With Simon holding his hand tightly and being looked at affectionately, Field's mouth twitched violently. He resisted the urge to slap this pervert to death. Field smiled and said, "Baron Simon, it must be fate that allowed me to escape from the northern province again and be welcomed by you."

"Come in!" Simon also looked touched and pulled Field into the house.

After seeing Simon, Field's last nervousness disappeared.

Come to think of it, the gold coins he traded were only a few thousand. For a big city, it was not even half a day's tax revenue. People would not kill him. If they wanted to kill him, it would be assassination, not open and aboveboard. After all, if the news of harming the nobles leaked out, other nobles would find excuses to eat him up.

But Field knew that Simon's touched face was obviously fake, and it was iced black tea. Field could see through his evil thoughts at a glance.

This was the tacit understanding of the nobles.

"I just bought 20 demi-human dancers. I believe you will like them." Simon winked at Field, with an expression that said "everyone knows you". He laughed, "It was my mistake that you didn't enjoy it last time. I found out that you had demi-human maids, and I immediately knew your hobby."

"Your sincerity can make the goddess cry." Field sighed.

It would be great if I could get 20 uncontracted God's Chosen, not just demi-humans.

"Yes, I always treat people sincerely."

Simon said honestly, then clapped his hands, and immediately two maids wearing only "gem" underwear came forward.

The so-called gem underwear is the key point, the underwear covered by gems... uh, is it a little fun? Simon always likes to find some different fun.

Anyway, Field can't stand these, after all, they will be automatically censored by the invisible heaven.

"The food I requested is the highest quality."

"Sir, the chef is still cooking it. It will be ready soon."

Field said politely: "Baron Simon, there is no need to do this. I have received your kindness. You understand me. I have always pursued fighting and glory. This time I just came to bring you some gifts and trade."

Hearing about gifts and trade, Simon smiled as brightly as a chrysanthemum and whispered: "Is it the happy pill? Please say yes. God, do you know how happy I was when Flornie told me the news?"

Flonie on the side gently raised the corner of her mouth, tilted her head and showed a happy smile, just like a virtuous wife.

It seems that Simon has indeed encountered a difficult and complicated disease, and it has troubled him for a long time.

Apart from the physical reasons, being surrounded by a bunch of beauties all the time will greatly increase the threshold.

With a stunning God's Chosen by your side, it would be uncomfortable for anyone to see but not eat.

In addition, Field also saw something unusual. Simon's control over Maple Leaf City is so strong that it's abnormal. Although he stays in the manor all day and night, he knew that Field's maid is a subhuman or the happy beans in a few hours.

Maybe Simon is very capable in internal affairs, or he has a strong intelligence department.

"Don't underestimate anyone." Field muttered in his heart.

After thinking for a moment, Field said seriously: "Of course, it's not just the happy beans, but also the North God Oil and the special gift for you. Although they are all in the same category, your gift is of the highest grade."

In other words, the one for Simon was diluted a little less.

"You are my most distinguished guest, Simon." Simon was in high spirits, and the fat on his face and belly kept shaking. "Let me see the gift! I can't wait."

"Don't worry, Simon, the dishes are here, don't neglect the guests, let's eat and talk."

The three of them sat down according to the etiquette of the nobility. Simon sat in the main seat and introduced: "Although there is no ball, I can guarantee that these delicacies are the best in the entire High Castle Province."

It was just as Simon said.

Before the main meal, a basin of sculptures was brought.

A lifelike mermaid, leaning on the reef, moved flexibly, as if singing.

"Sculpture food?"

Field had heard of this kind of dessert before the meal, which was made of almond candy, pastries and dairy products, and was carefully carved into a dessert. It is usually carved into an auspicious animal or a scene in a mythological story.

"Yes, and this, have a cup to warm your body."

Florni took the can from the maid and poured a glass of milk for Field.

"I haven't had milk for a long time." Field was really greedy. Although the goat milk from Ye Mu Ling was nutritious, it had a strong smell. Field took a big sip and said, "It smells good. This milk suits my taste very well."

Fluorni frowned and looked puzzled: "Huh? Milk doesn't taste like this. This is myThe milk squeezed out of there smells a bit like human, doesn't it? "


Field couldn't hold it in and sprayed it directly.

"Hahaha~" Florin covered her mouth and laughed, "I'm just playing with you. This is milk. You can even go to the ranch now."

Okay, okay, you want to play against the sky too, right? I know a friend named Rosaria. You two may have a good chat.

Speechless Field wiped his mouth with a handkerchief and joked, "Oh, that's a pity."

"Hey, I'm still here!" Simon knocked on the table lightly, pretending to be angry, but with a smile on his face, he ordered the maid, "Pour us some wine, Starry Night Wine."

Floin squinted her eyes and said, "Oh, don't drink all the time. You get drunk every time you drink a little. "

I know the following plot well, and Field immediately imagined the direction.

The husband is drunk, and the guests and his wife perform natural reproduction in front of the drunk husband!

Then get pregnant, and then their son inherits the Maple Leaf Territory peacefully.

No way! Simon wouldn't be so stupid.

I'd better not drink.

Field thought so, and suddenly felt a little movement on the table, and something was on his legs.

"Huh? Is it tempting now?"

Field smiled jokingly.

But, let you go first.

Mo Mo ate a piece of cake, and just when Field was about to take the second bite, he was kicked lightly again.

"Tsk, you're playing such a big game, I'm not afraid of you." Field is not a soft persimmon, and Mo Mo stretched his legs.

"Huh?" Florni trembled all over, subconsciously clamped, and then looked at Field with a three-point doubtful and seven-point tender eyes, with a doting expression that saw through Field's mind, and glanced at Simon again.

"Huh, little guy, you dare to provoke me. "Field began to shake his legs, and Florni lowered her head, smiling.

However, to Field's shock, he was kicked lightly by another leg.

Then, another kick.

"? ? ? "

Even if you are the chosen one, you shouldn't have four legs! A crab!

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