Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 447: The War of the Roses and the End of the Blue Cross

Now that everyone is gone, Paul is no longer polite.

Since the speech that followed was a gamble on his future, he secretly organized his words in his mind, and then said firmly:

"Your Majesty, since you mentioned Maro Weekly, it is obvious that you have paid attention to that newspaper.

Then you should also know that the views expressed in that newspaper are actually the political will of Maro City, or the political will of the great swordsman.

The issue that attracted the most attention in newspapers was the issue of banknotes.

In other words, the political will of the Great Sword Master is obviously to promote banknotes.

Combining this willingness with what he is currently doing, it is not difficult to conclude that the reason why he is doing business with Red Rose is to continue our civil war and promote paper money to the world.

Of course, the logic is quite complicated, so I can only briefly explain it.

The general logic is as follows. They claim that as long as you have paper currency, you can exchange for grain from Maruo City under any circumstances.

This means that if they have a way to make other regions short of food, and at the same time they have a large amount of grain reserves, then they can use grain trade to forcefully promote paper money to other regions.

And ours is a grain-producing area. If we are in a state of war all the time, it will inevitably affect the grain output and thus the empire's output.

This fits their first requirement.

Once you understand this, it becomes clear what to do next. "

Duke Baldwin had hardly smiled since the outbreak of the Civil War, but after listening to Paul's analysis, he smiled.

This is a smile of appreciation and a smile of relief.

In the territory, there are not only people who are living in a dead position, there are also talented people and there is hope.

So he clapped.

"Bah bang bang!"

"The analysis is very good and accurate. So please finish your sentence."

Paul became more confident when he saw that the Duke supported his analysis.

So he slowly said: "Since Maruo City just wants to promote banknotes, then we can just join their banknote area directly, which will basically solve the current problem.

Of course, being basic, just adding a banknote section isn't enough to completely impress them.

Because even if we don't take the initiative to join, they can eventually force us to join by controlling war and food.

So in order to completely stop them from cooperating with White Rose, we also need to provide them with a blueprint. "

When Duke Baldwin heard this, he frowned: "What blueprint?"

"Your Excellency, the grain produced in our Seine River Delta accounts for more than 40% of the empire's grain production." Paul said passionately:

"If our three regions can unite, there will be no need for any war at all. Just relying on our production, we can control the food however we want.

In other words, as long as the three regions can unite, they can easily promote banknotes.

With our joining, the only thing left is the city of Icathia.

And this is the blueprint we want to give the great sword master. "

Duke Baldwin has long thought of a solution, and he has the same idea as Paul, which is to join the banknote area of ​​Maro City.

However, he really didn't think of this blueprint.

And he felt that Paul's analysis was more reasonable and comprehensive.

Suddenly, Duke Baldwin glanced at Paul again.

"Bah bang bang!" Duke Baldwin clapped again: "Please continue!"

Paul nodded and continued: "If this plan can really convince Marlow City, then it is certain that they will no longer fund Red Rose.

Our relationship with Maruo City will also be further developed, and various business exchanges will become more frequent.

Of course, the most important thing is various advanced technologies and cultural exchanges.

This will greatly promote the development of our economy and enhance our strength.

And, if the blueprint can be realized, does it also mean that for the Holy Rose family, we have completed the ideological reunification of the Seine River region.

Isn’t this what the Holy Rose family has always wanted? "

Everyone present fell into silence after hearing this.

Indeed, as Paul said, since the Holy Empire's split plan was implemented a thousand years ago, the Holy Rose family has been constantly split and split again.

Not only was the territory divided, but the hearts of the people were also divided along with it.

The more divided it is, the weaker it becomes. Now, even basic independence is difficult.

Red Rose depends on the face of the Holy Light Sect, and his family also wants to see the face of the Temple Sect. It can be said that they live like dogs.

Everyone forgets that the entire Seine area was once one family.

No one has long thought of unifying the family, let alone unifying the entire Seine River region.

Now that Paul suddenly mentioned this, Duke Baldwin's eyes turned red.

He tried his best to control his emotions and continued: "You only talked about the advantages, but you didn't mention the disadvantages at all!"

Paul nodded: "Of course! Lord Duke, as you said, everything in this world has two sides.

While there are advantages, there are also disadvantages.

The disadvantages of joining the banknote area include financial risks, gold outflow, etc. The specific content is in an early edition of "Maro Weekly".

If you have time, you can read it, it is very clear.

Because there are some things that I don’t understand at all, such as inflation, deflation and so on.

So I won't make a fool of myself here.

However, it is certain that unless the credit of paper money collapses, joining the paper money zone will not have any harm to current life. "

Paul's meaning has been made very clear, and it depends on how Duke Baldwin decides next.

But Duke Baldwin did not make any decision, but talked about other things.

"Sir Paul, how old are you this year?"

"35. Your Excellency the Duke!"

"Are you married?"

"Yes! I already have two children!"

"Very good! Then please divorce! A member of the Saint Rose family wants to marry you!"

When Paul heard this, his face changed drastically.

"My Excellency the Duke, I'm afraid this won't work. I love my wife deeply! I hope you won't interfere in my personal family!"

Duke Baldwin smiled slightly: "Generally speaking, I don't like to interfere in other people's family affairs.

In fact, I have never done this, but this time it won't work.

Otherwise, once you walk out of the door of this conference room, you may die.

I don't want to force you, I'm just protecting you.

I just want to give you a name, this is your amulet.

You can still live with your wife, and your personal life will not change.

Okay, that's all.

I'll give you three days to think about it, and I'll arrange someone to protect you during these three days.

After three days, I hope you can participate in the delegation to Maro City as a family member. "


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