Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 411: Some people are born either as horses or mules

Faced with Leon's soul-searching questioning, Lucario replied calmly:

"I don't want you to compete with Ethan anymore. If you continue to compete, the entire Stein family will be dragged into the abyss by you."

"Even if you don't want me to compete with him, there's no need to sell out the family's interests!" Leon sneered.

Since Leon repeatedly characterized this as selling out the family's interests, Lucario finally couldn't hold back his expression.

He stood up angrily and shouted loudly: "How did I sell out the interests of the family?

Do you think that without our family's inscriptions, Ethan can't make the fire blast cannon?

Then I tell you clearly that it is impossible.

The inscriptions of our family just changed the design ideas and accelerated the process.

With the strength of several legendary inscription masters in the Ethan system, plus the complete theoretical foundation provided by nearly a hundred magic professors, the determination to explore the world, and the support of nearly unlimited funds.

As long as they conduct more experiments, they will develop their own fire blast cannon sooner or later. You don't have to doubt this.

Now their research and development strength is there. If we don't participate now, do you think they will take us with them when they achieve success in the future?

Moreover, this inscription is in our hands. We have no ability to recreate this kind of space crystal. It can only eat dust.

It is their unparalleled inscription skills that have reproduced our glory in the past.

I just provided a very useless one for us. The inscription not only reproduces the grand scene of the space memory of the past, but also wins enough benefits for our family.

Ethan has promised to train 20 inscription talents for our family, which means that we will be able to freely and independently possess the inscription skills in the future.

In addition, Ethan could have embezzled this inscription, but he did not, and he showed enough respect for knowledge.

He originally planned to buy out our inscription for 1 million gold, but I did not agree. What I asked was that every time we use our inscription, we must pay us 5% of the total value of the item.

And the agreement has been signed.

I believe that our inscription will not only be used on the fire blast cannon, but also on various magic items in the future.

In other words, the inscription we provide will not only enable us to have superb inscription skills, but also bring us a steady stream of income, and let us participate in the forefront of inscription research.

How can I be considered to be selling out the interests of the family? "

Lyon's face eased a lot when he heard this.

"My dear uncle, I know that you have always been in charge of the family's magic affairs, but for such a big thing, you should at least communicate with me in advance!

You see, the inscription skills you mentioned can be learned even if we don't provide inscriptions.

I have received news that Ethan is going to establish an inscription school in Allen College.

We can just send family members to learn directly, why bother? Right!"

Lucario frowned after hearing this: "I would like to communicate with you, but I know very well that this may still work if I don't say it.

Once I say it, there is absolutely no hope for this.

You will only believe it if I do it in advance and let you see the results.

As for the establishment of the Inscription School in Allen College, do you really not understand, or are you pretending not to understand?

Do you think Ethan is really that generous?

It is true that he wants to establish the Inscription School, but those people are reserved to serve the Lawson family. They have to sign an agreement to enroll, and they have no personal freedom at all.

Can they be compared with the people who are freely cultivated by our family?

Do you want all the talents that the family has cultivated with great difficulty to serve the Lawson family?

I don’t think so!

And we are now clearly in a cooperative relationship with the Lawson family in the research of inscriptions, so you have to downgrade it to a subordinate relationship between superiors and subordinates? "

"Isn’t there a lot of room for maneuver here!" Lyon spread his hands and said: "Signing an agreement doesn't mean you have no personal freedom, right?

We just send people to study, how can it become a subordinate relationship?"

"Ah..." Lucario heard Leon's nitpicking and sighed heavily: "My dear Duke, Ethan is just an ordinary noble, and he is desperately maintaining the rules.

But you, as the master of Maro City, are always thinking about how to break the rules.

You should know that he has the [Locust Grace]. If he doesn't want to follow the rules, he can make the sixteen regions fall into famine at any time.

At that time, as long as he controls the food, he can make the sixteen regions fall into an irreparable situation.

But he didn't .

He would rather follow the rules and spend a lot of money and energy to study the fire blast cannon just to defend against possible sea attacks, rather than break the rules.

This is the biggest difference between him and you.

If you think breaking the rules can bring you any benefits, go ahead and I won't stop you.

However, I will still choose the current partnership.

I want to do something for our Stein family before I die, at least to leave some favors with Ethan.

Believe me, as long as Ethan is there, the rise of the Lawson family is unstoppable.

Anyone who stands in the way will be crushed to pieces. ”

Hearing this, Leon slowly sat down on the chair, lowered his head and said nothing for a long time.

Finally, he slowly raised his head and said in a low voice: "Do you think so highly of him?"

Rubio smiled bitterly: "This is not a question of whether we are optimistic or not, but something that has been proven by countless facts.

Look at his various measures when facing sanctions from other regions. Not only did Maro City not sink due to sanctions, but it burst out with stronger vitality.

Today's various situations in Maruo City, such as the economy, the cohesion of the people, and the humble Holy Light Sect, all explain everything.

I remember you told me that all this was your original dream.

I still remember you promised me that as long as it takes twenty years, you will be able to do everything you are doing now.

But, you didn't do it, he did it, and it only took less than a year.

Moreover, the future Maruo City will continue to develop at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Do you know how Ethan described the future of Marlow City to me?

He said that in the future, the world will realize a tragic reality, "Some people are born either horses or mules, but some people are born in Malo!" ’”

After hearing this, Leon fell into deeper silence.

After an unknown amount of time, he slowly came back to his senses.

"Do you think I should deepen our partnership with Ethan?"

Rubio nodded slightly: "I think so, this is good for us and harmless.

If you really understand his character, you will know that he is not actually a very ambitious person.

I even think that even if Ethan wants to rebel, he will push you to the front.

In other words, if he really rebels, you, my dear nephew, will be the one who sits on the throne of emperor!

So, why should you regard him as your opponent?

It's better to think of him as your loyal minister.

You see, he doesn’t help you run Maruo City well, and you don’t need to worry about everything.

Do you feel more comfortable when you think about it this way? "

Hearing this, Leon smiled for the first time tonight.

"That makes sense!"

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