Lord: My ant tribe evolves infinitely

Chapter 20 Low-level troop lord: Gathering resources is too difficult!

Before, the lord said on the world communication channel that there were only high-level monsters outside his territory.

At that time, Mo Fei was still feeling lucky that there seemed to be no particularly powerful monsters around his territory.

But now.

He finally seemed to understand the mood of the lord at that time.

It was an invisible sense of oppression and tension!

Even though the monster had never appeared.

But knowing that it was around his territory, Mo Fei felt a great pressure!

He didn't know what level the monster was!

What power it had!

He didn't know whether the monster had noticed his territory!

This unknown danger.

It was the most terrifying and deadly!

It had to be said.

At this moment, sending out this ant tribe helped Mo Fei a lot.

Let him know the existence of such a high-level monster around the territory on the first day of entering the Lord's World!

So, he has enough time to find ways to deal with this monster or protect himself!

If he waits until the sixth or seventh day of the novice period to find such a powerful monster around the territory.

Then he may really be in real danger!


Of course, in addition to exploring the territory of this powerful monster.

This ant tribe also brought Mo Fei another good news.

That is.

Under normal circumstances, most monsters will not care about the weak ants crawling on the ground!

Even if they notice it, they don't have much interest in the ants!

Of course, the acid mud monster is smaller in size and can prey on creatures weaker than itself.

So, this means.

If Mo Fei's ant army goes out to collect resources, the round trip will be much safer!

If it doesn't work, he can also plan the territory of the high-level wild monster into his round-trip route for collecting resources!

In this way, he can avoid other low-level wild monsters!

Ensure the safe transportation of resources!

This is also one of the reasons why Mo Fei just sent a small part of the ant tribe to stay in the territory of this high-level wild monster.

In addition to monitoring the movements of this high-level wild monster.

And find out how big the territory of this high-level wild monster is, so as to estimate the strength of this high-level wild monster.

Mo Fei also wants this high-level wild monster's territory to serve as a protective umbrella for his transportation of materials.

After all, no low-level wild monster dares to trespass into the territory of this high-level wild monster!

This is very safe for his ant tribe to transport resources!

At this time.

After spreading his undead ants to the territory of the high-level monster and monitoring its movements.

Mo Fei then switched his perspective to the remaining few ant tribes.

The ant tribe in the southwest, which was closest to the territory, found many high-level monsters there.

The monsters were fighting each other.

When this ant tribe arrived there, they saw large patches of smelly blood on the grass on the ground, and many trees were broken.

There were also many monster limbs scattered on the ground.

It seemed that there was a fight between two monster tribes.

Based on the principle of not wasting.

Mo Fei ordered this ant tribe to devour the monster limbs on the ground.

Gained four energy points!

But similarly, because they were just some stumps and internal organs, the ants did not obtain the abilities of these wild monsters.

After figuring out the environment here, Mo Fei also left two hundred ants here to guard here and act as the eyes of the territory.

Monitor this area!

After looking at the environment of the remaining ants one by one.

Mo Fei also left different numbers of ants to monitor in these areas.

Then, he continued to separate a small group of one hundred ants from his own ant colony.

Let them continue to explore forward and expand the scope of exploration.

Then, all the remaining ant army was summoned back.

The ants in the barracks are still producing steadily.

During the time when the ant army was sent out to explore the situation around the territory, the number of ants in Mo Fei's territory has accumulated to more than 100,000!

Mo Fei sat by the Fountain of Life, browsing the information on the world communication channel, waiting for his army to return.

The army of the hardwood ants returned first.

"Respected Lord, we have brought back wood for you!"

Ten thousand undead ants formed a square array and stopped in front of Mo Fei.

An ant propped up its upper body, raised its front jaws high, and held its trophies!

Those were pieces of dark red wood!

"You did a good job!"

Mo Fei praised.

"We live for the Lord!"

"We dedicate everything to the Lord, including ourselves!"

"We will eliminate all difficulties for the Lord!"

The ant colony replied.

To get resources into the territory.

As a lord.

Can collect and decompose resources.

Mo Fei pointed his finger.

Collect all the wood in the claws of the ten thousand ants and put them in the warehouse.

There are a thousand more units of wood in the warehouse!

"I consumed a lot of wood during my trip."

"Come and drink some spring water to recover your body!"

Mo Fei said.

Ten thousand ants lined up to climb onto the pool and drink the spring of life in the pool.

At the same time, on the world communication channel.

[Is everyone developing smoothly? I'm done! The wild monsters outside are hard to kill, I just sent my militia to collect wood! ]

[I thought collecting wood would be much easier than killing wild monsters, but who would have thought that there was a group of second-level ghost-faced apes hiding in the area where I collected wood! ——These beasts are really cruel! I sent out a militia team of 15 people, but they killed them all, and not a single militiaman escaped! ]

[The upstairs, it's too miserable, express sympathy! ]

[Alas, who said it wasn't? There are dangers everywhere outside! We are unlucky players who have awakened low-level soldiers. There is really no room for development! ——My musketeer finally shot and killed a first-level blue wolf, but before he could transport the blue wolf's body back for collection, a first-level fire fox appeared from nowhere and took the blue wolf's body away!

It's all tears. The fire fox is extremely fast. It took advantage of the opportunity when my musketeer was reloading. By the time my musketeer reloaded the ammunition, this guy had already run away with the blue wolf's body in his mouth!

Poor my musketeer, he hasn't had a sip of water so far, and he hasn't even had dinner. They have been telling me that they are hungry, but where can I get them food! 】

[Upstairs, this is a lesson of blood and tears! ]

[So, next time, whether we are collecting or leveling up, we should first understand the surrounding environment to avoid losses! ]

[Oh, don't say it, you never know which will come first, danger or accident!

I just sent my peasants to collect stones, and the collection process was very smooth, without any danger.

But when my peasants were transporting the stones back to the territory, a blue wolf appeared out of nowhere. Fortunately, my peasants were smart enough to leave the stones behind and run away. We lost a peasant, and the rest ran back to the territory - as for the stones, they were all lost on the way, and we worked in vain for half a day! ]

[No, I have to find a safe route to transport stones and get some stones to exchange for food, otherwise, I won't have dinner tonight! ]

[Alas, I really envy those big guys who have awakened high-level troops! They can send their own troops out to kill monsters to level up, and at the same time, they can also buy food! ]

[Unlike us lords who have awakened low-level troops, we have to be cautious and terrified even when collecting resources. ]

[Yes, it’s not that we are killed by monsters while collecting, but that we are intercepted by monsters on the way! It’s too difficult! ]

Many low-level lords complained.

Seeing this.

Mo Fei couldn’t help but glance at the one thousand units of wood in his warehouse.

Collecting resources, is it difficult?

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