Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 331: Nothing can happen to her

After getting on the carriage, Ethan asked: "What happened?"

Anna immediately explained the matter.

It turned out that in order to deal with Capudo, Sofia sent spies there, firstly to detect Capudo's movements, and secondly to set up a situation for Capudo.

After learning that Capudo was wary, although she had withdrawn most of the spies, she still left an intelligence officer named Sarah there for backup.

This Sarah was the person in charge of assisting Embiid's escape. As a receptionist for a chamber of commerce, she was lurking in the border city of Newdaka.

Originally, her identity was very hidden and she should not be in danger.

But news just came that her identity was exposed.

The Knights of the Holy Light Religion broke into the chamber of commerce and arrested her in front of everyone on charges of espionage. Now her life or death is unknown.

Sophia hopes Ethan can save her.

After hearing this, Ethan's first reaction was not whether to save people, but who was behind it.

If no one is doing anything, how can a lurking person who does nothing be discovered?

And this happened by chance, right at the time of conflict with the Iris Club.

So he asked: "Is it iris that can do it?"

"It's not clear yet." Anna looked anxious: "Knight Ethan, now we are not thinking about who leaked the secret, but we should save Sarah first.

She is our family's most important intelligence officer and has made many contributions to the family. Nothing can happen to her. "

Ethan is not as worried as Anna.

Of course, it’s not that he doesn’t care about Sara’s life, but that he knows very well that Sara’s life is not in danger for the time being because she was arrested in public.

If Capudo really wanted to kill her, he would have assassinated her directly instead of arresting her in public.

However, seeing Anna so worried, Ethan could see how important this Sarah was to the family.

Therefore, Ethan did not have time to delve into the reasons behind it, so he could only save people first.

"It seems it's time to have a good chat with Capudo."

After muttering something to himself, Ethan ordered people to send Anna back first, while he flew directly to the border city of Newdaka.

After flying all the way, it took seven or eight hours, and we finally arrived.

This time, due to the improvement of the force, there were fewer breaks in the middle, which saved a lot of time.

Upon arriving at Border City, Ethan went directly to the Holy Light Church in Border City without staying too long.

It was already late at night, and as soon as he landed at the door of the church, several guards patrolling the church surrounded him.

"Who? Dare to break into the Holy Light Church at night?"

A loud shout came, and the church guards drew their swords and looked at Ethan warily.

Ethan stretched out his hand to signal everyone not to be nervous: "My name is Ethan, from Maro City. Please inform Mr. Capudo that a friend has something important to ask him."

As soon as everyone heard that the visitor had announced their home, they all put away their swords and showed kind smiles on their faces.

Seeing this scene, Ethan couldn't help but frown.

These people have no reason to know themselves!

Why does this happen?

Just when Ethan was confused, a patrolman led by him trotted forward.

"Your Majesty the Great Sword Master, we have been waiting for you for a long time. Lord Caputo has told us that if you come, let us take you directly to see him."

"plz follow me!"

As he said that, the soldier made an invitation gesture and invited Ethan to go with him. His attitude was extremely respectful.

This made Ethan even more confused.

Kapudo has changed his gender?

How is that possible!

What trick is he playing again?

Ethan doesn't care what tricks the other party plays, with his current strength, he is not afraid of any threats of force.

So he took a step forward and followed the soldier into the church gracefully.

The two of them turned left and right in the church, and when they encountered inspections and questioning on the way, they were all handled by the leading instructors.

When the interrogators knew that the person coming was Ethan, they showed respectful eyes like the previous instructors, and then let him go.

This made Ethan even more confused about what Capudo was doing.

The two finally came to a room. When they arrived, the instructor said:

"Your Majesty the Great Sword Master, this is it. Lord Caputo is waiting for you inside!"

With that said, the instructor opened the door without knocking.

Ethan nodded to the instructor, expressed his gratitude, and stepped into the room.

After entering the door, I found that the room was extremely luxuriously decorated, and all kinds of furniture and furnishings were made of the most expensive materials.

But there was no one in the room, only the sound of running water came from the bathroom.

Ethan frowned immediately, wondering what trick Capudo was playing, because it was not Capudo in the bathroom.

However, Ethan knew Sara was okay.

Because it was Sarah who was taking a shower in the bathroom.

Ethan had met Lady Sarah before and knew her scent.

There's no mistake, it's her!

But what does Capudo mean?

Let someone bring you here, but you don't show up?

And nothing seems to have happened to Sara.

It even seemed like he was doing pretty well!

Ethan was full of doubts at this time.

However, there was no rush. I found a random chair in the room and sat down, waiting quietly.

After an unknown amount of time, the bathroom door opened.

Sara came out wiping her hair with a towel and patting her ears.

When she found someone sitting in the room, Sara was immediately startled.

However, many years of intelligence career have made her calm. She adjusted her mood in time to prepare for what was about to happen.

But when she looked carefully and found that it was Ethan sitting in the room, she couldn't believe it was true.

So she rubbed her eyes to see more clearly.

When she finally confirmed that the person was Ethan, she immediately showed surprise on her face and exclaimed: "Sir Ethan!"

As she said that, she threw herself on Ethan: "Is it really you? Sir Ethan, are you here to save me?"

Ethan was sitting on a chair, his neck was hugged by Sarah, and his hands didn't know where to put them, so he could only hang in the air, and smiled awkwardly:

"I am indeed here to save you! But I don't think you need anyone to save you! So what happened?"

Just when Sarah was about to reply, she suddenly realized that she was so happy that she didn't even wear clothes.

So she smiled embarrassedly: "Sir Ethan, please wait a moment, I'll put on my clothes first."

After that, Sarah got out of Ethan's arms and went to find clothes on her own. She didn't avoid suspicion, carrying Ethan on her back, bending over, and searching in the closet.

Ethan accidentally glanced at him, and his blood boiled immediately. Fortunately, he suppressed the anger with reason and self-discipline in time.

Of course, Ethan was only seventeen years old after all, so everything was understandable.

But Sarah didn't understand. She was flipping through clothes and found that Ethan had been staring at her. She felt cold, so she said angrily: "Sir Ethan, you are not a gentleman!"

Hearing this, Ethan smiled awkwardly and turned his head to the other side...

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