Lord, I’m A Lizardman

Chapter 49: , literacy, order

"Wow... Disband, gather, and stand in a military posture with your head up high!"

More than two hours later, the hillside behind the Asazawa Cave became noisy under the shroud of night.

With the help of their own strength, the wisdom of ordinary human children, and their absolute obedience to An Mubai's words, Grayscale, Lietooth, and the others mastered their military postures again, and learned to interpret collections.

An Mubai transferred out the fifty-three lizardmen cubs who were about to become adults in the tree circle, and distributed them among the five superior lizardmen, Grayscale and Lizardtooth.

Shallow pit lizardmen cubs went through last night's Fiery Tiger Rebellion. Although the number was reduced by hundreds, they were not gray scales. The five of them could be trained at once.

Not to mention the fifty-three lizardmen cubs who are about to become adults. Although their intelligence is slightly higher than other lizardmen cubs, it is extremely difficult for them to train gray scales and flat horns. .

The simplest assembly stood in a row, making Grayscale, Flat Horn, and the others busy and angry, with their vertical pupils wide-eyed, eager to eat these fifty-three lizardmen cubs.

An Mubai used the simplest above ground thread to teach Grayscale, Flathorn and the others how to gather the fifty-three lizardmen cubs and stand in a row.

Then he stopped worrying about Grayscale, Flat Horn and the others, how to teach these fifty-three lizardmen cubs to stand in a military posture, and looked towards Simon.

An Mubai's two-hour training with Lie Teeth and Boxer standing in a military posture, as well as the training of disbanding, did not make Simon feel bored and leave.

Instead, his eyes were bright and he stared at him with great interest. From time to time, he began to write some words on the sheepskin-covered notebook in his hand.

"Simon seems to be really observing the records, my training of the shallow pit lizardmen, and the situation of each lizardman cub."

"I asked him to study the words he wrote, will Simon Hau agree?"

An Mubai pondered and whispered in his heart, and looked at the sheepskin-covered notebook in Simon's hand that recorded a lot of words, the development of the shallow pit lizard people.

In the future, there will definitely be words, but An Mubai only has the memory of Hei, and is very unfamiliar with this world, so he does not dare to give his mother tongue from his previous life to the Lizardmen of the Shallow Pit.

"Hey, my friend Hei, what's wrong with you?"

Simon's perception was very sharp, he looked at An Mubai, and closed the sheepskin-covered notebook in his hand with a kind smile on his face.

"What are you writing?"

In An Mu's white-gold vertical pupils, there was a curious look and he asked Simon, but he did not show the expression that he wanted to learn words from him.

"Just writing some small things."

Simon was stunned for a moment with a smile on his face, looked down at the sheepskin-covered notebook in his hand, and let out a laugh.

Then he stood up and spoke to An Mubai.

"My friend Heiyu, I'm going back. Your clan is really amazing. They are the most powerful lizardmen I've ever seen."

"I look forward to our meeting tomorrow, and may our friendship last forever."

After speaking, Simon waved to An Mubai with a smile on his face, and then walked down the hillside behind the Asazawa Cave.

An Mubai looked at the figure he had left, with a low and calm expression in his golden vertical pupil eyes. After a while, he saw that Simon had walked back again, in the jungle beside the shallow swamp.

Cai just took it back and looked at Lie Teeth, Flat Angle and the others. Simon was unwilling to teach him to read. At least from the previous words, Simon did not intend to teach An Mubai to read.

"Don't move your tail and keep your feet together. Did you just teach you to stand like this?"

"Look at me, look at me, not to the sky, clap..."

More than four hours later, in the night sky of the shallow swamp, in the fierce teeth and flat corners, they continued to face fifty-three, about to adjust the military posture of the adult lizardmen cubs, and the anger ushered in the dawn.

A white fog rose in the shallow swamp, and the fifty-three lizardmen cubs who were about to become adults finally managed to maintain a military posture that could barely stand.

As for the other lizardmen cubs, they had already slept in the tree circle, which attracted the most Russian time.

"Three scales, car toe, you go to the clan and get two frogmen flesh and blood."

An Mubai spoke to San Scale and Che Toe, and looked at Lizard Teeth and Ping Jiao, who were leading the fifty-three lizardmen cubs who were about to grow up, barely maintaining their military posture.

He didn't have the slightest movement or excitement in his heart, knowing that these fifty-three lizardmen cubs were about to become adults, but they could barely keep it.

With their wisdom and past living habits, once they are dispersed, they will all be forgotten in a short time. It takes a long time to train to form the muscle memory of standing in a military posture.

As well as the assembly of standing in the military posture, the disbandment is profound, these fifty-three will be adult lizardmen cubs, then in addition to eating, only the mind of eating can be regarded as the completion of the training of standing in the military posture.

"It's the patriarch, Big Brother Heiyu!"

The expressions in the eyes of San Scale and Che Toe were stunned for a moment, then they quickly nodded to An Mubai and ran to the thatched hut area on the hillside.

In less than a while, the two of them each brought back a portion of the processed frogman flesh and blood, probably thinking that An Mubai wanted to eat it, but UUkanshu www.uukanshu.com took two high-quality frogs. The man's hind legs, followed by a lizardman with ink-colored scales, is the ink-scale.


The lizardmen cubs became restless, and it was the fifty-three lizardmen cubs who barely maintained their military posture under the watch of Lizardtooth and Grayscale.

He also screamed and moved, and looked at the hind legs of the superior frogmen that Sanscale and Tie Ya were holding in their hands.

However, the existence of An Mubai and the pressure of the supernatural lizardmen exudes, but these lizardmen cubs are agitated, but they do not dare to move their bodies and rush out to **** food.

"Cartoe, you take the frogman's hind legs in your hands, and take the lizardmen cubs guarded by the grayscales to the shallow swamp and run around the shallow swamp."

"I told you to stop, you are stopping."

An Mubai stretched out his hand to take the frogman's hind legs in Sanscale's hands, and spoke to the car toe. The physical training of the lizardmen cub was in An Mubai's plan.

Discipline training is far simpler and easier than standing in the military posture of the lizardmen cubs. The lizardmen cubs only have food in their minds, so they use food as bait.

"Yes, Patriarch!"

Che Toe nodded with a puzzled expression in his eyes, and then turned to look at the fifty-three lizardmen cubs who were guarded by Grayscale, Lizardtooth and the others. go.


The lizardmen cubs screamed loudly, and it was useless to say too many words, so they looked at the hind legs of the frogman in Tiefang's hands with glowing eyes, and ran towards him.

Even in the tree circle, the lizardmen cubs were turbulent, and one by one they were wailing, and they were about to chase after Iron Fang.

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