Chapter 163

Chapter 174 Disappointment of the Gale Demon God!

“Huh! It’s so full!

Paimeng, Paimeng can’t eat it anymore!


After a while, Pimeng stroked his already round belly.

Leaning on her shiny legs, she was filled with satisfaction.

Paimeng, you can’t hiccup after eating! It will affect the image

Seeing Paimeng’s lazy look, he just lowered his head without thinking, and ordered softly.

How can a beauty hiccup?

This is too ruining the image!

Normally, she certainly doesn’t care too much.

But now there is Miss Lisa and the head of Qin together, as a partner of Pimeng.

In this case, I will naturally be a little embarrassed!

“Well, but, but I can’t help it anymore

Palmon twisted his body and leaned on his bare legs to find a more comfortable position.

A lazy face

She is full and drunk now, and doesn’t want to move at all!

Seeing this, Lu Li couldn’t help but raised his mouth slightly and smiled knowingly.

What a party!

Seeing that everyone was convinced, he stopped persuading.

This face was a bit helpless.

Paimeng is true…

The joyous banquet is over soon!

In the final analysis, it is soup. It is not like other foods. It needs to be chewed slowly and slowly.

Besides, apart from Lisa, no one else would take the time to slowly enjoy the food.

Even Li “One Seven Zero” Sha is like everyone at this time.

Resolve the food in front of you in one go!

Because, there is one more important thing waiting for everyone!

It’s not to find the Wind Demon Dragon, this is the ultimate goal of this trip, not the purpose of tonight!

Like Qin, she naturally thought of what was going to happen tonight!

This is called rest!

Looking at the two tents that had been pitched, Lisa and Jin glanced at each other at the same time.

There was a strange look in the other person’s eyes!

However, just before they spoke first, Mona on the side didn’t seem to notice anything and yawned.

Ha. Sorry, I seem to be a little sleepy, Miss Lisa, head of the piano, let me take a break first!

good evening!

Mona felt like her upper and lower eyelids were about to fight.

At this moment, it was to say hello to Jin and Lisa, and then naturally got into a tent.

Why only say hello to Jin and Lisa?

It must be because of these people, Mona has the closest relationship with them.

Greetings are out of courtesy.

In the final analysis, Lu Li, Guangguang and Paimeng are already very invited!

Good evening, Miss Mona!

rest well!

Jane and Lisa both turned their heads and smiled.

In my heart, I couldn’t help but glared!

There are two tents in total!

Now Mona has occupied this position first.

If I and Jin want to rest, they can only go to another place!

But the problem has arisen again!

What about Lu Li?

According to the current situation, Lu Li must have had a very close relationship with Mona and other female stars!

It is only natural for another pedestrian to sleep in the same tent!

Is that the “unforgettable night” in the hotel?

Obviously there is Mora from this guy, but he still only opened one room!

Lisa is no longer a child, she still doesn’t know what the adult world is like!

But knowing is one thing!

This is another story again!

Normally, forget it. Even if Lu Li does something, he can’t see it.

Only when you don’t know!

But now, the two tents are so close!

If this guy Lu Li can’t control himself at night, make this action,

So, shouldn’t you hear everything yourself?

This canvas tent will hardly have any sound insulation!

Thinking of this, Lisa immediately had a strange picture in her mind.

At this moment, my cheeks were burned by a blazing fire, extremely rosy.

no way!

Of course not!

Lisa shook her head quickly, trying to shake those weird pictures behind her head.

Absolutely not!

Before she knew it, Lisa blurted out!

Lu Li:??”




Can’t? What can’t?

Lu Li didn’t quite understand what he said. He looked weird, tilted his head and looked curious.

Other people’s eyes were also cast on Lisa.

Although he did not speak, the feeling of confusion was self-evident!

Feeling the strange and suspicious gazes of everyone, Lisa didn’t know that she had just said what she was saying!

Blushing at this moment.

Being busy is a panic in my heart and said:

No, nothing!


Must there be something?

Surely it?

Obviously, seeing Lisa’s panic and trying to cover it up, everyone’s expressions are even more strange!

“Cough! At that time, I seemed to be a little sleepy, so let’s take a rest first!

Seeing everyone, Lisa obviously didn’t believe it.

I also know that my current situation is really not that convincing!

The more errors, the more errors!

You know, a lie needs countless lies to make up for!

I have no experience of lying at all, and what I can do just now is the limit!

Run away as much as you want!

Only thinking about what I was worried about before, so before leaving.

You can also turn your head to the direction of the piano.

Qin, there are still things to do tomorrow, remember to rest early! I will wait for you inside

With this sentence, I went directly into the tent!

It’s Mona’s tent!


He did it on purpose!

That’s exactly the countermeasure Lisa came up with!


There is no way to do that kind of thing by your side!

Looking at the slender figure that had long since disappeared at the door of the tent, Qin Xiu’s eyebrows couldn’t help but beating slightly.

The roots of the ears are also stained with a little undetectable crimson!

Being extremely familiar with Lisa, she basically understood what the other party meant in an instant!

Of course she will not object!

Although what Mr. Lu Li and Miss Mona want to do is private.

And they are obviously still husband and wife!

But really letting herself experience all this in a place where she could hear everything, she still couldn’t do it!

This is really embarrassing!

She glanced at the tent beautifully, and then glanced at the bald head that was on the head of the camp.

I couldn’t help muttering in my heart.

I don’t know who Mr. Lu Li is, Miss Mona?

Or, or light?

From her knowledge, the man and woman must be the only one of each other!

Speaking of Palmon?

That is not within her consideration!

It’s better to say yes, it doesn’t associate her with her at all!

After all, it’s impossible to think about it because Parmon is so small?

No one feels special about what happened in a short period of time.

There is nothing wrong with Miss Lisa.

There are really more important things to do today!

Find the lair of the wind devil dragon and fight the wind devil dragon!

That is not an easy task!

On the contrary, this process is quite dangerous!

I felt a rather strong sense of oppression just by being pressured by some Wind Demon Dragon from a distance!

Don’t talk about confronting the Wind Demon Dragon head-on!

Although Miss Lisa didn’t seem to want to say anything, she could understand it too!

After all, do you have your own secret in your heart?

I like myself, and I still will not reveal the secret that I don’t belong to this world!

However, it seems that Big Brother Lu seems to know something?

The lamp tilted his head and muttered to himself

There were originally six people gathered around to raise the fire, but now there are only two people left.

Lisa was not by her side, and Jin also gradually felt a little uneasy.

Soon it was Lu Li who said goodnight and went into the tent to rest!


Mona and Lisa live there!

When she knew what Lisa had said to herself, she would definitely not go to another tent again!

Moreover, it can be considered from the perspective of one’s own feeling.

And she prefers to live with Lisa!

Now there is one less person outside, and only three figures remain.

But two things.

At this point, Paimeng was already asleep on his bare legs!

There were some honest “whoops” in my mouth!

This guy, Paramount!

When Lu Li saw it, he couldn’t help but smile knowingly.

There are some weird behaviors towards Lisa and Jin, he naturally guessed something inside!

What he wants to say is nothing to worry about!

In any case, no matter how horrible you are, you can’t be unscrupulous in such a place.

Just think about those nights in the “unforgettable night” hotel before,


On the surface, he is not so serious!


Forget it!

Don’t think so much!

Most important at the moment!

But find a way to seize Wendy’s power of wind!

Wind ruins

“It’s pretty fast!”

In the high sky, the green dragon’s eyes were glowing red, staring down, following his own trail.

There was sarcasm in the tone.

Flying must be faster than running!

It seems that you have already thought about who I am?

The verdant dragon slowly flapped its wings, and the redness in his eyes became thicker.

But his tone didn’t seem to be as angry as he thought.

Being lonely, arrogant and arrogant, and reappearing in the world as he is now, he naturally has consideration!

He died as long as he died, and it is absolutely impossible to be reborn for no reason!

There must be some conspiracy here, I still don’t know!

As the king of this land 1.2, he thought of it so simple!

Will be ecstatic at the sudden rebirth!

After all, it has been brilliant for a long time.

This person is right in front of him, and he witnessed it with his own eyes back then!

Now he still wants to figure out what happened!


If you want to use me to achieve a certain purpose, you will not let it go easily!

A fierceness flashed through the red pupils of the verdant dragon!

“In this situation, it’s hard for me to get up even if I don’t want to!”

Wendy looked up at the body of the Wind Demon Dragon, shook his head and said helplessly.

To be honest, even though she had this idea in Mond City.

But it was just a sudden thought!

In any case, I witnessed it with my own eyes, the meteor of the meteor shower!

Or is it the result of my own contribution?

In a word, the other party has long since disappeared between heaven and earth!

Otherwise, it is impossible for oneself to become one of the seven wind gods!

In any case, only the final victor in each region is eligible to obtain this god position!

But the scene before her made her have to believe.

The Gale Demon God who once passed away chose Kaladean, but now it is occupying Tevalin’s body and returning to the world!

It seems that you are no longer as sharp as you were back then?

The sound of sending Caladean was a bit unexpected!

Maybe, with a little disappointment?

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