Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 476: Jace's Decision

At this moment, Jace already knew that his wealth would be at stake.

He knew very well that as long as he still wanted to operate and live in St. Fran City, sooner or later he would have to exchange all the gold coins for banknotes issued by Duke Arsinoe.

And once the credit of the banknotes issued by the Duke collapses, the wealth he owns will instantly become a pile of waste paper.

The worst part was that there was nothing he could do to stop it.

Just when he was about to despair, he suddenly remembered that when he went to the Iris Club to settle the payment for goods a few days ago, the Iris Club staff had recommended the time deposit business to him, which seemed to give interest.

At that time, I didn't listen carefully because I was busy, but then I suddenly remembered that Jace hurried to the Iris Club as if grasping a life-saving straw.

When he arrived at the Iris Club, he found that the place was already crowded with people, many of whom were old business friends.

"Hey! Old man, why are you here too?"

Just as Jace was looking at the crowd in trance, a slightly fat man said hello to him.

Jess took a look at the sound and found out that it was Andre, an old classmate who was in the grain business.

Jace walked towards him and said with a smile: "What a coincidence! Andre, I usually go out to find you, but I can't see you, but today I bumped into you."

Andrei waved his hand: "What a coincidence! You should be here to save money too!"

"No, no!" Jace waved his hand: "I'm just here to inquire about the specific situation."

"Ahem! What else are you asking about?" As he said that, Andrei took Jace's hand and lined up together. At the same time, he lowered his head and said in a low voice: "You should have read today's newspaper too!

The Duke also wanted to imitate Maruo City in issuing banknotes, but in the end he only learned the appearance, but the inside..."

As if he felt it was too offensive, Andrei stopped mid-sentence, and only used his eyes to signal to Jace that he understood.

Then he continued in a low voice: "Okay! If you don't talk about this, what do you want to ask about?

I've asked before. If there's anything you want to know, I might be able to help. "

Jess nodded: "I just want to know how the money deposited is settled?"

"If you deposit gold coins, it will be settled in gold coins." Andrei whispered back: "If you deposit in Malaysian dollars, then you can choose whether to settle in gold coins or Malaysian dollars.

However, you only have one chance to choose, and once you choose, you can't change it.

And, most importantly, Iris will not want the banknotes issued by the Duke of Arsinoe.

Although it hasn't been released yet, Iris has stated in advance that they don't want it.

To be precise, it’s not that I don’t want it.

But for the banknotes that the Duke will issue, he only provides basic deposit services. Not only does it have no interest, but it also has to pay storage fees. "

After hearing this, Jace took a deep breath.

"Even the Oris Club is so unfavorable to the banknotes issued by the Duke?"

Andrei smiled mysteriously and didn't reply.

And his smile completely broke Jace's last illusion.

He stopped asking about the Duke's notes and asked about something else.

"Is there any safety guarantee for Iris Club's business this time?"

Andre shook his head: "With the credibility of the Iris Society, there is usually no problem.

However, for the sake of safety, I plan to reallocate my assets and buy some Malaysian dollars through Iris Club and deposit them in a bank in Maro City.

My business partners basically do this. After all, eggs cannot be put in one basket.

I'm even considering moving to Maro City, as I heard the business environment is better there. "

Jess was a little dumbfounded when he heard this: "What about your business here?"

"Just keep an office!" Andrei smiled: "Anyway, sea transportation is so convenient now and the price is low, and I don't need to keep an eye on it. It doesn't really matter whether we stay here or not.

But after all, this matter involves so much, I just have an idea. The details will depend on the situation of taking over the banknotes issued by the Duke.

If your credit is stable and the security of your property is not affected, forget it.

After all, no matter how good Maruo City is, it is not as good as my hometown. "

Jess frowned: "From your words, I feel that you trust Ma Yuan very much. Why?"

When Andrei heard this, he was stunned, and then replied with a smile: "You are not in the grain business, so you don't know some inside stories.

Then let me tell you an insider tip that you will definitely not believe.

Do you still remember the sudden sharp rise in food prices a while ago, and then the sudden sharp drop again? "

"Remember!" Jace nodded: "Thanks to your help at that time, otherwise I wouldn't even be able to buy food."

"We have been playing together since we were little. We have been friends for so many years. If we don't mention whether we can help or not, we won't be allowed to mention it in the future!" Andrei waved his hand and said, "Let's get down to business!

What did I just say...oh...food prices are rising and falling sharply.

In fact... this matter did not arise from lack of food, but from someone who wanted to destroy the credit of Maruo City's banknotes.

Because the banknotes of Maro City are anchored in food, they claim that in Maro City, as long as you have Malaysian dollars, you can buy food at any time.

Some people just want to buy up the food in Maruo City and make them bankrupt.

But do you know what the result was?

Before they could buy out all the food in Maruo City, they themselves ran out of money first.

Even if you have money, you don't dare to buy it, because there is so much food in Maruo City that you can't buy it all, and then the price of food plummets. "

While talking, Andreu leaned closer to Jess's ear and whispered: "At that time, I also bought some for Bunge Grain Store. I heard that they were suffering from heavy losses.

Fortunately, I didn’t follow up greedily at that time, otherwise I would have lost a lot now.

You don’t know that when the grain price was the highest, the grain shipped to us was sold at more than ten times the usual price.

And this is only the price of bulk trade, and the retail price was sold at more than 27 times.

Just think about it, how many people could afford to eat at that time.

There is even more amazing, our grain prices have skyrocketed, but Maruo City has implemented a "dual track system" and the local area is still selling at a fair price.

So many people don’t even know that the grain price has risen.

Let me ask you, have you ever seen the rulers make such concessions? "

After hearing this, Jace was completely silent.

In his impression, all nobles and rulers are of the same character.

You can argue with them about right and wrong, but never try to touch their interests, otherwise they will definitely cut off your hands.

But when the grain price was at its highest, Maro City was still willing to sell grain to civilians at a fair price, which was simply unbelievable.

Perhaps they wanted to maintain the credit of the Ma Yuan and make plans for long-term interests.

But no matter what the final intention is, this incident shows that the rulers of Maro City The determination to maintain the credit of paper money, as well as their unparalleled organizational ability and strength.

Thinking of this, Jace had already made up his mind.

In the end, he waited in line until the evening before it was his turn.

After consulting Iris on many issues, he finally reallocated his assets, leaving half of them in the form of gold coins in the local area for interest and production and operation.

The other half was exchanged into Malaysian dollars through the Iris Club and deposited in a bank in Maro City.

And Jace's asset allocation was constantly being played out in the business circles and aristocratic circles of Saint Fran City...

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