
Shasha's shout made all the Tyrannosaurus rex look towards the giant wolf.

Now that they have stepped into everyone's sight, they naturally have no chance to escape.

Before several giant wolves could escape with their tails between their legs, they were overtaken by the Tyrannosaurus Rex and bit off their heads.

But then, the Tyrannosaurus rex spat the giant wolf's head aside.

They are already too full, and they will definitely not have the stomach to eat the wolf meat tonight.

But at this moment.

The sound of the war game came.

[Congratulations to the gnoll lord Saha, for defeating the wolves surrounded by natural disasters and becoming the second lord in this game to solve natural disasters. 】


Gao Qiang looked at the corpses of the three giant wolves and looked behind him playfully.

There, cold sweat was dripping from the hair of the jackal who was guiding the way.


He was even quietly lighting a bonfire just now.

He didn't look surprised at all by the giant wolf's arrival.

Only Gao Qiang would not think that these are coincidences.

As soon as he killed the giant wolf brought by the pack of wolves, the jackal lord was notified to the whole server.

Where in the world can so many coincidences come from?

"Aren't you going to say something, Lord Saha?"

Gao Qiang asked Saha with a smile.

"A noble lord, pretending to be other lords and subjects, this is not what you should be like."

Saha's legs went weak and he knelt down directly.

"My lord, please spare my life, my lord."

"The small one is that his territory was massacred by that Patrick, so he had no choice but to become his subject in order to find a way to survive."

"This, this is it."

Saha rolled his eyes.

"Sir, who else do you want to kill? As long as the little one knows, I will take you there immediately and promise not to say anything."

If Kyle before was like a wild dog stained with mud.

Then Saha is more like a pug with a wagging tail.

Both in terms of size and ferociousness, they are far less than one-fifth of Kyle's size.

He didn't even dare to talk about cooperation with Gao Qiang.

But now, Gao Qiang's attention was attracted by the war game.

Just after Saha's server-wide briefing ended.

More notifications came one after another.

[Congratulations to the undead lord Thorpe, for defeating the wolves surrounded by natural disasters and becoming the third lord in this game to solve natural disasters. 】

[Congratulations to the elven lord Jingye, for defeating the wolves surrounded by natural disasters and becoming the fourth lord in this game to solve natural disasters. 】

[Congratulations to the human lord Gong Xingjian...]

[Congratulations to the Jackal...]

The broadcast just now seemed to have released some restrictions. A famous lord began to take action against the giant wolf, and the announcement of the war game was also flooded in front of Gao Qiang.

This information did not stop until the tenth lord defeated the wolves.

Interestingly, Gao Qiang even saw an interesting notification in the tenth position.

[Congratulations to General Wushuang, the human lord, for defeating the wolves surrounded by natural disasters and becoming the tenth lord in this game to solve natural disasters. 】

Of course Gao Qiang knows who General Wushuang is.

It seemed that the things he gave Xu Youcai had some effect.

However, judging from this list, it seems that none of the other lords have used the rare item name change card that Xu Youcai obtained.

Name change cards shouldn't be rare.

Perhaps it was because those lords were committed to building a reputation and disdained the use of such props.

But no matter what, Xu Youcai became the safest person on the "assassination list".

Then Gao Qiang started to think.

In this short period of time, ten lords have defeated the wolves around them. It is hard to say how many more will there be in the future.

Just as Kyle guessed, today will be a watershed between the lords of various races.

Which lords can stand at the top of this game and gain leadership within each clan will be decided tonight.

Looking away from the war game interface, Gao Qiang looked at Saha and waved his hand casually.


Saha was still kneeling on the ground, completely unable to understand what Gao Qiang meant.

"Okay, get up." Gao Qiang said directly.

He was quite satisfied with Saha's attitude. As for him becoming the second lord to solve natural disasters in this game, Gao Qiang was regarded as a reward for leading him the way.

In addition, Gao Qiang does not have to take into account the feelings of other people in the territory.

Sasha's focus was entirely on the upcoming barbecue.

After Jiuluo and others dealt with Kyle, they became lazy again, seemingly not caring about Saha, the jackal at all.

To put it bluntly, they have no hatred towards the gnoll race.

They are just subjects in the game, not lords participating in the war game. There is no grudge that cannot be eliminated.

Currently, there is no lord that the Fallen Empire can describe with such an extreme word as hate.

Of course, there may not be one in the future.


The aroma of grilled wolf steak wafts through the forest.

This was also thanks to the fact that Jiuluo brought a lot of spices with him before leaving, otherwise everyone would have had to eat the purest barbecue.

Of course, barbecuing in the dark is a very dangerous activity because you never know how many pairs of eyes are staring at you in the dark.

The premise is that there is no resting Tyrannosaurus Rex next to everyone.

Afraid of the breath of Tyrannosaurus rex, those wild carnivores that have nothing to do with natural disasters dare not approach this area at all.

After the barbecue was done, Shasha was the first to take a piece of ribs.

Underground, there are only explosive mushrooms to eat. Although they taste good, you will get tired of eating them every day.

This giant wolf rib meat is obviously the best tool to relieve greasiness.

Gao Qiang walked to the wolf meat that Jiu Luo had torn, took some and handed it to Saha.

Saha looked at the hand Gao Qiang handed over, and seemed to still not understand what Gao Qiang meant.

If the meat attracted him to continue to guide Gao Qiang, he could understand it.

But Gao Qiang didn't have any lords he wanted to kill now, so what was the point of giving him meat?

Could it be a last meal for execution?

Thinking of such a terrible thing, Saha's legs trembled and he knelt down again.

"What are you doing?"

Gao Qiang frowned, stuffed the meat into Saha's hand, and took another portion for himself.

"This, this?"

Saha took the meat and looked like he didn't dare to eat it.

"Just give it to you and eat it." Jiu Luo said directly on the side.

When facing people other than the people of the Wall of Sighs, she seemed to have less patience.

The so-called thunder and rain are all the grace of the king.

Since Gao Qiang handed over the meat, it was a gift from the Fallen Empire. Saha's timid actions made Jiu Luo a little annoyed.

In fact, the meat was roasted by her own hands. Could she poison Saha to death?

"Okay, how about your story?"

Gao Qiang gave a reason and showed a curious look.

Saha said that Patrick slaughtered his territory, and Gao Qiang was really curious about it.

Of course, there was no sympathy or other emotions in it.

It was just that Sasha told too many stories along the way, and Gao Qiang suddenly liked the feeling of listening to stories.

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