Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 336: The assassination begins

It was Lili who came through the door.

She came to Ethan's ear and whispered something quietly.

After hearing this, Ethan's face changed slightly, his brows furrowed into a "Sichuan" shape, and there was a hint of anger in his eyes.

However, it passed in a flash.

He tried to speak to Alexander in a calm tone: "You have been living in the manor recently, don't go back to your small courtyard in the city.

No, you should not go to the academy for a while. I will invite teachers to teach here. "

Alexander was in a state of excitement after being told by Ethan before, and was about to show off, but Ethan suddenly refused to let him go to the academy. He couldn't accept it for a while.

"Can I ask, what happened?"

Ethan pursed his lips and smiled: "It's a coincidence that just when I told you about villains, there was a clown playing tricks in front of me.

One of my key allies in the Council has been assassinated, and someone is clearly targeting those close to me.

I'm worried that this may happen again, and I don't want anything to happen to you.

So, stay at my place honestly recently and don't run around.

Do you understand? "

Alexander then knew that Ethan really cared about his safety, so he nodded.

Ethan looked at Embiid again: "Alexander has been entrusted to you recently. Don't let anything happen to him, and teach him some knowledge about the Force."

"Yes, Master!"

Ethan nodded and said to Alexander: "Learn from Embiid during this time. He is the best knight in Marlow City, bar none.

If you learn well, I will provide you with Force cards to awaken your Force.

Of course, you have to understand that although I can protect you now, men still have to rely on themselves in the end.

Only through your own efforts can you achieve yourself. "

Alexander was so moved that he almost cried when he heard Ethan's promise and encouragement.

The hatred towards Ethan disappeared immediately.

So he nodded heavily like a well-behaved younger brother.

After Ethan finished speaking, he rushed to the scene with Lanchester.

The assassinated was Joseph of the Pillman family.

Joseph is the congressman who has always been the vanguard for Ethan.

Whenever Ethan had something to say, a proposal that was difficult to raise, or something that offended people, this Joseph would be the clown for him in the parliament.

The Pillman family chose to back down during the Holy Light Church incident before, but Ethan forgave them and through operations, allowed them to regain their seats in the parliament.

Now the Pillman family is in the parliament and is Ethan's absolute supporter.

But now Joseph has been killed, obviously for Ethan.

It was his mistress who killed him. It is said that she stabbed him twelve times in the back and Joseph died on the spot.

Yes, stabbed twelve times in the back.

The same way Yellen died in the Iris Society.

When Ethan arrived at the scene, he was also shocked by the bloody scene.

There was blood everywhere, and a trail of blood trailed from the bedroom to the living room.

And Joseph was lying in the living room on the way to the door, with twelve shocking wounds on his back.

As soon as Ethan arrived, Joseph's wife came crying and complained, asking Ethan to seek justice for them.

Ethan had no choice but to comfort her first.

However, Ethan felt that something was wrong with Joseph's wife.

Because although she looked sad, Ethan couldn't hear much sadness in her crying.

Obviously, the relationship between Joseph and his wife was not that good.

However, Ethan still promised her that he would give Joseph justice, and then he would have time to do business.

Ethan squatted next to the body and asked the sheriff who was in charge of the matter: "How is it?"

“Reporting to Your Majesty the Great Sword Master is the work of a professional killer.

You see, these twelve cuts seem to have no rules, but in fact each cut perfectly avoids the bones and goes straight to the vital point. "

With that said, the Sheriff gently opened the body and asked Ethan to take a closer look.

Only then did Ethan realize that the blades of the knife actually penetrated each other.

The knife penetrated from the back, passed perfectly through the gap between the ribs, and emerged from the chest.

There was even a mark of the tip of the knife on the floor.

Ethan licked his lips and asked again: "Where is the woman?"

"It's been tightly controlled."

"Did she say anything?" Ethan asked again.

Of course the security officer knew that Ethan was asking if the woman had revealed the murderer, so he replied: "No, she seems to know nothing!"

When Ethan heard this, he frowned: “She doesn’t know?

So how do you know it was her who did it, and there are such details? "

"All we know is what the guard of Representative Joseph who was at the scene and witnessed everything said."

Having said this, the Sheriff looked around, then asked others to stay away, then approached Ethan's ear and whispered:

"Your Majesty the Great Sword Master, I think you may want to ask why the guards didn't stop this since they were present.

The thing is, Joseph's hobbies are not the same as others.

This guard is his...


Your Majesty the Great Sword Master, you see that the other person is already dead, and it’s hard for me to say bad things about him. I hope you can understand. "

Having said this, the Sheriff paused for a moment, and then continued: "In short, the guards know everything about what happened here.

When we arrived here, he was conscious at the scene, but his movements were restricted.

The woman, on the other hand, was holding a knife and sitting on the ground with blank eyes. "

After hearing this, Ethan covered his forehead and felt that his outlook was about to be shattered.

Although I knew the tricks the nobles played, I didn't expect them to go to this extent.

Ethan suddenly realized that he had gone off topic, so he returned to the main topic and asked, "Where are the people? Take me there!"

"Yes, Your Excellency the Great Sword Saint!"

Ethan followed the sheriff to a heavily guarded cell where the mistress and the guard were imprisoned.

Ethan first interrogated the woman, thinking that she was playing dumb.

But after asking a few questions, the result surprised Ethan.

Catherine was sure that the woman was not lying. She didn't know who was behind the scenes, or even what happened.

The only thing she knew was that she killed Joseph.

As for why she killed people?

She herself didn't know.

It was just clear that she knew that she had killed someone, and it was a noble, which meant that her death was not far away.

Therefore, she was in no mood to talk about it, and most of the time she was crying and begging for mercy.

The situation of the guard was similar to that of this woman.

He didn't know what happened either, he only knew that his good friend suddenly killed Joseph.

Then he kept begging for mercy.

Ethan felt a little dizzy when facing the result of the interrogation.

However, although the interrogation was fruitless, he met William of the Iris Society as soon as he went out...

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