Field still remembers that when he first came to the manor, he was peeped at by a certain creature. That kind of cold feeling will never be forgotten once you have experienced it.

And that peeping came from the basement of the main building of the manor. The small map marked the main building with a red dot as a mark. At first, Field was always worried about being attacked, but as time went by, the red dot would not move at all, so Field was relieved.

I wanted to develop a wave and then kill it.

But now, the red dot actually appeared on the periphery of the territory without any signs! At the same time, a skull logo appeared out of thin air.

That's right, it was out of thin air.

Obviously a minute ago, the area around the territory was peaceful, and the rotten corpses around were cleaned up as much as possible.

"That thing ran out!" Field was sweating profusely. Realizing that danger was approaching, he quickly called Ashina.

"What's wrong? My lord."

Field just called out his name, and Ashina jumped up from the basement, quickly flashed to Field's side, and her eyes subconsciously scanned around.

"The thing you mentioned has gone to spy around the territory again. You go back to protect the territory first, I will gather people and come later." Field did not shout in panic, but pondered for a moment, then lowered his voice and said, "It would be best if you can win. If not, retreat to the big winery. If not, retreat. Remember, don't be stubborn."

The Night Territory can be operated by anyone, but if there is no God's Chosen, it will be destroyed in a matter of minutes.

Asina nodded solemnly and rode on the dragon wolf. A strong purple and blue light burst out from the black wolf. The huge dragon wolf was like a black missile, fiercely shooting into the death gray fog. All kinds of corrupted creatures on the way were immediately smashed to pieces, dust was raised, and stones and sand flew.

"Huh, it's really troublesome without extraordinary power." Field sighed, especially when facing extraordinary enemies, it is easy to have a sense of powerlessness and decadence, but it was only a moment, Field gritted his teeth and put away the complicated and boring emotions.

It would be strange if the territory was not invaded, otherwise the nobles would have recovered the northern province long ago.

Field ordered loudly, "Lynx, leave the cart here and lead the troops to rush to the winery! Prepare for battle."

"Yes, sir!"

The slaves were still confused, and Lynx dropped the bench in his hand and responded loudly.

On the other side, the Starry Night Winery.


The low horn sounded in the winery for the first time, perhaps it sounded when the orcs invaded ten years ago. But the same is that the slaves who heard the horn reacted, first looked around in confusion, and saw the guards in armor began to gather and line up, and they immediately realized the seriousness of the problem.

The territory exploded instantly, and the slaves and free people dropped the farm tools in their hands and began to flee in the direction of the winery.

Accompanied by screaming, crying and cursing, the black crowd was in chaos.

"Calm down! The monster is still far away from you." Tate held a whip and tried his best to maintain the pitiful order in the crowd.

Hearing this, the slaves were sure of one thing: there was really a monster coming.

Suddenly, they ran more chaotically, and people fell from time to time.

Fortunately, Ashina's suggestion was very timely. Field did not let the slaves open up new territories, but stayed near the winery to loosen the soil, so that the slaves could reach the winery as soon as possible.

This heavy stone building carries the expectations of the Xingye family for wine. The entire building is made of marble blocks chiseled into squares, comparable to a fortress, and spacious enough, which is why Field chose this place as a base.

Kao was on the second floor of the winery. Seeing the slaves rushing in to take shelter, he was furious: "Your Excellency shouldn't have allowed them to take shelter. Those damned low-class people will dirty the floor. Waguan, tell the guards to keep a close eye on them. Don't let them go upstairs or to the basement."

Against the direction of the slaves' advance, a team of twenty guards gathered in the direction of the horn while sorting out their equipment.

"Damn idiot, why are you running! We'll take your death." Tiechui spat on his hand, then rubbed it on his beloved mace, making it shine. "Hehe, I'm only 9 silver coins away from being a slave. By then, I'll have a hangover every day, and go to Maple Leaf Territory to let those stinky 'roast chickens' see the perseverance of the men in Night Territory."

"Haha, then you'd better live to that time, Tiechui." The guard next to him put on an iron helmet, and when he ran with his full body of iron armor, there was a clanging sound.

"I will, I will." Tiechui knocked on the helmet hard.

After everyone ran for a while, a large number of corrupted creatures appeared in their sight, and they immediately saw the situation at the border of the territory. The corpses, a large number of corpses rushedEntering the territory, countless corpses were running wildly and screaming. Some corpses randomly attacked the carts placed in the farmland, while some corpses were running wildly towards the big winery with a clear purpose.

From time to time, stray arrows flew across the sky and shot into the corpses, nailing some unlucky corpses to the ground, reducing the number of corpses.

Following the trajectory of the arrows, Tiechui saw a wooden fortress surrounded by corpses.

Because the materials in the Night Territory were extremely scarce and the living space had to be expanded all the time, there were no decent walls, but there were small wooden fortresses.

The wooden stakes were hammered into the soil to form a simple circular fortress. It was called a fortress, but it only built a series of low wooden walls that just reached the chest, more like a sheepfold. The low wall was supported by wood to form a stable triangular structure, on which sharp objects or vines could be placed. There was only enough space behind the wooden wall for soldiers to stand in two rows to launch attacks, but similarly, the combat surface of the corpses would also become smaller.

This kind of wooden fortress is undoubtedly more suitable for the current territory than the wall. Reality is not a game. Building a wall is not a matter of clicking the mouse, but building a small wooden fortress is very simple. Field used wooden fortresses as one of the trainings for the soldiers and built several of them. Unexpectedly, they came in handy.

"It's Yangfen and the others. I thought they were dead."

The guards called Yangfen were struggling to poke the long halberd in their hands out of the cracks in the wood. They didn't need to aim. As long as they stabbed mechanically, they could bring back a piece of crushed flesh and blood.

From time to time, there were guards who took arrows from the box, strung the crossbow, and then shot at the rotten corpses climbing up the wooden wall.

"Everyone, follow me and support Yangfen together." Iron Hammer howled, carrying the nail hammer and heading towards the direction of the wooden fortress.


The rotten corpses also discovered this group of iron cans. Their originally staggering and disordered steps suddenly accelerated at this moment.

A rotten corpse with an unusually strong right hand rushed to the front and left the other rotten corpses behind for a distance. Everyone knew that if this creature was not an extraordinary corpse, it was at least an extremely ferocious one.

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