Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 328: A historic meeting

Ethan felt that his plan was completely feasible because of Catherine.

Catherine had no other skills, but she could transform!

As long as he knew where the mint was, he could let Catherine disguise herself as an employee and get in, and he would be able to find out all the secrets.

A perfect corporate spy.

Then he would let Volibear accompany her and protect her secretly, without any safety risks.

Ethan decided to do it this way, and he had to find out the manufacturing process of paper money anyway.

As for whether to make counterfeit money, it depends on whether Iris will listen.

If they dare to issue paper money without him at the table, don't blame him for harvesting them.

But then again, Ethan didn't want to harvest them, after all, Iris played a lot of positive roles in coastal freight delivery.

If he harvested them, although it would destroy their harvesting of others, the entire coastal economy would also be hit hard because they lost their credit.

Ethan didn't want to do this.

In fact, it seemed that he couldn't do it this way.

Once the coastal economy is hit hard, many merchants and ordinary civilians will go bankrupt.

As mentioned before, only the few people at the table can benefit, and no one else can escape.

If people know that it is the counterfeit money made by me that sucked away a large amount of gold coins and caused the economic collapse, then it will really infuriate the public.

By then, looking around, everyone will be the enemy.

It is completely unnecessary to go to that extent for a little profit.

From this point of view, I have no ability to stop the Iris Society from issuing paper money, and I don’t even dare to destroy it.

What I can do is perhaps to maintain the gold standard currency model in the Maro City area to prevent being harvested.

Perhaps it would be harmless to make some counterfeit money appropriately and take some food from those people’s mouths.

"Alas!" Thinking of this, Ethan sighed.

The counterattack mode that had just been established was immediately rejected by himself, and Ethan was helpless.

And the defensive plan was not the result he wanted.

What he wanted was for the parliament to issue currency with its credit, not a private institution.

He didn't want to make a profit from it, he just wanted to facilitate people's transactions.

But because he didn't have the right to mint coins, this was obviously...

Eh... not right!

Since the Iris Club can borrow the Duke who has the right to mint coins to issue currency, then our Maro City can do the same.

And the candidate is ready, that is the Duke of the North!

If we can really borrow the Duke of the North to issue paper money, although we can't destroy the Iris Club's currency issuance, the parliament will have autonomy.

While preventing the wealth of Maro City from being harvested, we can also enjoy the convenience brought by paper money and avoid many financial risks.

And through monetary policy, we can also control economic development and stabilize prices...

Wait, there are too many benefits to count.

The more Ethan thought about it, the more this made sense.

Since you, the Iris Club, pulled up a table and didn't let us Maro City get on the table, then we will pull up a table ourselves.

And the two entities of our table are complementary, and the benefits are too numerous to count.

For example, the most scarce thing in the North is food, while the least scarce thing in Maro City is food.

If the currency is linked to food, it is similar to linking the US dollar to oil.

This is much better than linking the currency to gold.

In fact, the credit of the US dollar was once linked to gold, but later because the US dollar was over-issued, the United States did not allow the exchange of US dollars for gold.

This made the credit of the US dollar drop to a low point, and basically no one was willing to accept the US dollar.

However, the United States linked the US dollar to oil in return. They controlled the oil-producing countries and stipulated that oil transactions must be priced and settled in US dollars.

And oil is the blood of industry. Every country cannot develop industry without oil.

This move is equivalent to strangling the necks of most countries.

Other countries have to exchange real gold and silver for US dollars for oil, and then use US dollars to exchange oil.

This is one of the reasons for the formation of US dollar hegemony, and it is a very important reason.

In this era, although food cannot be compared with oil, it is also scarce.

If you can control food and stipulate that food must be priced and settled in the currency issued by the parliament.

Then, as time goes by, in theory, the currency issued by the parliament should also form hegemony and be widely used.

Eventually replace the currency issued by the Iris Club.

Of course, there are many problems to be solved.

For example, how to control food?

How to persuade the Duke of the North to join?

How to prevent counterfeiting?

How to promote?

How to formulate policies to ensure that the basic principles and logic of issuing banknotes are truly for maintaining the stability of currency and promoting economic development?

And ensure the safety and credibility of currency?


Ethan thought more and more deeply, and finally the whole person was stunned.

Sophia on the side was also stunned. She had never seen Ethan so lost in thought.

This time she did not disturb Ethan, but just watched quietly by the side, and did not dare to make a sound.

I don’t know how long it took, Ethan finally woke up from his meditation.

The first thing he did when he woke up was to grin.

Then he looked out the window and found that it was dark.

Ethan frowned and glanced at Sophia beside him.

"How long have I been thinking about it?"

Sophia smiled: "A long time! So what did you think of?"

Ethan smiled slightly and told Sophia about the plan in his mind.

After hearing this, Sophia was shocked by Ethan again.

Because she had heard a lot of what Ethan said but didn't understand.

For example, how to avoid over-issuance of currency, because over-issuance will bring inflation.

What is inflation?

What is deflation?

There are also a lot of strange terms, such as macroeconomics, monetary hegemony... and a series of terms that she has never heard of.

Although Sophia couldn't fully understand Ethan's idea, she roughly understood what Ethan meant.

It was about cooperating with the Duke of the North to jointly issue paper money.

Then this paper money was linked to food, and it was stipulated that this was the only currency that could be used in Maro City.

As long as you hold this kind of paper money, you can definitely buy food in Maro City.

Other currencies, whether gold or silver, must first be exchanged for the currency issued by the parliament before you can buy goods.

This means that Maro City has an independent monetary system.

And according to Ethan, this monetary system is stronger than the system for exchanging gold, and it will definitely be widely recognized by the world.

Finally, monetary hegemony will be achieved, and everyone will recognize this currency as they recognize gold.

Sophia didn't know whether Ethan's ultimate wish could be realized, but she knew that if she could really issue currency with the Duke of the Northland, then she could perfectly avoid all the risks brought by Iris.

So she talked with Ethan about the feasibility of cooperation with the Duke of the Northland and various specific plans.

The two chatted all night.

Even all the financial officers of the family were called, and more than a dozen clerks were arranged to record the content of the meeting.

The financial officers who were called were all confused at first.

And because it was after get off work, everyone was reluctant.

But when they heard Ethan's idea, everyone's eyes changed.

After all, this group of financial officers are professionals who deal with money all their lives. When they heard Ethan's plan, they immediately realized that this was not a simple financial meeting.

If it is really as imagined, a new credit system is established and a new currency is issued, it will be a historical event.

Realizing that they are participating in historical events, no financial officer feels tired anymore, and everyone is like chicken blood...

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