Kao was showing off, and couldn't suppress his trembling voice excitedly, saying: "Do you know who is the greatest enemy of the great Ross family? It's the elves! After the family's most powerful God-chosen Blood Rose died in the war, the next few God-chosens also died in the Elf War."

"Now the family's God-chosens are declining, and the strongest God-chosen is in the hands of the second lady. But I heard that there is a God-chosen who can make puppets and has been living in seclusion in the Ross family's castle."

"You know all this, you are not bragging, right, Mr. Kao." The maid Scissors rolled her eyes and immediately questioned. She was one of the few people who was not afraid of the housekeeper. After all, always serving the baron personally will gain invisible power.

"Of course, this is what I overheard when the earl's eldest son was fooling around with his wife's sister, and it was on the balcony on the top floor of the castle. It was even a windy day that day." Kao was very proud, and his thin face was full of joy.

The scene was dead silent.

Seeing that the servants fell into silence, Kao gradually realized that he was talking about a very dangerous topic again.

Kao looked at everyone, especially the harmless expression of the clay pot, and suddenly sweated profusely: "You won't tell anyone, right?"

"Now I know why the adults don't let us receive guests." Sparrow was speechless.

Scissors nodded: "I'm afraid even the color of the adults' underwear will be revealed by the insider."

On the other side.

"Huh~ comfortable, finally cleaned up the nasty mucus and blood stains."

After washing, Shirley wore a loose shirt and coat, and her wet hair fit her shoulders properly. With a confident smile on her beautiful face, Shirley glanced at Field, but found that Field didn't react much.

Damn, if there was a suitable long skirt, it would be better, instead of wearing the ugly clothes provided by Field, otherwise it would definitely confuse him!

"Looks much better, radiant, beautiful lady." Field praised indifferently.

Shirley hummed, then smiled and said, "I like your honesty."

Chief Knight William and Valteri also came in. After the blood and stains on their bodies were cleaned, the two really looked like characters from a TV series.

William was a square-faced macho man, serious and determined, and perhaps it would be no problem for him to cosplay the power of Demacia.

And Valteri, like a female bodybuilding champion, had explosive muscles all over her body, but her face was very beautiful, and the appearance of the Chosen One would not be bad.


A loud noise came from the stomachs of the three people, making them blush.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry, Baron, we are really too hungry. We haven't had a piece of bread for six days."

Valteri laughed, then scratched his head and said it was rude, and carelessly eased Shirley's embarrassment.

"Please take a seat. The food has been prepared. I was worried that you would not like it." Field quickly extended his hand and smiled gently, "I think we understand each other. This is a corrupt place. It is difficult to achieve the luxurious standards of the nobles. I can only provide this help."

"As long as there is food." Valteri could no longer bear it. He sat down and grabbed a piece of meat and swallowed it greedily.

Shirley also found it difficult to remain elegant. Using a knife and fork was the greatest restraint.

Originally, Field had prepared an explanation to explain why the maids were not used to serve, but Shirley and others did not care at all, which saved Field from talking.

It seems that there are also nobles who are easy to get along with, Field thought.

He was too sensitive. He used to guard against them like thieves.

"Hey~ So satisfied!"

The three of them rubbed their watermelon bellies with a comfortable look on their faces. They ate fifteen servings of food. Field was worried that they would die of fullness.

Seeing that the guests had stopped eating, Field put down the teacup, washed his hands with a wet handkerchief in the washbasin, and then rang the bell on the table.

Ashina walked out quickly and quietly cleaned the table.

"I didn't expect you to keep a subhuman maid."

Shirley wiped her mouth with a handkerchief, looking surprised, and then showed a look of pretending to be disgusted, "You are so perverted, but I understand you."

Field was amused by Shirley's ugly expression, knowing that the lady in front of her did not mean to mock, so she asked back: "Very cute, isn't it?"

"Indeed, everyone has different hobbies, and I respect everyone." Shirley tilted her head, but as if she thought of something, her expression suddenly became serious, "Respected Baron Field, there is bad news. Although it will make you unhappy to say it, I need to warn you."

"Oh?" Field immediately straightened his back and leaned forward slightly, "You might as well say it directly."

"It's corruption, a lot of corruption is gathering." Shirley changed her previous smile and smiled with extreme sadness, even with fear.A fearful voice said, "They are everywhere, from the Lionheart Main City, all the way to the Viscount's territory, and they are even gathering."

"It is a terrible natural disaster that has never happened before." Valteri nodded, "My lord, I am Valteri, a second-level Chosen One, I can swear on my faith."

"Of the 200-member investigation knight group, only three of us survived."

After that, the three of them were silent, and Shirley's eyes were filled with tears.

Field sighed and followed in silence.

About a minute later, Shirley wiped away her tears: "Corrupted creatures have always been aimless and illogical. To be precise, their goal is to kill and corrupt others. In the past, when our Survey Corps entered the Northern Province, although there were constant waves of corpses, we never felt like this."

Field frowned slightly: "What do you feel? Please tell me in detail."

"Corrupted creatures began to cooperate with each other, deploy troops, use wisdom, and form a superior-subordinate relationship."

"I feel that corruption has given birth to an existence that can control all corrupted creatures, that is, the emperor."

Shirley's face was gloomy, and with the endless gray fog outside the window, it gave people a chill in the spine.

Damn it.

Field slapped his forehead. He has been corrupted for ten years. It turns out that as soon as he came in, the corruption gave birth to intelligence, right?

"So, Field, leave the northern province quickly and return to the imperial defense line. The Night Territory has no defenses. Once attacked, it will fall in an instant."

"Do you know when they will launch an attack?" Field suppressed his inner irritability and took a few deep breaths.

"At the fastest, it will be a year, and at the slowest, it will be three years. They will definitely launch an attack on the defense line." Shirley said firmly, "I followed my father to fight in the south and the north when I was eight years old. I am very familiar with the nature of various monsters. Time is really running out."

"One year..."

Field was silent for a moment, and said bluntly: "Abandoning the fiefdom without authorization is against the laws of the empire. Besides, I have nowhere to go except the Night Territory."

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