Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 457: For your own good

No matter how noble and great Bishop Inzaghi said about the Templar Church, Ethan would always only superficially agree with him.

As for the real psychology...

For Ethan, maybe the tax policies and uses mentioned by the other party are true, but so what?

What is true can also become false, and what is false can also become true. Everything depends on the will of the leader.

Take the establishment of the Customs Administration as an example. You said that the tariffs collected will be used to develop the economy. Are they really used to develop the economy?

If you tell me, will I believe you?

I, Ethan, have also told everyone that gold can be exchanged for banknotes, and you are allowed to exchange it back.

But that’s just because the promotion of banknotes has just begun. I need credit and everyone needs to believe that the assets are safe, so that I can allow you to exchange them for gold.

Wait until the banknote promotion is completed and sufficient credit is established.

Then take a look and see if you are allowed to exchange it for gold?

Not only will you not be allowed to exchange it for gold, but if there are any special circumstances, you will be restricted from withdrawing banknotes.

Do you think that after you deposit your money into the [Agricultural and Commercial Development Bank], the money is still yours?

Don't think too much, okay?

That money is only yours in name. Under normal circumstances, no one will touch that money, but in fact, all that money belongs to the Lawson family!

Yes, all of them!

Everything, including the reserves, belongs to the Lawson family!

And every bit of wealth you create in the future will also belong to the Lawson family!

In the same way, if the Customs Department is established and you are completely out of control, then you can do whatever you want!

If you want to preach in Maruo City, then preach. If you want to change the tariff terms, then change the terms. If you want...

In short, whatever you want is fine.

Ethan also accepted this Inzaghi.

They wanted Maruo City to support them in establishing a customs office, but they didn't mention the issue of core interests at all, and instead talked about their ideals.

He also shouted that everything was for the people.

Do you think I, Ethan, am a three-year-old child?

Or maybe you think that I, Ethan, have done something for the people and am a pure and noble person who is dedicated to the people and does not ask for anything in return?

Is this the image of me, Ethan, in your minds?

How ridiculous is this?

Yes, yes, I, Ethan, did do something for the people.

However, there are conditions for that.

As the saying goes, if you are successful, you can help the world. The premise for me to help the world is that I develop first and benefit first.

And when it is served, I, Ethan, must sit at the main seat, otherwise I will be mentally ill and mess around here.

In the past, Ethan had never quite understood why Sophia was so afraid of the Temple Cult. Even when he had a conflict with the Holy Light Cult, he did not hesitate to persuade him to kneel down and admit his mistake to the Holy Light Cult, and he resolutely refused to introduce the Temple Cult.

After this conversation with Inzaghi, Ethan completely understood and saw the true face of the Temple Cult.

The Temple Cult is that kind of...well...how should I put it?

If the Holy Light Cult is compared to robbers and bandits, then the Temple Cult is a demon disguised as legal.

When the Holy Light Religion wants your property, they will come directly to grab it.

When the Temple wants your property, they will tell you, I am afraid that your property will be robbed by robbers, so I will keep it for you.

This is not only reflected in the "loyalty and dedication tax", but also in the negotiation of this exchange of interests.

The other party casually came up with a dispensable plan that only supported the promotion of banknotes from a legal perspective, in exchange for Maruo City's support in establishing a customs office.

In order to show his noble sentiments of serving the people wholeheartedly, he even made a false request to increase reserves and supervision.

How ridiculous!

They are not willing to lose any of their own core interests, but they want others to hand over their core interests.

And he also has to stand on the moral high ground and make people accept his suggestions, as if anyone who disagrees is the sinner of the people.

Ethan didn't know if they were acting this way because of greed.

Or is it because they really believe that they are representatives of the people, and they use the slogan that the interests of the people are supreme, so they are not willing to lose any interests.

If it's the former, it's actually okay. After all, human nature is so greedy, and they are just showing their true nature.

It's like your boss said to you, a cow and a horse: "You guys, do a good job so that I can get a new car next year."

After hearing this, you will feel angry at most.

But if it's the latter, that's terrible.

Some people may not understand what is so scary about this. After all, how can the interests of the people be used for negotiation?

Put another way, it may be easier to understand.

Their behavior is equivalent to your boss not mentioning a salary increase for you, but instead telling you: "I let you do so much dirty work, backbreaking work, and work overtime and stay up late. In fact, it is to train you. Everything is For your own good."

Yes, for your own good.

When I hear the words "for your own good", I ask you, are you afraid?

It is not difficult to see from this that although both religions want to enslave others, the Holy Light Religion at most only wants to enslave other people's bodies.

But the Temple Cult not only wants to enslave other people's bodies, but also wants to enslave other people's spirits.

Although Ethan is not sure which one of the above-mentioned Holy Light Religions belongs to, judging from the tax policy of the other party, he feels that there is a high probability that it is the latter.

Perhaps as of now, the various tax policies they have formulated are indeed to protect the people, and they have been implemented in place, truly protecting the interests of the people.

But the law is the law. Since it is clearly stipulated, whether it is actually implemented or not depends purely on the will of the law enforcers.

Take the "loyalty dedication tax" as an example. Since it is stipulated that the property of believers belongs to the church, when the church will take it away depends purely on when the church has no money.

They don't collect it now and don't enforce it now, but it doesn't mean they won't collect it in the future and won't enforce it in the future.

Even if they don't do it now, it's just because the base is not large enough and they think there is too little meat.

And it is not difficult to see from the background of this tax that they say they protect your property not because they really want to protect it, but because they don't want the Holy Light Church to take advantage of it.

In short, it can be said in one sentence: Under the slogan of doing good for you, they take advantage of you legally.

When Ethan saw the other party's true face, he was no longer in the mood to entangle with Inzaghi.

However, he still did enough to save face and would not embarrass the other party too much. After all, he was a guest invited by himself.

Of course, there must be some changes in the strategy of communication.

Ethan no longer creates the image of carefully considering the other party's suggestions, but treats the other party in his own way.

Since the other party likes to talk about ideals, then talk about ideals.

When talking about the people, Ethan said that he hoped that everyone would have a place to live and that every family would have bread and milk on the table.

As for how to do it, he said nothing.

When talking about the Customs Department, Ethan praised how important the Customs Department was, how it would play such and such a role, and how it would promote economic development.

As for who would be in charge of the Customs Department, he also said nothing, let alone express his position.

In short, it was an attitude. Who wouldn't play with falsehood?

In fact, Ethan had never thought of playing with real intentions, he just wanted to use the other party as a gun.

But the other party wanted to play with real intentions, but was unwilling to pay anything, and wanted moral kidnapping.

This made Ethan very unhappy, and he had to express his attitude.

In this way, after the two talked about ideals for two days, Ethan finally sent Inzaghi away, and he didn't pay any price...

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