen will put circles of dark sky outside the territory to indirectly expand the influence range of Honkai energy, which is simply a natural territory protection shield.

Without much hesitation, Luo Chen controlled the dark sky, trapped the undead monsters, and began to continuously input Honkai energy to erode the monsters inside.

The undead, who had lost their rationality, did not notice the changes in the dark sky at all. They could only feel the sneak attack from nowhere, but the people around them were all the same kind.

Under the constraints of the trial rules, they could not attack their companions.

So, the undead, who had little brains, just waited to die on the spot.

Liadrin waited for a long time, but did not hear Luo Chen change his instructions, and did not wait for the undead monsters to come out of the dark sky. While keeping alert, she was also a little puzzled:

"Are all the monsters today asleep?"

After more than ten minutes, the weak ghosts and skeletons fell to the ground one after another, leaving only a small group of zombies with thick blood.


A huge thunder sounded.

Liadrin and others were instinctively startled, and after identifying the source of the sound, they breathed a sigh of relief: "It's the garden toilet. Meiyi must have realized a new skill."

After all, in the territory, besides the lord Luo Chen, there is only Lei Dian Meiyi.

A flash of lightning flashed, and Raiden Mei rushed out of the garden toilet and stood in front of Luo Chen with high spirits, eager to try: "Has today's battle begun?"

"Don't worry, Lord, I will easily annihilate all monsters."

The battle situation was as stable as Mount Tai, and Luo Chen, who was in a relaxed mood, opened Raiden Mei's personal attribute column and quickly found the changes.


[Skills: 1. Blue·North Star One Sword Style...

2. Gold·Five consecutive thunder slashes (LV1), perform five consecutive slashes at an extremely fast speed, and each slash has a 20% chance to paralyze the enemy for 5 seconds, and each consecutive hit causes

Damage increased by 00%.

Special effects: 1. Tailor-made, Five Lightning Slashes is a combat skill tailored for Mei Raiden during her epiphany. The use of it will hardly cause any pressure on her physique and spirit;

As long as she has enough physical strength and spirit, she can keep using it. 】


Luo Chen glanced at the skill and asked suspiciously: "Is this the effect of the gold quality?"

After taking a look at the special effect, Luo Chen nodded: "Oh, it turns out to be a passive skill! A flat attack with no consumption and no cooldown, with a paralysis effect, this is the quality that a gold legend should have!"

Raiden Mei looked around the territory, her eyes fell on the dark purple mist, and she was confused: "Is this today's monster? The fog monster?"

"It doesn't matter!" Raiden Mei was eager to try, "Lord, don't worry, even the fog can't stop the power of lightning."

Luo Chen "cruelly" interrupted Raiden Mei's fantasy: "No need, the battle is over."

Raiden Mei opened her mouth slightly: "Ah?!"

In the distance, the dark mist turned into a dark purple streamer and returned to the territory. The last zombie fell and turned into a treasure chest.

While feeling the extra Honkai energy in the territory, Luo Chen said calmly: "If nothing unexpected happens, you won't need to take action in this secret realm battle."

After playing a supporting role for several days, Luo Chen almost forgot that the essence of Honkai energy is a highly active energy body that is extremely corrosive and destructive.

Raiden Mei said subconsciously: "Then didn't I work hard in vain yesterday?"

Luo Chen glanced at her: "...It's obviously me who worked harder!"

Raiden Mei smiled awkwardly: "Ahaha."

In order to enrich her own combat methods, Raiden Mei asked Luo Chen to help her trigger the special effect of sudden inspiration.

So Luo Chen worked hard all night!

The Honkai energy that assimilated the dark sky and returned to the territory again has obviously increased a lot. In terms of void source stones, the Honkai energy has increased by at least three gold-quality void source stones.

Luo Chen tried to extract it.


[Honkai Origin Stone]

[Quality: Gold;]

[Attributes: Pure Honkai Energy crystallization, a very efficient and very dangerous energy. ]


First reaction: What a pity, it can't be used as Void Origin Stone.

Second reaction: The talent of the chess master is not effective again, and Honkai Energy is not the energy required by the talent.

Third reaction: There seems to be only one place in the territory that is in urgent need of Honkai Energy?

Luo Chen raised his head, and the Honkai chessboard Changkong City, which was attached to the territory and existed in the illusion, smiled slightly:

"In order to make Changkong City appear in the world, undead, I will fight with you!"

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