Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 528: Disappearing Leon

Ethan hurriedly hurriedly rushed back to Maro City. When he arrived at the Duke's Palace, he saw that the place was filled with smoke and devastated.

But there were no traces of the attackers!

"Leon, please don't let anything happen to you!"

Ethan checked the direction and landed directly towards the main building.

As soon as they entered the central hall, they saw several knights twisting together and piercing each other with their swords. The scene was extremely strange.

Seeing this scene, Ethan's heart sank and he hurried towards the underground corridor.

As soon as he reached the entrance, he heard someone calling him.

"Ethan, here!"

Ethan took a closer look and saw that it was Sophia.

At this time, she was holding the guardian staff and opening the shield to protect a man covered in blood.

"Sofia, why are you here?"

"Stop asking, come down quickly and save people!"

Ethan quickly landed and came to the bloody man, and saw that it was Leon's uncle Lucario.

At this time, Lucario closed his eyes tightly. There were no wounds on his body, but his skin kept bleeding out, which looked very strange.

"What happened to him?"

Sofia shook her head: "I don't know! When I came, I saw him dealing with several people by himself. As soon as I put up the shield, he fainted!"

Ethan nodded, mentally calling out Kyle.

Kyle immediately appeared and squatted next to Lucario to check.

After some inspection, he said: "Master, Lord Lucario has multiple fractures all over his body, but his life is not in danger for the time being. As for why his skin keeps bleeding, I think it may be due to his magic.

Master, I will help him reattach the broken bones first, and then call the doctor. "

"No, you can just set the bones and it will be fine. I have asked the extraordinary eagle to call the doctor. He will be here in a moment."

"Yes, Master!"

While Kyle was setting bones, Ethan blamed Sophia: "How dare you come here and risk your life?"

"If I don't come, something big will happen!"

"Where are the bastards who attacked? And where are Leon?"

"I don't know!" Sofia sighed: "When I came here, I only saw Lucario, not Leon.

As for the attackers, I don't know whether it was because they were unable to break the protective shield, or because they sensed you, and they withdrew ten minutes ago. "

Speaking of this, Sophia looked at Ethan with a puzzled face and asked: "It's you, why did it take you so long to get back?"

Ethan smiled bitterly: "Don't mention it. I rushed back as soon as I realized something was wrong. But on the way back, I suddenly met... um... a vampire, and then got into an inexplicable fight, so I was delayed."

"The Vampire? Such an ancient race, so ancient that you can only hear about it in myths! Are you sure you are the Vampire?"

"Of course!" Ethan nodded.

While the two were talking, Kyle had already fixed Lucario's fractures.

"Master, I need to find some suitable boards to fix him."


Not long after Kyle left, Lucario woke up.

After opening his eyes and seeing Ethan, he immediately became emotional and wanted to struggle to sit up.

Ethan hurriedly pressed him down gently: "Don't move, I just reattached your bones, if you move around you will injure yourself again."

"Sir Ethan, you are finally here. I'm fine. You hurry up and find Leon!" Lucario said weakly.

"What happened to Leon? He was taken away, right?"

"No, no!" Lucario gasped: "I sent him into the memory space. This space has a special escape exit. It is an ordinary and unremarkable place 20 nautical miles southeast of Port Velen. Human island.

The island looks like a conch from the air, with a small round lake in the middle.

When you dive into the water, there will be a large underground cave below. That is our family's shelter, and Leon should be there.

Please go there quickly, otherwise something may happen to Leon.

If he behaves strangely, please tolerate him. "

Ethan frowned when he heard this: "Those people also know that exit, right?"


"Then what will happen to Leon?"

"Leon has been afraid of being alone since he was a child, and it's dark there. I'm worried...forget it, you'll know when you go there!" Lucario coughed twice: "Please hurry up and take him out!"

"Okay! I'll go right away!"

Ethan responded, gave another order to Sofia, and hurried towards the island Lucario mentioned.

It's just that it's not that easy to find an island in the vast sea, even if you know the general direction.

Fortunately, Ethan brought several extraordinary eagles over to search together, and it only took about half an hour to find the island Lucario mentioned.

Looking down from the sky, the island does look like a conch, and there is indeed a small round lake in the center.

Now that he had found it, Ethan dove into the lake.

As soon as Ethan entered the water, he was startled by the scene underwater. It turned out that there was a huge black shadow slowly squirming and swimming under the water.

After taking a closer look, it turned out to be just a black snake, but it was slightly larger than a normal black snake.

Perhaps the sound of entering the water was too loud, which disturbed the black snake. It twisted around, opened its bloody mouth, and rushed toward Ethan.

Ethan stretched out a hand and pinched its chin, then flicked it away and threw it away.

Ethan just drove it away and had no intention of harming it.

Because this snake looks very similar to the Stann family's emblem, Ethan is worried about whether there is any explanation for its appearance here.

After shaking off the big snake, a dark hole appeared under its body, about the size of a common wellhead.

"This should be the cave entrance that Lucario mentioned!"

Ethan felt it for a moment, and found that there was a U-shaped pipe under the hole, and a huge cave at the other end of the pipe.

After confirming that there was no problem, Ethan went in through the hole.

After sneaking along the pipe for a distance, Ethan poked his head out of the water with a "splash".

Inside was a large natural cave, with no light source, but as bright as day.

"Huh? Strange! Didn't Lucario say it was dark here? Why is it different?"

Without thinking too much, Ethan slowly climbed ashore.

I saw white bones in the cave, fish, various terrestrial animals, and even humans, which looked a bit creepy.

However, although it seemed airtight, there was no smell of corruption, but it was like being on an island outside, with a fresh smell.

There were also many small holes densely distributed around the cave, which looked like rat holes.

However, Ethan knew that there were no rats inside, but snakes!

"Leon, I'm Ethan!"

After observing the surroundings, Ethan shouted, because he had sensed someone deep in the cave.

And it was Leon's breath, but the other party seemed a little strange.

No response, Ethan slowly walked into the cave, and finally found Leon in a corner.

At this time, Leon was like a frightened child, curled up in the corner, shivering, and crying, not at all the image of a duke.

And the moment Leon saw Ethan, his eyes lit up, and the first sentence he said was: "Dad, you finally came to pick me up..."

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