Taking a white pigeon out of the pigeon cage, Field cast a feather-beast empathy magic on it.

A silver energy flew out from his fingertips and drilled into the pigeon's head.

Instantly, Field felt that his vision had expanded, as if he was watching a split-screen video, and for a moment he didn't know which side to look at.


Fortunately, Field came up with a good idea, and his main body lay back on the bed and closed his eyes.

The "screen" immediately went black on one side, and only the pigeon's vision could be seen.

"Ashina, let the pigeon fly out."


Opening the old wooden window of the winery, the pigeon soared into the sky.

Field immediately gained a God's vision and saw the full picture of the Night Territory. The overall tone was the brown-black color of the soil, with a little light gray. The soil was full of erosion from the death haze. Although it had been purified, it still had some color left. Looking down from a high place was like watching an old black-and-white TV.

The slaves all lived in tents made of broken wood, old cloth and dry grass. The broken wood was swept out and was a scarce resource. It was good enough that the decayed plants did not kill people, so don't expect to build houses. Those with poor conditions did not even have sheds, and could only sleep wrapped in rags and leaning against each other.

The life of the free people was slightly better, because they did not need forced labor. They were already digging mud to build houses. Field saw the most classic "fire pit", a facility built in the middle of the house, which was equivalent to a stove plus a kang in the northeast, used for cooking and heating. Women were weaving cloth next to the fire pit, and from time to time they looked at the pot of porridge on the fire pit.


The pigeons smelled the fragrance and fluttered their wings to land on the earthen wall built by the free people.

"Oh, I miss the days in the Bull Territory. Although I can't eat, at least I can live in a house with a roof."

"Shut up, you were whipped five times last time, have you forgotten?" The weaving woman glared at her husband fiercely, "Don't expect me to take care of your rotten ass. I would rather marry a slave soldier in the guard than live with you."

"Oh! Damn, you short-sighted shrew, you actually want to marry a slave!" The man was very angry, "Slaves will never turn over in their lives, and their sons and grandsons will be slaves in the future!"

The woman spat out a mouthful of thick phlegm in a very tasteless manner: "Bah! The lord said that as long as you earn one gold coin, you will set the slaves free. Do you know how much the guards can earn? Money? It is said that Iron Hammer has a deposit of 1 gold coin. I have never seen so much in my life! If this money is returned to Bull Territory, he can become the richest man in the village. "

The humiliated man almost fainted: "Then can you go out? There are no merchants, taverns and markets in Night Territory. There is no place to spend money."

"It will happen sooner or later." The woman was not convinced, "Don't use this excuse not to work. I am weaving cloth. I can go directly to the winery to exchange oats!"

"The nobles don't keep their words. Bull Baron takes away so many little girls every year, saying that they want to be maids and choirs. In the end, none of them came back, and our little Fanny is also missing!"

The room fell into silence.

Field listened silently.

It's time to establish a market, or an exchange system, to allow commodities and goods to circulate.

Otherwise, the production enthusiasm of the free people will be hit.

As for the little girl, it is estimated that she encountered an accident with Bull Baron, but she can't control Bull Baron, at least for now.

The pigeon was attracted by the aroma of porridge in the pot and could no longer resist, so it flew down.

The porridge in the support pot had not yet boiled, but there were already tiny bubbles, and bran floated on the surface. In modern times, this thing was not even as good as rice washing water, but in the Night Territory, it was already top-notch food.

"Oh my God! Where did the bird come from! Go away!"

"That's for the children!"

The couple agreed on the food and immediately waved their hands to drive the pigeon away.

It was not that Field had a bad taste to tease the people in the territory, but that he could not control the pigeon at all. This little magic could only gain visual and auditory abilities.

The pigeon fled in panic and kept circling around the big winery. Field was worried several times that this stupid bird would crash into the gray fog and then turn into a pigeon monster.

Fortunately, animals were very alert to the death haze, and the pigeon finally landed in the farmland where slaves were working.

Field could see that the slaves were planting broad beans on the crooked ridges.

A male slave absentmindedly dug a shallow pit with his hands, then threw the seeds in, and then stepped on them casually. The seeds were even kicked out of the pit. He didn't even bother to look at it, and then dug another one.

This was not bad, the other one had already fallen asleep in the ridge.

Field even saw that some people were eating the seeds raw.

"Damn, there's no way this can produce any yield!" Field almost jumped out of bed, and then ran to the farmland to catch them and beat them up."No wonder slavery is doomed to be eliminated. Even dogs would shake their heads at this productivity."

Fortunately, at this time, a voice said, "Damn stinky shit, get up and work."

Tate came with two security teams, which were recruits recruited by Field, holding sticks and whips.

They kicked and beat the slaves severely.

"The idiot who stole the seeds will have his food halved in three days. The guy who didn't work seriously, you supervise him and make him go back to work. This acre of land will not be paid. As for the lazy sleeper, go carry wood. You don't want to sleep when you run back and forth. Get moving! Don't waste the adults' bread."

Tate quickly made a series of judgments, and the two recruits looked gloating and went up to execute them quickly.

"Very good, reasonable punishment, neither cruel nor saintly." Field saw all this and nodded with satisfaction.

The decree was implemented in place, and Tate was able to execute it as soon as Field finished speaking, which made Field very satisfied.

A person who can properly execute government orders is the wealth of the Night.

"Sister, look at the pigeons over there."


Field was still thinking when he heard the girl's voice.

The pigeons also looked in the direction of the sound, only to see two dirty little mud monkeys, blinking at themselves with big eyes.

"It's really rare, or twins." Field compared them back and forth and confirmed that the two looked exactly the same, but their temperaments were very different.

The one holding the stone looked strong and powerful, while the squatting girl looked timid and melancholy.

"Wait, stone?" Field was shocked.

Bai Yu held the stone in her hand, and her mind kept recalling the bird hunting skills her father taught her before his death. She leaned down slightly, holding a sharp stone tightly in her right hand.

"Sister, don't do this!" Hei Yu exclaimed in panic, wanting to scare the pigeons away, but feeling her sister's gaze, she still shrank her neck and dared not do it.

Licking the corner of his mouth, Bai Yu thought of the smell of meat, and his stomach couldn't help but twitch, and saliva kept flowing down the corner of his mouth: "Sister, don't make a noise, there will be bird meat to eat soon."

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