Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 511: The Origin of Orcs

Ethan first went back to the territory in the north and tried to persuade Rand for the last time.

However, Rand had no intention of leaving.

After failing to persuade him, Ethan prepared to set off back to Maro City. As for how the territory was developing, he didn't care at all.

Before leaving, he thought of Andy.

Ethan felt vaguely that Andy might have been in trouble, so he asked Rand to lead the way to his house.

As soon as he arrived at Andy's door, Ethan frowned.

Andy was in the house, but he was dead.

Pushing open the half-open door, the first thing that caught his eye was a pool of dried blood at the door.

Ethan bit his back teeth, and his face was clenched.

Looking inside, there was a headless man sitting on the bench in the living room with his back to the door.

Yes, a headless man, the blood on his neck had coagulated into black blocks, which looked a bit creepy.

Ethan knew that the man was Andy, and he was beheaded after death.

Seeing Andy's miserable state, a surge of anger surged in his heart. Ethan exhaled heavily to ease his anger, and then walked into the living room.

When he came to the front, he saw Andy's disappeared head, which was held in his arms.

Its eyes were closed tightly, and there were black bloodstains on the corners of its eyes, nose, ears, and mouth.

"These people are really crazy!" Rand saw Andy's miserable state, cursed angrily, and was about to go forward to collect the body.

At this time, Andy suddenly opened his eyes and opened his mouth.


Andy's head suddenly shouted, and Rand was frightened by the sudden scream and took several steps back.

"Hahaha!" Seeing Rand was scared away, Andy's head actually laughed.

Ethan supported Rand who was retreating with one hand, stared at the head coldly, and asked in a low voice: "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I finally waited for you, Mr. Ethan!"

Ethan heard that the other party was waiting for him, sneered, and sat down indifferently on the chair opposite Andy.

"So, why are you waiting for me?"

"It's nothing big, I just want to ask Mr. Ethan, do you believe in God?"

"No! Then what?"

"No? Then how does Mr. Ethan explain the extraordinary power in you?"

"Oh... I believe! Then what?"

"Uh..." The voice coming from Andy's head seemed to be choked by Ethan's answer and was silent for a long time.

Finally, he suddenly laughed: "Haha, Mr. Ethan, your answer is really interesting, but isn't it too perfunctory."

Ethan snorted coldly: "Then what answer do you want to hear? Supernatural power is given by God?"

"Isn't it?"

"Hehe!" Ethan smiled: "Why do you say that?"

"Besides God, what else can explain supernatural power?"

"Yeah! It makes sense!" Ethan nodded: "Anything that can't be explained, just push it to God.

It makes a lot of sense, I agree with your point of view.

You have successfully convinced me, so don't be perfunctory now!

Now tell me, who are you? What do you want to do?"

"Uh..." The voice seemed to be choked again.

"Okay! Since Mr. Ethan doesn't want to talk, I'll be frank! I hope Mr. Ethan can give me the two Seven Sins Artifacts of Maro City, which will benefit everyone."

"So, you are Vallejo Dortmund?" Ethan said with a smile: "You are doing assassinations everywhere just to get the Seven Sins Artifacts, then summon the true God, and get eternal life?"

Faced with Ethan's questioning, the voice was silent for a long time.

"It seems that Mr. Ethan knows a lot, but your information doesn't seem to be very comprehensive.

I am indeed collecting the Seven Sins Artifacts and preparing for the blessing ceremony.

But...you may not believe it, I am not doing it for myself, but for all mankind."

"Hahaha..." Ethan responded with a laugh.

"Please laugh as much as you want, you will find that I am speaking from the heart in the end!"

"Hahaha..." Ethan laughed even more happily, tears streaming down his face: "No, no, no! You misunderstood, I am not laughing at you, I am just laughing at myself.

Because when I spoke in the parliament, I always talked about the people.

Your words reminded me of myself.

However, compared to you, I at least have self-knowledge and will not take this seriously!"

"Whether it is true or false is not based on feelings, but facts!

Do you know why the elves are immortal species?

Can you guess why the dragons that dominated the world back then were also immortal species?"

Hearing this, Ethan stopped laughing: "What do you want to say?"

"Then I'll tell you why.

There really is a creator in this world.

In order to allow creatures to continue to reproduce, He designed a set of rules, the core of which is the Seven Sins Artifact.

The Seven Sins Artifact can continuously collect negative emotions in this world..."

At this point, the voice paused: "Since you know the blessing ceremony, you should know this set of rules.

The first to complete the blessing ceremony was the elves, and the second to complete the blessing ceremony was the dragons. They all became immortals in the end.

Do you understand what I mean?

That's right! The creator will grant immortality to the race that completes the blessing ceremony, not to individuals. "

Ethan was silent when he heard this.

Of course, he was not silent because he heard that the other party was fighting for the immortality of mankind, but because he lamented that someone dared to fool him like this.

I was even more amazed that someone actually believed this kind of story!


Or a compassionate Creator?

Someone actually believed this?

Ethan was completely speechless.

However, Ethan didn't want to refute the other party, because this was an opportunity, an opportunity to draw the other party out.

"Do you have evidence?"

"Evidence? If you want evidence, just go to the center of the Darkmoon Wasteland and you will know.

5,000 years ago, the dragons destroyed the blessing ceremony to prevent humans from achieving immortality. There are relics left by the Creator there. It was also the relics that created the orcs.

In fact, the orcs were originally humans, but because they did not complete the blessing ceremony, they were cursed by the Creator and became what they are today.

They kept going south, but in fact they were just collecting the Seven Sins Artifacts to complete the blessing ceremony.

You only need to go there and take a look to know the truth.

If you are lucky, you can even see the process of humans turning into orcs.

I want to tell you a piece of news here. The children born by orcs are humans. They need to go to the relics for baptism before they can become orcs.

Only after baptism can they survive in the Darkmoon Wasteland."

After hearing this, Ethan's eyebrows were twisted into a river.

"You should know that I can't go to the place you mentioned."

"No! I know you have a way, at least you can confirm the ruins through other people."

Ethan understood that the other party was talking about the split snake of Woking: "It seems that you know me very well!"

"These are not important. The important thing is that you should confirm it first. Once you confirm that I am really for humanity, we can talk about other things."

"Then how can I contact you after I confirm it?" Ethan said expressionlessly.

"From what you said, you are interested in cooperating with me?"

"No! I just want to confirm the situation. If what you said is true and I confirm that there is no risk, I will consider it."

"It's a wise choice! I look forward to your good news.

If you want to contact me after confirmation..."

While speaking, Andy spread out his right hand holding the head, and a stone tablet with a one-eyed symbol appeared on the palm of his hand...

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