Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 381: Goodbye Knight King

Through this diary, combined with the information he already knew, Ethan can basically determine that the Asyle family has an inseparable relationship with the [Deceiver].

And they are so obsessed with issuing banknotes, probably not for profit.

If you guessed it correctly, their ultimate goal is to control the economy by issuing banknotes, disrupt the economy, and cause chaos in the world.

And the assassination that happened before must have been done by the Arthur family.

In this case, there is only one thing to do next.

That means killing them all!

As for why we had to talk about evidence before, but now we just want to kill them all because of suspicion?

Again, all we need to fight terrorism is a list!

After figuring everything out, Ethan calmed down and waited for the other party to thaw.

This wait lasted more than a day.

However, the bastard [Deceiver] just hides in there and won’t come out.

Fortunately, although he didn't wait until he thawed out, he did wait for another person.

At dusk the next day, two eagles flew across the sky, and then a black shadow fell on them, hitting them not far from Ethan.

The visitor is of course the Knight King Gonzalez.

As soon as the King of Knights landed, he glanced at Bingtuozi and his brows were knitted together.

However, he immediately let go and walked towards Ethan with a smile.

"Nice to see you again, Sir Ethan!"

"Me too, Your Majesty the King of Knights!" Ethan replied with a smile.

Then he pointed to the ice lump on the side and said with a wry smile: "As you can see, he sealed himself in ice.

And I don’t know what kind of magic it is. It’s so strong that I can’t do anything with it. "

The King of Knights looked at Bingtuozi again, licked his lips and said, "This is the ice magician's most powerful life-saving skill [Ice Barrier]. Once used, he is invincible.

However, as far as I know, he is not an ice magician.

Why can I also use this rule skill? "

Having said this, the King of Knights lifted his chin and lowered his head, looking like he was thinking.

"Could it be..."

Suddenly, the King of Knights raised his head and looked at the Deceiver's finger.

I found that there seemed to be a gem missing from a ring on the finger of the other person's right hand, and I immediately understood everything.

Then he said: "He should be using the Noble Phantasm left by Lord Tadom, the God of Water - [Heart of Deep Cold]. Once this Noble Phantasm is activated, it will freeze himself for 100 years.

It seems that he must have been forced into a desperate situation by you before.

Otherwise, there is no way he would have done such stupid thing as claiming 100 years. "

Ethan heard the praise in the other person's words, but he didn't feel there was anything worthy of praise.

At the same time, Ethan also noticed a detail in the other party's words, so he said: "Self-proclaimed 100 years? Can I understand that he can't free himself?"

"Of course!" The King of Knights nodded: "Although this is the power of the strongest defense rules, it is not under his own control. Of course, he cannot escape just because he wants to!"

Because he was worried that the other party would suddenly thaw and escape, for more than a day, Ethan hardly dared to relax for a moment.

Now that he heard that the other party couldn't run away, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

However, another problem also arises.

Although the opponent couldn't run away, there was still nothing he could do against him.

We can't take him back first, put him on display in a museum for 100 years, and then let future generations kill him!

"Is there any way to break this ice? I won't feel at ease until he dies!"

Hearing this, the King of Knights lowered his head and laughed.

Because Ethan sounded like he was afraid when he said this.

This corroborates the recent collection of information about him.

The evaluation of this great swordsman in the data reads as follows:

Act impulsively, not enterprising, greedy for pleasure, addicted to beauty, and timid. If you are an ally, you can control it very well.

However, this Great Sword Master is tolerant towards others, distinguishes between public and private affairs, and does have a heart for the people. As the leader of Maruo City, that is a blessing to the people.

The information also specifically mentioned how he was greedy for pleasure.

I won’t talk about a pair of sisters.

Just talking about eating this one item makes people’s jaws drop.

According to the information, he likes to eat a dish called stir-fried phoenix tongue.

Every time this dish is made, 200 live chickens are needed, and only the chicken tongues are taken. It is impossible to calculate how much it costs for a meal.

He also said that he likes to drink a kind of green tea.

There is nothing wrong with drinking tea, but the tea he wants is extraordinary.

First of all, the tea leaves from the Andrew region must be the first crop. They must be picked by beautiful virgins at sunrise, and finally roasted by the top tea masters.

This tea alone costs 20 gold per gram.

His cup of tea is equivalent to the income of an ordinary person for several years.

In addition, the information also mentioned that he specially prepared a super canteen for his two pregnant wives, with 24 chefs working in three shifts to provide the most delicious food 24 hours a day.

Now is the fruit season, and all kinds of high-end fruits are being brought home one by one.

Then because they couldn’t finish eating, they dumped the food one by one.

In order for his wife to eat lychees, a specialty of the Osho Empire, he even abandoned a profitable route and went there specifically to purchase them.

In order to ensure that the lychees delivered are fresh, more than a dozen ice magicians were hired from the Adventure Guild to make ice, just to protect the fruits.

The level of luxury in his life can be described as crazy.

When I saw the information, I believed it because I had stayed in Lord Ethan's house and knew that the food there was really good.

But the Duke didn't believe it at all and thought that the spy sent had rebelled.

As a result, the liaison stationed in Maro City told the Duke that the spy did intend to rebel.

Because since she sneaked into Ethan's house, she gained 50 kilograms in just a few months.

She was afraid that such a good life would be lost and she didn't want to serve the Duke anymore.

In her original words, even the leftovers of Ethan were thousands of times better than the main dishes of five-star hotels.

Therefore, the liaison officer hoped that the Duke could increase the undercover allowance, otherwise he was afraid that he would not be able to keep this spy.

The Knight King vaguely remembered that when the Duke heard this reply, his eyes were confused.

Perhaps the Duke had never thought that people could live such a life and waste like this.

Now hearing Ethan say "uneasy", Gonzalez didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Of course you are not at ease. With your corrupt life, knowing that you can't root it out, anyone would feel uneasy!

But didn't you fight and rush to be the enemy of [The Deceiver] before?

Why are you suddenly so cowardly now?

Why are you so contradictory?

Although he thought so, Gonzalez didn't say so, but said: "To break the ice, only the dispelling magic of Lord [God of Fire] can do it.

However, I received news that Lord [God of Fire] is sick, and it seems that he is very sick, and he should not be able to come.

So, if you don't mind, let me take this man to the Northland first!"

Ethan came here this time, but he was determined to kill.

Now that he finally found out that there was a way to deal with the other party, but it was immediately shattered, he couldn't help but frown:

"How could it be such a coincidence? Seeing that the world's greatest scourge was about to be eliminated, Lord [Vulcan] actually fell ill at this critical moment?

Look, why don't we take him to the imperial capital and ask Lord [Vulcan] for help."

The Knight King sighed: "Because Lord [Vulcan] is sick, the entire imperial capital is now under martial law. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Uh... is she going to die?"

The Knight King nodded: "I don't know, but I can be sure that I won't see her.

Also, this may not be a coincidence!"

"Not a coincidence? What do you mean?"

The Knight King did not answer immediately, but looked at the golden figure that Ethan had frozen before with worry...

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