The smell of blood permeated, and in the gloomy environment, a high-speed rotating fireball flew over! Liadrin suddenly stepped forward and blocked the fireball flying towards Luo Chen with a shield. The grass on the plain was bright red, the sky was gray, and the thick layers of black clouds rendered the whole world into a deadly atmosphere. Even with Raiden Mei's physique, she could only see a range of more than ten meters. Beyond that, shrouded in gray and dead silence, it was impossible to judge whether there was really a monster in it. Because of this, Luo Chen and Raiden Mei did not notice the sudden fireball. In the Blood Plain, there is only one kind of monster that can release fireballs: the Fallen Demon Wizard!

And the Fallen Demon Wizard will only appear in the midst of a group of Fallen Demons.

In the vast Blood Plain, there is exactly one group of Fallen Demon monsters within a hundred meters.

This luck is really amazing.


The sharp sound of the sword shook the air, and Raiden Mei rushed forward and rushed into the fog.

The people are part of the territory, and they share each other's vision with the lord as the medium, and have a similar friendly fire immunity.

Therefore, even with the cover of the fog, Luo Chen can still see everything happening on the battlefield.

More than a dozen monsters rushed out, and the short ordinary Fallen Demons surrounded the nearly two-meter-tall Fallen Demon Wizard.

It held a sheep skull staff in its hand, and its body was hunched. It looked like an old man, but it showed inhuman agility and strength.

The next moment, Raiden Mei moved forward without hesitation. She gracefully swung her long sword and cut off the head of a fallen demon!


The violent chop was followed by a head explosion like a watermelon, and black blood splattered everywhere!

However, for creatures that were infected by the void, fear was meaningless. In their hearts, there was only cruelty and a desire for destruction.

Luo Chen frowned slightly. A dozen fallen demons were fine, but with one more fallen demon wizard, it would be a bit troublesome.

He stepped back a few steps and ordered: "Lyadrin, you come with me."

Lyadrin: "Lord, please protect yourself."

After that, she ran into the mist with a sword and shield in hand.

The monsters rioted instantly, and their voices were bloodthirsty and hoarse: "Raka-Nixiu!"

The fallen demon wizard gathered the magic power, raised the sheep bone staff, and the small fireball spun and expanded rapidly!

Liadrin fully demonstrated her powerful physique, which was different from that of ordinary elves. She jumped lightly and leaped dozens of meters directly into the group of monsters.

With a leap, she fell on the Fallen Demon Wizard, directly smashing the unformed fireball and splitting it into two parts along with the sheep bone staff.

On the other side, Raiden Mei stepped on the ground, and dazzling purple lightning shot out, affecting all the Fallen Demons at the same time.

In an instant, the body of the Fallen Demon paused briefly.


After integrating the Thunder Law Core, Raiden Mei seemed to have become the master of lightning, and she easily played the paralysis special effect.

Several unlucky black and red Fallen Demons were even blasted into charcoal by the strong lightning!

Unfortunately, they could not wait for the resurrection of the Fallen Demon Wizard.

The Fallen Demon Wizard was interrupted from casting spells, and before he even had time to spit blood due to the backlash of magic, a long mace came towards him.


The monster's face caught the mace, and blood immediately flowed.

Liadrin's attributes were not as high as Raiden Mei's, but her blood gave her extra strength, and she directly knocked several old teeth of the old wizard away.

Raiden Mei remembered Luo Chen's teachings, paralyzed the group of fallen demons for a short time, moved forward, and imitated Liadrin, leaping and slashing with the long sword.


Another "watermelon" exploded.

After solving the fallen demon wizard, the rest of the things were much easier. The two heroes were like wolves in the flock of sheep, killing all around.

After two and a half seconds, all the fallen demons fell down, and the treasure chest was separated.

Raiden Mei and Liadrin, who were stained with some black and red demon blood, walked back with the treasure chest: "Lord, it's solved!"

The difficulty assessment of the novice trial mechanism is determined by three parts, namely: the quality of the lord's territory, the quality of the external objects carried, and the previous day's record.

Therefore, the key to clearing the Novice Trial is how to use limited resources to achieve a certain baseline beyond the Novice Trial judgment.

Rich combat experience, reasonable management ability, extraordinary excellent talent, invincible luck, etc. can all achieve this.

Luo Chen glanced at his blessing of good fortune and divided half of the treasure chest with Raiden Mei.


"You got 1 worn-out clothes (white)!"

"You got 1 bone arm (white)!"

"You got..."

There were 17 treasure chests in total, and I got a bunch of white-quality sundries, materials and equipment, as well as five white-quality Void Originiums.

Three of these five Void Originiums were contributed by the Fallen Demon Wizard.

"The explosion rate of Void Originiums..." Luo Chen shook his head, "Sure enough, it's not high."

After some discussion, five Void Originiums were also allocated to Liadrin. Improving her Honkai adaptability is currently the most cost-effective choice.

Unfortunately, Liadrin was not so lucky this time. After five Void Originiums, her Honkai adaptability only increased from LV2 to LV3.

Liadrin looked apologetic: "Sorry, I disappoint you."

Luo Chen smiled and shook his head: "This is normal, don't take it to heart."

Luo Chen looked at Raiden Mei and Liadrin, and said with a smile: "How do you feel?"

Raiden Mei waved her long sword, full of vigor: "It didn't take much effort, keep going!"

Liadrin nodded in agreement.

The two heroes each changed into a few useful white equipment, stuffed their pockets with props, carried more than a dozen bags of special pig blood, stepped on bright red grass leaves, and walked into the depths of the gray fog.

The blessing of the beyond-normal Honkai chessboard, the sneak attack and preemptive attack, made the secret journey of the Blood Plains become a very simple slaughterhouse assembly line.

Pig blood attracts monsters, lurks and observes, takes the lead in killing leaders and elites, wolves into the flock of sheep, and then opens treasure chests on the spot until they can't fit the loot, and then return to rest.

These monsters that were infused with the power of the void were irrational and could not see through the plot.

Not all the Endless Void were irrational monsters, but void creatures of that level would not appear in the Novice Trial.

The fast operation, like an assembly line, sent each fallen demon into eternal sleep like a baby.

This expedition lasted for more than twelve hours. During this period, except for occasional rest and eating, the two heroes were almost always cleaning monsters.

Finally, at about 6:30 in the evening, another group of fallen demons was cleared. The door of the secret realm standing on the wasteland trembled slightly, and the black and red lines faded, leaving only a few remnants.

The leader swept his mind and could clearly judge that the remaining lines were only one-tenth of the heyday.

This phenomenon indicated that 90% of the void monsters in the Blood Plains Secret Realm had been cleared!

It also meant that Luo Chen could start the devouring program for the secret realm with peace of mind!

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