Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 343: Ridiculous Attack

Catherine is in charge of all the eagle eyes in the territory, so she knows everything that happened in the territory.

When Catherine said that the territory was attacked, Ethan was shocked.

"Attacking the New Manor? Are Angelina and Sofia there? Volibear is there! It should be okay!" Ethan asked unconfidently.

"They are going to attack the territory, not the New Manor, but the Leta Village in the territory.

I saw them, eleven of them, hiding in the woods behind the village." Catherine added.

When Ethan heard that it was not an attack on Turing Manor, his heart was finally put down.

As long as it was not an attack on the New Manor, everything would be fine.

However, this attack came at the right time.

It was calm for so long, and I thought it was okay, but as soon as I left, the attack came.

It was obvious that the other party had been staring at me for a long time.

Even I was like this, let alone others.

"Catherine, let Eagle keep an eye on them, and then let Lanchester and Embiid take care of them. Let them try to catch them alive."

Ethan thought that since they chose to attack a village without military force, their strength should not be very good, and they were probably just some small characters, so he ordered so.

"Ah!" Catherine was a little confused after hearing: "Aren't you going back? And why not let Volibear go? He can take care of those people in a moment."

Ethan did not answer why, but just asked Catherine to do it.

He himself stood in the air waiting for news.

On the other side, Lanchester and Embiid immediately led dozens of soldiers to set off after receiving the order.

However, they only sent a few people to rescue Leta Village, and the others were divided into two teams, heading in two directions.

Because there was no need to go to Leta Village anymore.

The team of attackers seemed to be very clear about the defense of Leta Village, and after a short assembly, they quickly launched a raid.

Their first target was the rotating guards stationed in the village.

However, before they launched a formal attack, Ethan ordered two extraordinary eagles to attack them first.

These two extraordinary eagles have the skills of [Steel Feather] and [Giant Strength], and their defense is relatively high.

They swooped down to the attacking team and launched [Eagle Scream] together at close range.

Since Ethan didn't know the specific strength of the opponent, he had no choice but to use this trick. He originally thought that although this trick should have no effect on the extraordinary, it could at least scare the opponent away.

Unexpectedly, just two [Eagle Screams] shook the team to the ground.

Some of them were not strong enough and vomited blood and fell to the ground. Although they didn't die, they also lost their mobility.

Only two of them were still quite strong. Not only did they not fall down, they also fought back with a hidden weapon similar to a whistle arrow.

One extraordinary eagle was hit by an arrow and was slightly injured.

And the two people, seeing that there was protection, did not continue to attack, but quickly dispersed and evacuated.

Now more than a dozen extraordinary eagles are following the two of them, and Embiid and his men are also chasing the two separately.

Ethan was a little amused when he learned about this.

Because from the previous attacks, the other party must have a master. Because they were afraid of luring the tiger away from the mountain, they did not dare to mobilize Volibear, so they could only take the risk of letting the extraordinary eagle take a try.

But I really didn't expect such a result.

Of course, if they dared to attack with this little strength, they must have a backup plan.

Ethan always felt that this attack was very strange, and it was completely different from the previous one.

Therefore, he was more convinced that his idea was right, and the other party must want to use the strategy of luring the tiger away from the mountain.

So he asked Catherine to notify Volibear to strengthen the defense.

Volibear received instructions and sat on the top floor with the Sword of Oath.

In the sky above his head, dozens of eagles that had not signed contracts were circling, paying close attention to all the movements of the manor.

At this time, Ethan was very hesitant about whether to go back. If only the village was attacked, he was reluctant to go back because he had already flown so far.

But now that he knew that the other party was using the tiger away from the mountain, although he did not succeed, he was still worried.

Finally, I thought that I could come back to the North, but Sophia and Angelina, as well as the children in their bellies, were my lifeblood and I couldn't lose them.

So I chose to go back.

However, halfway through the journey, I received news from Catherine that the two attackers who had escaped were caught.

And I found something special. After they were injured, one of them bled green and the other bled purple.

Ethan was stunned when he heard the news.

Because he had seen this colorful blood.

When they were in the North, the orcs not only had colorful skin, but also had colorful blood.

In other words, the orcs were the ones who launched the attack.

"Do those two look like humans or orcs?" Ethan asked.

Although Catherine had never seen an orc, she replied affirmatively: "Anyway, they look like normal people."

Ethan stopped when he heard this.

After thinking for a moment, he turned around and flew to the North.

Catherine saw this and shouted, "Why don't you go back suddenly? Why do you keep changing your mind?"

Ethan didn't answer why, but flew towards the north firmly.

Since it was an attack by orc lurkers, it must be unrelated to the previous attack. They just wanted to muddy the waters, so they must have no backup plan.

Because the strongest orcs can only be orcs. Their appearance is so different from humans that it is absolutely impossible to blend in with humans.

As for those half-orcs who look similar to humans, they are not qualified to be strong at all, and have no hope of becoming strong.

They are just consumables for real orcs.

In the end, things went as Ethan expected, there was no trick, it was just a simple attack.

Volibear sat on the roof until dawn, but he didn't find an enemy, and there wasn't even any movement around him.

And Ethan finally arrived at the camp where the two-headed snake was found at dawn.

As soon as he arrived here, Ethan felt as if a pair of eyes were staring at him.

In fact, this feeling has been around since we got closer to Northland.

But when I got here, the feeling was particularly strong.

However, he has no time to care about this now, because by coincidence, a sacrifice is being held in this camp again.

Thousands of orcs still surrounded a strange totem like last time.

However, this time he was not kneeling down, but just preparing for the ceremony.

There are those who move the wood, there are those who build the platform...

Looks very busy.

Based on his last experience, Ethan knew that after these orcs held the ceremony, they should be about to send troops.

In other words, there is going to be another war in the Northland.

Ethan took a rough look at the number of people in mid-air, and found that there were about 2,000 to 3,000 people.

Not much.

The last time he saw such a scene, he didn't move because he was worried about the mage.

But now... hum...

So, without any hesitation, Ethan slowly descended to the center of the camp.

A group of orcs were busy when they suddenly saw a human falling from the sky, and it was just one person. He didn't even have weapons on him. They were all stunned.

However, he was stunned for only a second before strange cheers erupted in the venue, and then everyone rushed forward ferociously, surrounding Ethan.

Many orcs had gleaming eyes, licking their mouths, staring at Ethan, the axes in their hands flashing with cold light.

One of the orcs, seeing Ethan standing there motionless, couldn't wait any longer. He screamed "Oooh, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah" and was about to rush forward.

But a blue-skinned orc suddenly appeared and stopped him.

The orc was very tall, more than three meters tall, and one of his arms was almost the same size as Ethan's entire body.

Coupled with a body of tendon meat and sixteen-pack abdominal muscles on the waist, it is very visually oppressive.

He drove away the people surrounding Ethan, leaving a large space open. Then he threw away the battle ax in his hand and chirped at Ethan.

After saying that, he slowly walked towards Ethan with a smile on his face.

Ethan couldn't understand what he was talking about, but fortunately Catherine showed up and explained: "He said you are very brave and will give you the treatment of a warrior duel. One-on-one, empty-handed against empty-handed."

Ethan was a little dumbfounded when he heard this: “Tell him that he is also very brave.

I am also very interested in single-handedly challenging them all, but I am single-handedly challenging them all. "

Catherine responded, "Oh."

Then he stood in front of Ethan, spread his legs, put one hand on his waist, and pointed at the orc with the other, and started chirping with a fierce expression.

"The sandblasting and spitting work has not been done yet, and the people and people are spending a few seconds. It is not good, and there is no way to overcome it!"

When the orcs saw a girl suddenly appear and threaten them, not only were they not afraid, but they burst into laughter.

This made Catherine very angry. She felt that her expression just now was fierce and the other party would be very scared, but she did not expect this result.

"Master, fuck them!"

Ethan was already smiling and looking like a calm master, walking towards the blue-skinned orc, ready to take action.

But when she heard Catherine's words, she stumbled and almost fell.

This action made the orcs laugh even more...

And while the orcs were laughing and laughing, a silent... golden thunderstorm suddenly broke out in the entire camp!

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