Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 209: Sudden attack

Although the Lawson family runs many businesses, their main business is logistics and warehousing. .

Logistics and warehousing in this era are completely different from modern definitions.

It does not focus on the transportation itself, but rather on the value of the goods.

To put it simply, it is a business of buying and selling.

Anyone who has ever done this business knows that profits are thin and financial pressure is high...

Not to mention how good the business is.

Therefore, the Lawson family had always been tepid before the development of maritime transportation.

However, all this has completely changed with the rapid development of shipping.

The maritime history of the Lawson family goes back twenty or thirty years ago.

When Viscount White Lawson was still in charge, that was when Sofia's father was in charge, he was keenly aware of the importance of shipping to logistics.

Therefore, the Dominic family joined forces to create a large shipyard.

The main reason why we approached the Dominic family to cooperate is because this family has always been engaged in this industry.

Not only has a large area of ​​teak trees been planted, but it also has a large number of skilled shipbuilders.

The two families hit it off as one wanted a large cargo ship and the other wanted to expand.

At first the two of them didn't know what this meant, they just wanted to get what they needed.

And because shipping has always been synonymous with danger, other families in Maruo City are not very optimistic about this business, and even laughed at the stupidity of the two families.

It was not until the Lawson family created huge wealth in a short period of time by relying on shipping that the two families realized what this shipyard represented.

Of course, they understood it, and so did others, so they joined in one after another.

It's just that shipbuilding is really not an industry that you can join if you want. It has certain technical barriers.

Other families have no people and no technology, so it is impossible to join them.

But the golden coins are there, so you can’t let them go!

What to do?

Grab it!

The kind of robbery.

Who told them to have both strength and power?

As a result, the shipyard, which was originally only a cooperation between the Lawson family and the Dominic family, was forced to inject capital from other families.

Although the scale of the shipyard has expanded exponentially due to capital injection.

However, the share of the two companies was squeezed to only a small amount, and they lost their operating rights more than ten years ago.

Especially the Dominic family. Their share has dropped from the initial 67% to 22% today. It is unspeakable hardship.

Of course, the Lawson family's share has also dropped again and again.

However, no matter how low it was, neither White Lawson nor Sophia had given up on this physical industry.

Both of them understand the importance of this shipyard to the family, as it is related to the entire family's shipping capabilities.

Whenever there was any trouble in the shipyard, Sophia would take care of it personally.

She also came in person for today's committee vote.

The management committee of the shipyard is located in Port Velen, next to the headquarters building of the Iris, the world's largest chamber of commerce.

This is a five-story stone building. Although it occupies a small area, it has an excellent location.

Through the window, you can see the blue sea.

Now, the largest conference room in the building was filled with people.

The Casillas family, the Duke's Palace, and the Dominic family all sent important members to attend the meeting.

They did not serve the table, but sat behind the table against the wall like Sofia, quietly watching the performance of their family's financial officer.

The person presiding over the meeting today is Miledovanov, the financial officer of the Casillas family.

He is also a key member of the Management Committee.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Miledovanov stood up and said hello to the leaders of the families before starting today's meeting.

He first reported on the current situation of the shipyard, published an impassioned development vision, and then showed the results of the committee's work to the shareholders.

Only then did we slowly enter today’s topic.

“Gentlemen and ladies.

Although the shipyard is doing well, we have noticed that some people are destroying this good business atmosphere.

They unscrupulously use the power in their hands for their own personal gain.

They regard the shipyard as their own industry and use the shipyard resources at will to develop their own private affairs.

Because of them, the shipyard suffered huge losses.

At this point, I think everyone knows who they are I'm talking about?

That's right, it's...the Lawson family! "


As soon as these words came out, the whole place was in an uproar.

Sofia's expression suddenly changed, and she frowned and looked at Rubio Casillas of the Casillas family.

He is the current leader of the Casillas family and the younger brother of Earl Charlton. He has always been in charge of the shipyard affairs.

Rubio smiled and nodded to Sofia, then turned his head to Morris, the representative of the Duke's Palace, and the two of them smiled knowingly.

"I object!" Klotz stood up at this time: "Mr. Miledovanov, I object to your baseless testimony.

If you don't get your words right today, I assure you, there will be serious consequences. "

Miledovanov smiled, took out a stack of documents and asked people to distribute them.

Then he said slowly:

“This is the note that the Lawson family purchased cargo ships over the years at well below market prices.

This has seriously harmed the interests of the shipyard.

Also, you have recently used your power to mobilize the shipyard's resources without the supervision of the management and conduct private modification business.

During this period, you were unwilling to disclose any technical details to the shipyard.

The performance of the modified ships has been greatly improved.

This shows that you must have mastered some advanced technology, but this technology does not belong to the shipyard.

Your behavior has seriously harmed the development of the entire shipyard.

We cannot allow this behavior to continue.

In view of this, the management formally issued a warning to you.

Either you provide all technical details to the shipyard within five days, apologize to all members, and promise not to do such stupid things in the future.

Or, we will initiate a vote to forcibly deprive you of your share in the shipyard.

Your share will be settled in cash at 80% of the current market price.

You choose! "

Ethan really didn't expect that the meeting that was originally intended to test the Duke's bottom line would suddenly turn into a meeting to criticize the Lawson family.

Obviously, the Casillas family has reached some kind of agreement with the Duke.

And their share of the shipyard determines that they can control all the actions of the shipyard.

However, Ethan is not concerned about these, but another thing.

Their sudden attack indicates that the allies who were still in love with each other before have become enemies in the blink of an eye.

This change came so suddenly that it was really ridiculous.

At this time, Sophia's face had turned livid.

She glanced at everyone and said nothing, but pulled Ethan up and silently left the venue.

On the way back, Sophia sat in the carriage without saying a word, with an uncertain expression on her face.

Suddenly she glanced at Ethan and gritted her teeth and said, "The Casillas family is really stupid. They do this at this time."

Ethan smiled and said, "Yesterday you said that the Duke's Mansion has a good vision, and it came true today.

But I have to say that they caught the opportunity really well.

If I guessed correctly, they must have approached the Casillas family as soon as they knew about the shipyard vote.

Although I don't know what they talked about, this operation not only prevented them from being kicked out, but also transferred the conflict to us, and by the way, it also disintegrated the alliance.

Killing three birds with one stone, it's really beautiful. "

"I'm afraid it's not that simple." Sofia's face has returned to normal: "Obviously, both of them realized that they are not the main opponents, and curbing us is the top priority."

Sophia smiled bitterly and looked at Ethan: "What can I say!

It's really the great swordsman who made him successful and the great swordsman who made him fail!"

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