Lord: I Am Raising A Girl In The World Of Pain

Chapter 68 Xiaoqingcai, Northern Divine Oil And Brother De

The "little green vegetables" that Field mentioned are naturally not the ones that are commonly eaten, but the magical plants from Rum Village, which can make people have a strong desire to mate.

Field named it Yangcao, which doesn't sound very nice, but is simple and easy to remember.

"Hey?" Ashina's tail stood up, her pretty face turned red, and her toes wrapped in white silk rubbed against the ground, "Are you going to play so big so early in the morning?"

Field said matter-of-factly: "Yeah, the Night Territory has no output, and I'm almost anxious. It's rare to find magic plants, so I must spend a lot of time researching them."

Wiping the sweat from her forehead, Asuna said helplessly: "Okay, but please stay away from me during the whole process, for the sake of your safety."

The room where the sungrass is grown is located in the corner room on the second floor of the large winery. It is locked with a chain and labeled "Do Not Enter". You can't get in without a key, but you can climb in through the window.

But if there is any idiot who can't think of it, he must come in through the window.

He will immediately be made crazy by the magic plants, and then he will smash the stone wall of the big winery. Or jump out of the window. There is a place where beef cattle are raised not far away. You can consider prodding the cows, if you are not afraid of being gored to death by the bull.

"The sun grass in the normal soil is almost withered." Ashina said in the house, "Hey, it's the sun grass in the corrupted soil, and it's in normal condition."

"Fortunately, we set up a control group. This plant is unique to corrupt environments." Field said thoughtfully, "Life will find its own way out. Even in the land of death, there will be life."

"But it doesn't have any toxins." Ashina took a bite without changing her expression, "It tastes a little sweet."

You are awesome!

The God's Chosen One's ability to resist magic was so overbearing. At first, I just smelled it and everyone wanted to pout, even though Asheena was the only one present.

Try it next time on Rosaria.

"Pull out those sunflower seeds that are about to wither and crush them into juice." Field was far away. After seeing Ashina doing everything in an orderly manner, Field commanded, "Now add well water, add more. "

Soon, a bottle of blue potion with a subtle smell was completed.

"Let's go try it on the sheep."

There are eleven sheep in the sheepfold, including two rams, one old and one young. The original plan was to kill the old sheep for meat, but because two horses died in the battle at the main building, their remaining rations could be provided to other animals, so the plan to kill the sheep was postponed.

"Tons, tons, tons~"

He poured a bottle of medicine into the old sheep's mouth before Field could observe its condition.

The old sheep went berserk and barked twice wildly. His old steps disappeared in an instant, drooling, and he rushed into the group of ewes, driving wildly and unparalleled!

The scene was terrifying, and no ewe had ever seen this before.

Before they could react, the crazed ram directly stepped up and drove them crazy one by one.

If paired with music: Dad's father is called Grandpa, Dad's mother is called...

"It's so cruel." Field licked the corner of his mouth. He was already thinking about letting someone try it: "We need to record the time for the drug to take effect, so as not to kill anyone in the future."

"Hurry up and give birth to more meat."

Asuna was thinking casually, and she was very happy when she thought that the Night Territory could produce more sheep.

By four o'clock in the afternoon, the ram was almost a mummy, falling to the ground limply, twitching and foaming at the mouth.

The ewes were a little better, but they all huddled together in fear, unable to close their eyes.

"Six hours and thirty-two minutes." Field rubbed his dizzy head.

I watched the mutton slices for nearly seven hours just to record the most accurate data.

"It needs to be diluted, at least a thousand times. If a normal man is left without rest for six hours, he will definitely die. Not even a sheep can hold it, let alone a human."

"Sir, please drink tea. This is according to your instructions. It's called egg tart, right? The chef has made it, please check if it's right." Ashina came over with a plate containing desserts and black tea, and placed the plate on the Field made tea thoughtfully on the low table next to his chair, "By the way, it's still apple flavored."

An egg tart that looks like a pancake, but has a fragrant aroma.

"Don't make it often after you develop it. Cream, milk and sugar are all in short supply. Enjoy them when you get rich at night." Field took a bite and could still taste diced apples: "The taste is good, but the shape needs to be improved. This I will reward the chef with a month’s worth of silver coins.”

"I agree!" Asheina blinked. "Right? That sheep is exhausted."

"Well, he's still hanging up, but he can't be rescued and there's no need to do so."

Glancing at the poor old sheep, it has returned to the goddess's arms, if the goddess is willing to hug it.

"Then~" Asheina half-tongued, showing a sly smile.

"Kill the meat and eat it." Of course Field knew Ashina's little plan. Xiao Nizi was waiting to eat the grilled lamb chops, so he smiled fondly and said, "By the way, let the chef clean the internal organs."

"Yes! Long live Mr. Field!"

"Dilute the potion a thousand times, um, fifteen hundred times. Don't make people go crazy when they smell it. Just ensure that the potion is effective for ten to twenty minutes. I plan to sell them all to Maple Leaf City, that A rotten place, I will definitely like it.”

Field thought to himself: At least Baron Simon must like it. When he was lying among the women, the thing didn't respond and was probably dead.

"As you wish, my lord. But I prefer fighting. Do I have to keep refining potions from now on?" Asuna said aggrievedly.

"We only need to determine a ratio, and as long as the smell of the medicine will not affect people, we can leave it to the local people to do it. Moreover, one herb can brew so many medicines, so it won't be too troublesome."

"Okay!" Ashina agreed simply this time, but then she started to think about it again, "What do you plan to name it? How will it be priced?"

By often spending time with Field, Asuna's thinking gradually diverged and she considered things more comprehensively.

Commonly known as: becoming smarter.

"Good question. I have to think carefully about the price, but I have already thought of the name." Field said proudly, "Part of it is rolled into flour and made into pills, called De Ge. Part of it is still bottled, and it's called God of the North. Oil. Of course, bottles are only available to nobles, and common people cannot afford glass bottles.”

The glass bottles of Nightfall Collar were contributed by potions and purification potions.

"De...Brother De." Asuna was obviously shocked by this incomprehensible word. She shook her head, shaking her two animal ears together, and said happily, "I think the Northern Divine Oil sounds very good, after all. This is a product that I, Ashina, and the Winter God of Choice participated in.”

Any product will be much more expensive as long as the Chosen One is included.

"Then let's call it Happy Bean." Field thought for a while and was too lazy to think about it. "Sounds interesting, doesn't it?"

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