Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 56: He's coming

Darikan is the resident magician of Barron Fortress. He himself can't remember how many years he has been here.

But he always remembers the pain brought to him by the Lawson family, the pain of genocide.

He slowly took off the mask, revealing the shocking scar on his left face.

That was the face burned by the flames. The muscles of half of the face were twisted together, and it looked like mud was kneaded casually.

Darikan touched his left face with his hand, and the past of genocide instantly appeared in front of him.

That was more than 20 years ago. At that time, he was still young. The family arranged a good future for him, and he had a beautiful wife. Everything was so beautiful.

But everything changed when a magic genius in the family married into the Lawson family.

Because the magic genius participated in a magic weapon led by the Lawson family. This weapon was so powerful that it was even enough to change the world pattern.

But for some reason, when the weapon was just developed and not yet perfect, it appeared in the hands of the enemy country.

This led to a major case that shocked the whole country, known as the "Magic Knight Rebellion"!

Countless people were sent to the gallows for treason, and his entire family was also executed.

But the Lawson family, the culprit behind all this, was not only safe and sound in this incident, but even made it to the next level.

This made Darrickan, who had escaped death, indignant. To be precise, it should be Brison Pierre, who had escaped death, indignant.

Darrickan was just a pseudonym for him to hide his identity in order to survive.

And his only purpose in living was to defeat the Lawson family.

He also wanted the Lawson family to taste the taste of the whole family being executed.

But the Lawson family did things without leaving any handles.

They also violated the ban on sea transportation, but they did not pass through other territories like others, but established their own territories on the border.

All sea transportation materials were nominally the output of border territories. While earning high profits, people could not find any handles, which gave Brison Pierre a headache.

But no matter what, he would not let the Lawson family live happily, even if no one instructed him to do so.

Thinking of the person who instructed the action, Brison Pierre showed a trace of anxiety on his face. He didn't understand how the other party found him, and he didn't understand why the other party would help him deal with the Lawson family.

However, all this was unimportant. As long as they were dealing with the Lawson family, they were all allies to him.

So Brison picked up a pen and wrote a letter to that person.

After writing the letter, he grabbed a ball of ink from the desk and chanted a strange spell.

With the strange voice, the ball of ink turned into a three-eyed crow with a black body.

Brison put the letter into a small bamboo tube, tied it to the crow's feet, and then let it fly out of the window.

After doing all this, Brison sat back in the chair and breathed a sigh of relief.

After closing his eyes for a while, he put on the mask again, walked to a large bookshelf, and gently pulled a candlestick next to it.

Suddenly, with the sound of a subtle mechanism turning, the bookshelf slowly moved away, revealing a hole slanting downwards.

Brison walked in without thinking, and soon came out carrying a big box taller than a person.

Then he walked out of the study, walked out of the house, came to the stable, led out his beloved horse, and was about to go out.

Hearing the voice, Ike rushed out: "Teacher, are you going out so late?

What's the matter? Let me do it!"

"I'm going to inspect the city defense." Brison said casually, and after thinking about it, he continued: "If I haven't come back by tomorrow morning, you should leave the fortress and go to the magic tower 500 miles away to find me.

If you arrive first, follow Teacher Dadaran to practice magic first. Do you understand?"

"Ah!" Ike was shocked: "Teacher, what you said doesn't sound right! Why do you want me to go to Teacher Dadaran?"

"Don't ask so many questions, just do what I say. Understand?"

"Oh! Understand!"

Seeing the disciple nod, Brison rode on the warhorse and pretended to run towards the city wall.

After avoiding the disciples' sight, he galloped out of the town from another road and ran to the only road leading to the Lawson family's territory.

The warhorse he rode was a privately raised armored horse.

Compared with ordinary warhorses, this horse is not only larger in size, but also has square pieces of hard armor on its body, just like wearing armor.

In addition to the difference in appearance, this horse is far superior to ordinary warhorses in terms of physical strength, endurance, load-bearing, and speed.

Brison rode it and rushed to the boundary stone of the Lawson family's territory in a short time.

When he arrived here, he did not continue to move forward, but rode into the woods and stopped in a relatively open place.

Then he dismounted and opened the big box he brought.

When the box was opened, silver light emanated from it.

Brison smiled when he saw it, took out the items inside, and put them on himself...

At this time, Ethan was sitting in the captain's room with Aphrodite, roasting fire, drinking coffee, and chatting.

Since Aphrodite came to the pirate ship, she has been lying on the bench, wrapped in a blanket and unwilling to come out for a moment.

Ethan was particularly curious about how Aphrodite did it, so he teased: "You have been lying in the quilt like this for a whole day, aren't you tired?"

"No! It's very comfortable!" Aphrodite replied lazily: "If you can be quieter when you mate with Miss Angelina at night, I might be able to get up tomorrow."

Ethan was very embarrassed when he heard this.

Angelina screamed very loudly every time, and he couldn't cover her mouth with his hand. In the end, he had no choice but to let her do it.

This matter was brought up in person, and the formal word "mating" was used. Ethan really couldn't stand it and didn't want to continue talking.

"Okay, I'll pay attention. Since this matter is too private, why don't we change the topic, such as your personal experience."

After shaking her head, Aphrodite said seriously: "Actually, I'm curious why you humans are so keen on reproduction. Can you tell me?"

Looking at Aphrodite who was serious and full of tiger-wolf words, Ethan didn't know what to say.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Have you never had a partner?"

"No!" Aphrodite shook her head and said, "But I once joined an adventure team.

You know what an adventure team is! It's the kind of team that goes on adventures and accepts various commissions.

At that time, there was a warrior in the team who wanted me to be his partner and mate with me, but I refused.

Because I think he is too young."

After hearing this, Ethan's mouth twitched unconsciously: "Is he too young?"

"Yes! He was only 42 years old at the time, I think he is too young. And his life is also very short, I don't want to live alone in the future."

"Wow! So, humans are really not suitable for you. You should find an elf like you."

"I think so too." Aphrodite nodded: "But if you want, I can also mate with you, provided that you teach me the skills of falconry."

Ethan's face suddenly changed.

When Aphrodite saw Ethan's face, her brows were furrowed.

"You don't like me, do you?"

"No! It's just that you don't need to do this, because we have reached a deal. If my teacher agrees, I will teach you the skills." Ethan shook his head and looked out the window.

"But I can't wait. You don't understand my anxious mood. I want to learn this skill now. Didn't your teacher tell you not to teach it to outsiders? After I mate with you, according to your human saying, I should not be considered..."

Aphrodite didn't finish her words, and Ethan raised a finger to his mouth: "Shh!"

"Let's talk about this later, that person is coming!"

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