Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 197: The Fraudster's Purpose

On the way back.

Ethan still couldn't hold it back.

"What exactly are you planning to do?"

Sofia snuggled into Ethan's arms, put her hands into Ethan's clothes to keep warm, closed her eyes, and said with a tired look:

"Ethan, do you know how much tax foreign nobles like us have to pay in Maro City?"

When it came to tax, Ethan's eyes darkened, so he shook his head.

Sophia smiled bitterly:

"Now that you have a territory, you should really understand this.

In addition to national taxes, there are also planning taxes, war taxes, road toll taxes, business taxes, etc. in Maro City.

There are 213 kinds of taxes in total, covering all walks of life.

There's even the infamous virginity tax.

At least three satisfactory virgins must be provided to the Duke's Palace every year.

These taxes add up. If you operate a legal business and work for a year, no matter how much you earn, you will definitely owe taxes in the end.

But the local nobles don't pay any taxes except national taxes.

It means that we foreign nobles not only have to raise the duke, but also the local vampires.

We were overwhelmed, so to speak.

Since the Stein family is sick this time, we must seize the opportunity.

From now on, we don’t want to pay taxes anymore! "

The local nobles Sofia refers to are the nobles entrusted by the Duke himself.

They are similar to other self-proclaimed knights. They also have noble titles and can have fiefs, but they are just dependent on the duke.

The most typical example in Maro City is the Carlos family.

Of course Ethan knows this, but he really doesn’t know why he has to pay so much tax in Maro City.

No wonder everyone wants to take a vacation. Otherwise, who would be happy if they were busy all year and not only worked for the Duke for nothing, but also owed money.

But there are risks in cheating.

It is equivalent to giving others an excuse to cause trouble for you at any time, and it is the kind with solid evidence.

Ethan's family is also separated now, and of course he doesn't want to do this.

So he asked: "How to do it specifically?"

Sophia smiled: "We will apply to the Holy Light Religion.

Call for joint governance.

If the Duke's Palace agrees, a parliament will be formed.

From now on, only one vote will be counted in the Duke's Palace.

Everyone here today has a place, and that will never change.

In addition, three positions are specially prepared for others. These positions are not fixed and will change every year.

Leave others in their thoughts so they don't make a fuss. "

Ethan smiled. If the Duke's Palace agreed to this proposal, it would mean that they would also lose their power to govern.

"How could they agree?"

Upon hearing this, Sophia sat up from Ethan's arms, looked at Ethan seriously, and said coldly:

“If you don’t agree, then [Osho Shinrikyo] will first send a sword master to destroy the barrier of the Duke’s Mansion.

Then a large number of people rushed into the Duke's palace and killed everyone in sight.

I don’t know if the sword master last time was true, but this time, [Osho Shinrikyo] will send out a real sword master. "

Ethan smiled bitterly: "So you are promoting the border war because you don't want the royal family to get involved in this matter!"

"I didn't push this." Sofia said seriously: "The Casillas family is leading all of this, and I can be considered an accomplice at best.

Still, the results were pretty good.

With the Duke of Cortesia fighting with all his strength, other families joined in.

His Majesty the Emperor has dispatched six troops, including the Royal Knights, to the border.

As for our family, we also transferred a force of about 1,000 people from our family in advance, as well as two master knights, and are now stationed in the family's territory.

The Casillas family also mobilized a heavy cavalry of about 500 people in advance, as well as a 21st-level great magician and three master-level knights.

This time he had no choice but to disagree. "

“So, you didn’t bring me back to prevent chaos.

Did you know from the beginning that the Stein family would be in chaos, and had you already negotiated with the Casillas family? Right! "

Ethan finally understood everything, no wonder he always felt that the reason to prevent chaos was so far-fetched.

Sophia smiled proudly: "You don't even know, I know how happy you are to be the Great Sword Master.

You know, there are four great magicians of level 20 or above in the Duke's Mansion.

One of them is infinitely close to being a sage.

But this time two people died in the chaos.

Only 7 of the 14 master knights are left, and now is their weakest time.

I think you can handle them all by yourself! "

"As long as the opponent doesn't have a great sword master! Or a great magician like a sage, the others won't be a problem.

In fact, to hear you tell it, I don’t want to pay taxes anymore! Ethan smiled nonchalantly: "But, how did you know that the Duke's Mansion was going to be in chaos?" "

"Thank you for this!"

"Thank me?" Ethan was puzzled.

"Remember the killer at the Midnight Circus?"

"I remember, but what does this have to do with the Duke?"

"In order to help you track down the Midnight Circus, I sent an actor who is good at imitation to dress up as the killer and sneak into the Midnight Circus.

The result was a major discovery.

The person behind the Midnight Circus in Marlow City is actually the second son, Leon Stain.

And it was also discovered that he was a magic swordsman with dual cultivation.

Isn’t it interesting? "

"That's it!" Ethan completely understood.

The only thing that is unclear now is why Afren was involved in this matter?

Why did she want to kill the Duke?

Just to cause chaos?

The key is that she also wants to kill Sofia, why is that?

"What is the connection between this matter and that [Fraudster]?" Ethan still asked the doubts in his heart.

"Who knows?" Sofia spread her hands: "If the [Fraudster's] thoughts can be guessed by others, then he is not called a fraudster.

However, no matter what he thinks, there are only the following situations.

First, he simply wants to create chaos.

Second, he wants to cover up some truth.

The last one is that he has a bigger conspiracy, and the chaos in Maro City is a necessary prerequisite.

Just like we advocate border wars."

"So you prefer the last one?"

Because Sofia always puts the most important information at the end, Ethan asked so.

Sofia shrugged and did not comment.

"I don't know either. However, I know that when Aslan I usurped the throne, this [Deceiver] was there.

At that time, the orcs were crazy for no reason and attacked the North with all their might.

The North was in urgent need of help.

Since this matter concerned the survival of mankind, all countries had to send a large number of troops to support, including the Milan Empire.

At this time, Grand Duke Aslan, who had been hiding in the rear, suddenly launched an attack.

You don't know the result either.

After the war, they secretly announced in a statement that a blue dragon had died in the battle.

But I don't even know where the body is."

Ethan couldn't help but smack his lips: "Can this [Fraudster] still incite the orcs?"

Sophia smiled: "The father of this [Fraudster] is the descendant of orcs and humans, and his mother is an elf.

He has the blood of three races.

When he was a child, he lived in the orc territory, and when he grew up, he went to the elf territory. His identity is very complicated.

I heard that he stole a secret treasure of the elves and was exiled by the elves..."

Before Sophia finished speaking, Ethan suddenly pressed her mouth gently with his hand.


Then he frowned and listened attentively.

At this time



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