Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 444: War of the Roses and the Blue Cross 4

Dawn City

Duke's Mansion

In a military meeting room, a man wearing a silver mask, a white robe, and white leather gloves wrapped himself tightly, sat in the main seat.

He is the current Duke of Saint Rose - Baldwin Saint Rose.

At this moment, he was quietly watching a group of his men blaming each other in front of him.

The reason for the blame was that the Maro City Council had funded the Red Rose Family for a week, and the Duke's Mansion only knew about the situation now.

Baldwin watched everyone accusing and scolding each other, and his heart was full of disgust, but he did not show it, just supporting his chin with one hand and watching everyone's performance quietly.

When everyone was tired of accusing each other and scolding each other, he asked in a low voice: "Who can tell me what happened?"

In the face of the Duke's question, the people who had just accused each other and talked eloquently suddenly became dumb, and everyone was silent, staring at each other.

"So, no one can tell me what happened, right?" Baldwin's tone was still low and unhurried, but colder than before.

At this time, an officer standing at the back without a seat stood up.

He saluted Baldwin first, and then reported in a humble tone:

"My Lord, the details are as follows.

On May 27, we found a fleet of cargo ships flying a blue cross flag, going upstream along the Seine River, and arrived at Dawn City two days later.

According to the report from our spies, a large number of strategic items including weapons, war horses, tents, etc. were unloaded from the fleet.

After the fleet unloaded the goods, a large number of commercial items such as magic metals were loaded from Dawn City.

Based on this situation, we can judge that Maro City is conducting trade activities with Dawn City.

And Maro City's move will obviously undermine our strategic deployment.

Here we need to emphasize one thing The meaning of the blue cross logo, after our investigation, we found that it was a newly established civil organization in Maro City.

It is a non-profit organization, whose purpose is to advocate world peace and provide basic humanitarian assistance to people suffering in war.

And its creator is a woman named Kenlina Miranda. ”

Hearing the name Kenlina Miranda, a well-dressed fat man sitting in the conference room muttered to himself: "Kenlina Miranda? This name sounds so familiar.

But I can't remember where I heard it. ”

Because the conference room is relatively quiet, the fat man's mumbling is particularly conspicuous, so everyone looks at him, waiting for his next words.

The fat man was stared at, and he immediately regretted speaking, because he couldn't remember who this woman was.

So he cast a look for help to the officer who had just reported.

The officer saw the fat man's gaze, and sneered in his heart.

This fat man is actually the garrison governor of Dawn City, that is, the highest commander of the garrison.

In other words, this officer is theoretically one of his subordinates.

However, because the fat man often withheld military funds for his own benefit, the officer hated him to the extreme.

Now he didn't even remember who Kenlina Miranda was, and he had to come out to embarrass himself.

The officer immediately began to add insult to injury without making a sound.

He did not reply to his superior, but replied to the Duke: "This woman has another title in Maro City, called Lady Champs Elysees, and she..."


Before the officer finished speaking, there was a booing in the field.

Obviously, the people present may not know who Kenlina Miranda is, but they must have heard of Lady Champs Elysees.

When the fat man heard that Kenlina Miranda was Lady Champs Elysees, his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

You know, Lady Champs Elysees does have some reputation in Dawn City, but it is a bad reputation.

The unintentional act just now made the fat man and Lady Champs Elysees' bad reputation linked.

Normally, you would definitely think that this fat man thinks about women all day long!

Although everyone is familiar with each other and knows what kind of person the other person is, they will be more or less restrained in formal occasions, and will not expose other people's shortcomings.

But if you jump out and embarrass yourself, don't blame others for taking advantage of your misfortune.

At that time, a man stood up and pointed at the fat man's nose and cursed: "You dead fat pig, as a garrison governor, you only care about women all day long.

No wonder Xingguang Town, which is so important, was successfully attacked by others.

After losing the defense, you still dare to shamelessly argue that the enemy is too powerful.

You, a waste, should be directly refined into lard."

The fat man was furious when he heard it, pointing at the other person's nose: "You..."

"You, you, what? If I were you, I would have died to apologize by now." The man was unreasonable: "Only you are so shameless, and you dare to sit here."

"I..." The fat man was so embarrassed that he couldn't speak properly.

"I, I, I what? I want to..."

"Shut up!" Just as the two were arguing, Duke Baldwin shouted and interrupted the quarrel.

This time the Duke's voice was very loud, covering all the other voices, and the meeting place immediately became quiet.

After the meeting place was quiet, he slowly turned his head to look at the officer, and his tone immediately turned back to the previous gentle appearance, saying: "Please continue!"

The officer saluted the Duke when he saw him use the honorific "you" and then replied.

"Yes, Your Excellency! The name of this Lady of Champs-Elysees comes from the organization she founded called Champs-Elysees Listening Book Club.

This listening book club aims to promote love and freedom, and encourages people to love and care for each other, so that the world will become a better place!

The reason why she founded this listening book club is because of her tragic experience when she was a child.

She was kidnapped by horse bandits when she was very young, and was rescued when she was nearly 20 years old. I guess only she knows what happened during that time.

But it is certain that this experience made her realize the sufferings of the world.

Fortunately, she did not sink into despair, but bravely stood up to help those who were suffering.

That is why she founded the Blue Cross, hoping to convey the concept of mutual help and mutual care to more people.

The above is the report on the Blue Cross in the latest issue of "Maro Daily".

Of course, I think everyone here knows the real situation.

This is a clear case of helping the war in the name of anti-war.

And we are the victims! "

After the officer's report, the whole audience was silent.

At this time, Duke Baldwin slowly stood up from his seat, and then slowly walked to the officer.

"What's your name? What's your position?"

"Paul Wallander, the garrison commander of Starlight Town."

"So you're from the Wallander family!" Duke Baldwin said gently, "Ah... I remember your name.

More than a month ago, it was you who led the troops to recapture Starlight Town!"

"I don't dare to accept the credit! It was my fault that Starlight Town was lost!"

Duke Baldwin nodded after hearing this, and stopped talking. Then he gently patted Paul's shoulder and turned to walk towards the fat man before.


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