The higher education institution Jiuyu Linzhi is under the jurisdiction of Jishuang Longzhou.

It is a famous snow-capped state in Donghuang, close to the capital of Donghuang, and one of the states within the "three rings".

The most famous thing about Jishuang Longzhou is the black Yangtze River that exudes coldness all the time.

This does not mean that the black river water is dirty. On the contrary, the black Yangtze River is very clean and has many kinds of extremely delicious special fish.

The black Yangtze River, which runs through several states, has nurtured thousands of lives in nearby states since ancient times.

In the new era, it also provides a large amount of special spiritual food for the people of Donghuang.

These are just superficial intelligence. Luo Chen has found the secrets of the black Yangtze River in the Humane Library.

There are seventy-six time and space nodes at the bottom of this river, and different dragon worlds are connected behind the nodes.

Every year during the Winter Farming Festival, Jishuang Longzhou will transfer some black dragons from those dragon worlds for the lords to fish, dissect and cook!

According to several nearby states such as Jishuanglongzhou, this is to follow the example of ancestors and respect "history".

Jiuyu Linzhi is located at the source of the Black Dragon River. It is known as the first school in Jishuanglongzhou and is famous in Donghuang for its large-scale production of dragon soldiers, unicorn specialties and various spiritual plants.

In terms of the overall strength of the school, Jiuyu Linzhi is far inferior to Mobius School.

But, no matter what, a professor-level figure from a serious higher education institution is definitely more than enough to teach Luo Chen, a newbie.

Luo Chen asked politely, "When will the teacher arrive?"

Qing Lan looked calm and handed over a new jade slip expressionlessly: "She's already here."

Luo Chen: "?"

Qing Lan added, "It's not the real body, but a phantom body manifested by a little thought."

"I see," Luo Chen nodded and took the jade slip tacitly, "Then can I contact the professor now to take the class?"

Qing Lan: "Yes."

"Anyway, except for you, there is no other person in Tianhe High School who can take this course."

Theoretically, even if Luo Chen is really qualified to take the "Evolution Wonder" course, the Donghuang Education Department cannot invite professors from higher education institutions.

The Donghuang Education Department is a coordinating agency for tens of billions of Donghuang lords, with detailed rules and clear regulations.

Although special cases like Luo Chen are excusable, the Donghuang Education Department is not qualified to do so.

Because such behavior contradicts "procedural justice."

Once this loophole is opened, someone will inevitably use similar reasons to ask professors from higher education institutions to intervene in the high school teaching system in the future.

And those who have no connections can only watch the tilt of educational resources.

This is something that the ancient country of Donghuang absolutely cannot allow to happen.

Therefore, from Qinglan's perspective, she naturally thinks that Luo Chen went through the channels of Luo Li and Jiuwei Luo's family.

Borrowing the identities of "Jiuwei Luo's family" and "No. 1 Player", he applied to higher levels and issued instructions through the ruling authorities to bypass this problem.

In this way, it is only a matter of time before the information of "Luo Chen = No. 1 Player" is leaked.

Moreover, the speed of passing this document... is too fast, right?

Could it be that... Luo Chen has been prepared for it?

Qinglan watched Luo Chen go to the new classroom to greet the professor of Jiuyu Linzhi.

She casually opened the internal website of the virtual universe, turned on the private mode, and looked through the latest official documents.

A few minutes later, Qinglan fell into deep thought: "... There is no appointment and dismissal document?"

The so-called "surname" is often the clan name first and the surname last.

Take the first emperor as an example, his complete surname should be "Zhao Ying".

Therefore, the families of the ancient Donghuang Kingdom can be roughly divided into "clan level" and "surname level" based on this.

Although the secret of Luo Chen is widely circulated among the senior members of the "clan level" aristocratic families, it is still a mystery to the local tyrants of the "surname level".

Fortunately, although Qinglan is only the lord of the younger generation of the Qing family, the Qing family is a large family inherited from the Qi family after all, and the internal historical materials are quite rich.

Qinglan entered the virtual universe, returned to the Qing family's ancestral home, and began to look for his own historical records.

Such events rarely occurred in Donghuang history, but Qinglan still found a few rare cases in his own pile of old papers.

Qinglan raised his eyebrows slightly, opened his mouth slightly, and showed a look of surprise on his face:

'According to the historical records on the old papers, similar situations will only occur when the will of humanity intervenes actively, which means...

A saint who is powerful enough to change the social order by himself is about to be born! '

The "saint" here does not refer to a saint in the realm of cultivation.

Rather, it refers to an outsider-level existence that is powerful enough to change the times and surpass the top player.He is also called a saint-level genius by many clans.

The name is taken from Mencius' words in ancient times: "A saint will be born every five hundred years!"

Of course, this premise is that Luo Chen can grow up smoothly.

After realizing this, Qing Lan not only did not feel happy, but subconsciously took two steps back and quickly performed an ancient sacrificial ritual handed down from the Qi family:

"Humanity is above, I didn't mean to peek into the secret!"

The atmosphere around was inexplicably solemn, but the will of humanity did not respond to Qing Lan.

Qing Lan breathed a sigh of relief and silently stuffed the old paper with this information into the deepest part of the study:

'It's a good thing that a saint has appeared. I am glad for the ancient country of Donghuang, but...'

'Don't show up next to me! '

Qing Lan only felt her scalp tingling at this moment, and she was under great pressure in an instant!

If she was negligent and caused Luo Chen's growth to be unexpected, let alone the internal pressure of the Qi and Qing families, even she herself would not let herself go!

Qinglan was a little tearful: "I just went to a remote town to visit my elder brother's bloodline descendants, how could I encounter such a thing? ! '

Qinglan took a few deep breaths, and her mentality quickly recovered. She sorted out the remnants of the task again: "I didn't have too many abnormalities in school..."

"My mother is the willful little princess of Qi Zhuming. As long as the family doesn't leak it. Although my reason for teaching is a bit weird, it is still understandable."

"In addition to me, there must be other protectors hidden in the school and Tianxin City."

"So, what I have to do is..."

Qinglan clasped her hands together, with a firm face: "Stop Luo Chen from joining Mobius Academy!"

She has decided to stay in school to teach, and she doesn't want her future campus life to be messed up by Luo Chen.

Even if you are a "saint-level genius", if you want to destroy my peaceful campus life, I will... cry and kneel down to beg you to leave!

Can't afford to offend.jpg!

Admissions Director: It's my blessing to have "good students" like you!

At this time, Luo Chen sent a message: "Teacher Qinglan, the professor of Jiuyu Linzhi seems to be your acquaintance. We are going out for dinner, and she asked me to invite you to join us."


Qinglan was not very surprised. The exchanges between various higher education institutions were still very frequent. With her strength and family background, she did know many professors from other institutions.

But... weren't you in class? Why did it suddenly develop into a dinner party?

Qinglan: "Why are you so familiar with it?"

Luo Chen calmly replied: "Lucky, it happened to be my fiancée who came."

Qinglan: "???"

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