Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 277: Departure to the Plane World

When Sophia finished explaining the precautions, Ethan walked into the alchemy array and sat cross-legged on the ground as instructed.

Seeing that Ethan was ready, Sophia began to chant magic.

Suddenly, a snowflake-like sign lit up on the ground where Ethan was sitting.

As the snowflake sign lit up white light, the alchemy array lines on the ground also slowly lit up from the inside to the outside, and lit up various colored gems in turn.

When the entire alchemy array was fully activated, Ethan felt dizzy.

He shook his head and tried to wake himself up.

"Ethan, don't resist, sink your consciousness into the sword spirit!" Sophia reminded Ethan when she saw him trying to wake up.

Ethan did it immediately, and his consciousness instantly fell into darkness.

Endless darkness!

Can't see anything, can't hear anything!


He felt his body began to sink continuously, as if it was the strange feeling that appeared from time to time in dreams.

Ethan wanted to stop the feeling of falling, but he was powerless and could only let it go.

He was helpless at this time. He didn't know where he was, and the Volibear and others who had been arranged in advance were nowhere to be found.

He tried to call, but there was no response.

Such a completely uncontrollable situation made Ethan start to worry.

At this time, a bright light suddenly appeared under his feet.

The light became brighter and brighter, and Ethan saw hope, but he was also curious about what the light was.

Until it came to the front, Ethan found that it was a circular exit, a hole that suddenly appeared in the endless darkness.

And when he understood what it was, Ethan's body also got into the hole.


The scene changed.

There was light all around.

Blue sky, white clouds, strong wind, earth, hanging mountains, hanging rivers... and himself who kept falling!


Ethan began to scream loudly.

Because at this time he was falling rapidly to the ground like a skydiving, and he was the kind without a parachute.

"Ah... No way!"

Will I still be alive if I fall to the ground?

Seeing the ground getting closer and closer to him, Ethan's eyes were about to pop out of his eye sockets.

At this time, Volibear's voice sounded beside his ears.

"Master, this is a plane world, which has nothing to do with the rules of the real world.

You think there is no gravity here, it has no gravity, it is your perception that makes you keep falling!"

Hearing this, Ethan immediately changed his cognition with psychological suggestion.

"No gravity, no gravity!"



Ethan's psychological suggestion did not work at all, and he just smashed straight into the ground with a loud noise.

The ground was smashed so that a hill bulged upwards.

Yes, it was bulging, not sunken!

And Ethan stood up from the peak as if nothing had happened.

In fact, not only was it okay, but he felt very comfortable.

When he hit it just now, it felt like hitting a giant marshmallow, very soft, a little sticky, and a little sweet.

This sweetness is not something entering the mouth, but a physical feeling. The skin feels sweet when it touches the soil.

"What the hell?"

Ethan was still in shock and cursed!

Only then did he have the mind to check himself.

Only then did he find that his body had become a human figure with a faint golden light, with only a rough outline but no details.

He touched his face with his hand and found that his hand went directly through his head.

Just when Ethan was wondering what was going on, Volibear and others appeared.

They were just like him, with only a rough outline, but they could see any details clearly.

And the light they emitted was different from his own.

Except for Volibear, who was a faint silver light, everyone else was a faint white light.

"So, what's the situation now?" Ethan looked at Volibear and asked.

"Master! This is how the plane world is.

The rules here have nothing to do with the real world. Once you act with the knowledge of the real world, you may not even be able to walk.

And all the creatures here exist in the form of energy bodies.

If you want to be present, you must be in your own exclusive space. Only the rules there can match you.

So master, you may need to adapt first!"

After listening to Volibear's introduction, Ethan tried to walk.

As a result, as soon as he took a step, he felt his feet slip. Although he didn't fall, he was constantly moving backwards.

The more he wanted to stop, the faster he moved back, as if he was in space, and there was a thruster on his chest that kept pushing him back.


Ethan felt helpless. The physical rules of the real world didn't work here at all, which made him extremely uncomfortable.

Finally, under Volibear's guidance, it took him two full hours to gradually adapt to the strange rules here.

The current situation is that Ethan is floating in the air like a ghost. No matter where he goes, he doesn't need to move his legs, just his consciousness.

"Okay! I've adapted! Take me to the [Heart of the Universe]!" Seeing that the time was almost right, Ethan quickly got down to business.

As for Sophia's request to return in two hours, he didn't care at all.

Kyle said "yes", then drew his sword and waved it casually, and suddenly a circular black hole was split open in the space, and he led the way and rushed in.

Seeing this, Ethan followed in.

After entering, I found that it was dark all around.

However, this time was different from before. Before, I could only feel my body but could not see it, but now I could clearly see everyone's body.

In the darkness, a bright light, like a star in the deep sky, was constantly flickering.

"Master, that's the [Heart of the Universe]! If you want to go there, you must turn your back to it, otherwise you will only get farther and farther away!" Kyle was afraid that Ethan would fly directly to the [Heart of the Universe], so he reminded him in advance.

After hearing this, Ethan was overwhelmed, but he still followed Kyle's instructions and turned his back to the [Heart of the Universe].

As a result, more than an hour passed before he arrived in front of the [Heart of the Universe].

Looking back at this time, Ethan was stunned.

This is not a crystal heart as big as a mountain, it is clearly a planet!

At this time, Ethan felt like an astronaut, in the synchronous orbit of the earth, and in front of him was a crystal heart as big as the earth.

The heart was beating like a living being, and green stars were constantly spurting out from the blood vessels.

The green stars were like satellites of the earth, rotating around the planet in groups, forming rings of green ribbons.

This scene was spectacular and strange.

After being stunned for a while, Ethan realized that there was still something to do.

So he asked Claude to take out his backpack and collect the sands of time.

Because he didn't know how much was needed, Ethan asked Claude to collect more.

Claude did it, of course, and because his backpack had a special ability, he collected the sands of time very quickly.

In just half an hour, a ring of green ribbons was about to disappear.

Ethan estimated that it was almost done, so he asked him to stop.

At this time, Volibear also waved his hand and opened a new space hole with the power of thunder and lightning.

"Master, this is where we are going!"


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