After sending Saberi away, Sophia sat back in her chair, picked up Ethan's letter, and read it carefully again. She felt that every word was beautiful, and she couldn't help but smile.

In the past year or so, the territory affairs she led have been constantly receiving bad news, which has put her under tremendous pressure.

Not only is the voice of opposition within the family getting louder and louder, but she also has to face the trust crisis of the Duke of Eagle, which really makes her sleepless.

Now that the good news has come, she is really proud and in an indescribable mood.

Ethan fought for his breath in the front, and as a leader, she naturally has to do a good job of logistics in the rear.

The logistics here not only refers to materials, but also to eliminate possible obstacles for Ethan.

Since Ethan emphasized in the letter that the people who attacked the territory came from the North, it means that there is a problem within the Duke.

If the hidden dangers within the Duke cannot be eliminated, such attacks will happen again.

Although Ethan only emphasized that the attack came from the North and did not say much else, Sophia has understood that Ethan wants her to help eliminate the hidden dangers.

So, Sophia picked up the quill on the desk and began to write.

"Dear Duke of Eagle..."

After writing the letter, Sophia copied it again and stamped it with different seals.

One was stamped with the Lawson family seal, and the other was stamped with her personal seal.

Just as the seals were stamped, a small tornado suddenly blew in the room, and then a person covered in a red robe appeared out of thin air.

Sophia handed the two letters to the man and said, "Give one to the diplomat sent by the Duke to Maro City and tell him that the letter is very important and ask him to pass it to the Duke in the fastest way.

The other letter will be delivered to the Duke in our own way.

Remember, don't send our own letter too quickly. Wait a day and then send it by pigeon."

The red-robed man nodded and replied in an androgynous voice, "Yes, Master! However, please forgive me for being so talkative. I understand that the master suspects that there is something wrong with the diplomat sent by the Duke, so he uses this method.

But if the master is wrong, the Duke will receive two identical letters. Is this unfair to the Duke? Too disrespectful! "

"Since they have problems internally, it means that anyone could be involved." Sophia combed her hair and said, "I think if the Duke really received two letters, he would understand me.

However, I believe that my intuition will not be wrong. Because if I am the one who leads the attack, then I will strive to get this diplomat in my hands no matter what.

Send a stalker to keep an eye on the diplomat. I want to know all his movements in Maro City.

I want to know which lover he went to bed with, what he said, and what he did. "

"Yes, Master!" Before the voice fell, the red-robed man turned into a tornado and disappeared in an instant.

And Sophia pinched her eyebrows and called softly: "Anna!"

Suddenly, the door of the study was pushed open and a maid walked in.

This maid named Anna is very different from other maids.

Other maids are wearing a set of black and white maid outfits, but she only wears a maid headband and wears tight leather armor.

And there were many daggers tied on her thighs and waist, and her expression was not like other maids, with a flattering smile on her face.

After Anna entered the door, she bowed: "Master!"

"Have you arranged my uncle's women?" Sofia asked casually without even looking at Anna.

"It has been arranged, as the master said, ten!"

Sophia nodded: "Very good! But keep an eye on my uncle, don't let him die. I heard that some men who haven't had that for a long time are prone to sudden death once they start, I don't know if it's true."

Anna smiled and thought: The master is still a child, and many things are hearsay. Of course, there are men who die in bed, but not many.

But she didn't dare to laugh at her master for not having experience in this area, so she could only reply: "Yes, master! However, master, don't worry too much. From the intelligence, your uncle is still very restrained even though he doesn't control his words."

Hearing this, Sofia frowned and looked at Anna: "Are you sure? He has been abstinent for more than a year! I don't want him to get into trouble, he still has a lot of use.

I really regret arranging so many women for him."

"Yes, master, I am very sure. All the men in Maro may die in bed, but your uncle is the only one who can't die in bed, because he is actually a passionate man."

Hearing this, Sofia smiled: "Just him?"

Anna nodded with a serious face: "Yes, it's him! Master, didn't you teach me that we can't judge a person by appearance?

The more unrestrained a man is like him, the more affectionate he is.

On the contrary, the kind of pretentious people are more mean in their hearts and actions, and they often have no bottom line.

Master, you may not know that there is a saying that has been circulating in the prostitute circle that the most favorite thing for clients to do is to find prostitutes and persuade them to be good people!

And Lord Saberi never does such a thing."

Sophia saw Anna praising Saberi without a sound, and immediately raised her eyebrows: "I should have taught you that there is no service without benefits.

So, you are so hard to speak well of my uncle, what benefits did you get?"

Anna's face changed drastically when she heard this: "Master, please believe me, I definitely did not say good things for Lord Saberi because I received benefits, and I dare not do anything to betray you behind your back.

Besides, Master, you should also know Lord Saberi's financial situation. What benefits can he give me?"

Sophia thought about it, and it was true that a noble who couldn't even afford to go to a brothel could not bribe the people around him.

However, this also aroused Sophia's curiosity. What kind of personality charm could make her intelligence deputy say good things for him?

Unless he had some past that aroused Anna's interest.

"Get the information of my uncle. I don't seem to care about the information of family members."

Anna was relieved to see that Sophia did not mean to blame her, and secretly said in her heart: I will never say anything more in the future.

"Yes, Master!"

As she said, she saluted and turned to get the information.

"Wait!" Sophia called Anna again: "Bring the magic tool [Telepathy] in my room, I will use it later.

Also, invite Mr. Cloz, the financial officer, to come, I want to have dinner with him."

"Yes, Master!"

After Anna left, Sophia rubbed her brows and picked up Ethan's plan to read it.

"Fashion Master! What an interesting title!"

"Knight Ethan, you are really good at grasping other people's minds. You know that I care about my reputation, so you made such a name to seduce me."

"I have to say, you succeeded!"

"But you are too happy too early. I, Sophia, will not be easily grasped by others."

After talking to herself, Sophia smiled slightly, picked up the quill pen, and began to scribble on the plan...

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