Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 345: The original owner of [Locust Grace]

As the summoning array lighted up, a ball of green smoke exploded in the summoning array out of thin air, and in an instant it covered the entire underground square.

This green fog is poisonous. 50 years ago, an unlucky guy was not prepared and died in this poisonous fog.

Ethan knew this long ago, so he would not make such a mistake again.

Before the summoning, he had already summoned his sword spirit in advance.

At this time, a golden figure stood in the center of the summoning array.

Due to the triggering of the blocking rule, a hemispherical golden light shield with a diameter of three meters was formed with the figure as the center, protecting Ethan and his companions.

The poisonous fog stopped in front of the light shield, rolling constantly, becoming more and more fierce, like boiling water.

Suddenly, with a "whoosh", the poisonous fog began to shrink rapidly, and finally turned into a spherical smoke ball as high as a person.

The smoke ball kept rolling inside, and kept collapsing, and finally turned into a green gem the size of a grain of rice.

Then the gem began to flicker like a firefly.

The green light flashed faster and faster, until it filled the whole room with bright light.

Finally, a figure walked out from the brightest spot, and the green light stopped abruptly.

"My supreme master, Walter Wojin Darkness Obsk Monk serves you."

Standing in front of him was a humanoid creature about two meters tall.

He was slender, covered with smooth, scaly skin, and emitting a faint green glow.

The outline of his head showed a strange shape between a human and a snake, with sharp eyes, golden irises, and upright pupils like cat's eyes.

The nose was very small, almost just two slender nostrils, and the mouth was more like a slender crack, with fangs flashing coldly inside.

There was a pair of curved horns on the top of his head, and the surface was covered with complex patterns, like a Viking warrior's helmet.

His upper body was naked, and he only wore some decorative armor on his shoulders and waist. These armors were made of metal and precious gems, engraved with ancient runes, and looked a bit like antiques.

The lower body is wrapped in soft silk, which is colorful and flutters gracefully as it kneels.

The snake man has sharp claws on both hands and feet, each claw is as sharp as a knife, flashing a metallic cold light.

There is also a long and powerful tail, with tiny scales on the tip of the tail. I don't know if it is a weapon for fighting or for maintaining balance.

Ethan didn't change its name. Anyway, he can be called Wojin or Monk, and he doesn't need to take a pseudonym, which is very convenient.

And its innate ability has long been known, which is [Split].

It can split into many small snakes, and the specific number is determined by the magic power of the body.

The split small snakes are also composed of magic power, which can drill into the ground, penetrate walls, and release poisonous fog.

It is perfect for reconnaissance and sneak attacks.

Since the apostle has been summoned, Ethan will not delay any longer. He will put away the apostle and leave.

Kyle turned into a red rope, Catherine turned into a small handkerchief, and Wojin turned into an emerald.

By the way, that old man Claude, his transformation is a metal clip.

Ethan simply used it to clamp the emerald and used it as a tie clip.

When Ethan had done everything and was about to leave, a loud "bang" was heard, and then the entire underground square suddenly shook.

Countless rocks fell from the top, as if they were about to collapse at any time.

"Not good!"

Ethan shouted, and quickly turned into a stream of light and returned along the original path.

But it was too late, countless fallen rocks had already blocked the passage.

Even the entire underground square began to collapse on a large scale.

In a blink of an eye, the entire rock top fell, and Ethan fell into darkness at that time.

On the ground, the entire orc camp sank into the ground due to the collapse, revealing a huge dark pit.

And on the side of the pit, an orc wearing a dark golden robe and wrinkled skin was floating in the air, frowning and staring at the pit.

There were also two strange humanoid creatures standing behind him.

One was over 5 meters tall, with red skin, a ghost-like face, and a ferocious look, but with a pair of angel wings on his back.

His upper body was naked, and a string of wooden beads the size of a fist hung around his neck.

He wore brown shorts and a pair of clogs.

His muscles were bulging all over his body, and he looked extremely fierce.

The other was short, estimated to be only about 1.5 meters tall, with a pointed mouth and monkey cheeks, and was wearing a white coat worn by modern doctors.

His pointed mouth was not a description, but a real mouth that was 30 centimeters long, sharp and thin, similar to an enlarged version of a mosquito's mouth.

With his hunched body, he looked extremely wretched.

Since the orc appeared, he has been frowning, staring at the deep pit under his feet, and never said a word.

At this time, the tall humanoid figure beside him said in beast language: "Master, such a deep pit, that bastard should have been crushed to death."

"No!" The orc replied: "I can sense him, not only is he not dead, but he seems to have become stronger.

The only good news is that he is not Ross.

Ross is indeed dead, the information is correct."

Just as the two were talking, there was a loud "bang".

Pieces of rock exploded from the pit, and then a huge two-headed snake poked its head out of the deep pit, spitting out red tongues and glaring at the orcs in the sky.

And on one of the snake heads, Ethan was standing.

Ethan squinted and stared at the orcs in the sky, looking again and again.

To be honest, he didn't know this orc, but he also knew this orc.

He said he didn't know him because he had never seen him before.

He said he knew him because, if he guessed correctly, he was the original owner of [Locust Grace].

Since he approached the North, Ethan has always felt that he was being watched.

In fact, this description is not very accurate.

The correct way to say it should be induction, because Ethan can also feel that the other party is approaching.

Ethan guessed that this should be the sequelae of the Sequence War.

For example, when two people in the Sequence War are at a certain distance, they will sense each other.

"Hanbamin Carrier Noisy Sleepless Kick-off Match Modification."

Just as Ethan was thinking, the orc spoke, chattering, and Ethan couldn't understand what he was saying.

At this time, Catherine took the initiative to translate: "He said he finally met you, a bastard."

Ethan laughed: "Ask him if the recent attack on Maro City was all his work behind the scenes?"

Catherine showed up after receiving the order, stood in front of Ethan, and spoke to the orc in bird language.

The orc smiled slightly after hearing it, and replied in bird language.

"What did he say?"

"He said let you guess!" Catherine translated truthfully.

Ethan was amused and was about to ask Catherine to say another word, but the other party had already started.


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