"Yes, but it's mainly thanks to Ashina and the brave warriors' desperate protection." Field would not mention the small map, it was his personal secret.

Ashina had some heavy bags under her eyes, and her beautiful eyes rarely showed a lazy look. Killing corpses all night long, the Chosen One would also feel tired, but her wolf ears still shook proudly, indicating that she was in a good mood.

Without saying nice words, Ashina just nodded to everyone. She recently liked Field's calm style, and would not easily show her lively side in front of everyone.

Only in private, she liked to tease Field mischievously.

"We are willing to sacrifice our lives for you!" When Tiechui and the others heard Field praising them, they immediately straightened up. For some reason, their lord especially liked others to stand up straight. Since they liked it, they were happy to do it. Tiechui knocked on the breastplate with his right hand full of dried blood: "Thanks to the goddess of winter for blessing our dear lord."

Well, after going out, they became even more servile, a bunch of lackeys.

Kao rolled his eyes in disdain, but a smile appeared on his face. With one more guard coming back, the territory will be safer, and he won't be scared to sleep, and he won't even dare to go out to the toilet.

"My lord, please forgive me for being blunt, don't take risks anymore in the future. I pray every night and worry so much that I can't sleep." Kao shouted loudly.

"I won't leave the territory for a short time after I come back this time." Although Maple Leaf City is beautiful, it doesn't feel like home compared to my shabby territory. Moreover, the journey is too difficult. Field is also very tired. He waved his hand, "First, arrange accommodation for my advisors and free people, and then allocate a piece of land for the slaves to live in, next to the previous slave camp."

Field didn't have the energy to do more things for the time being. Several days of crazy fighting and high-intensity map observation made him exhausted.

"The cavalry team will take a three-day vacation, and so will you, Iron Hammer. I will give you three days off and have a good rest. Kao, you organize the free people to cook for the slaves, and each person will be given two loaves of bread and a bowl of mixed vegetable soup. I don't want them to survive the corpse tide but die of hunger."

Most of the more than 30 slaves who died were slow and old. Field still felt a pity. They were all laborers, so wasted.

Back to the big winery, Field felt the air was fresh. Although there was still a faint smell of mold, it was much fresher and more comfortable than outside. The stone wall revealed its original color instead of being stained with black and purple decay residues. The room was a little wet. It was obvious that the maid Sparrow did not slack off and cleaned the winery very well.

There was no excrement in the house. Field had seen a lot of it before. I don’t know which servant was too lazy to go out and always excreted in the house. Fortunately, with the increase of Field’s majesty, the guy didn’t dare to do it. Of course, it might be that he cleaned it up himself.

"Hehe, don't let me catch you." Field was curious about which bastard it was. If the maid did it, she would spank him hard.

After dinner and a comfortable bath, Field lazily leaned on the cushioned armchair, and every cell in his body was relaxed. The newly purchased furniture made Field's room look like that. At least the tables, chairs and beds were replaced with high-quality furniture with aristocratic atmosphere, and there was no need to worry about the chairs creaking.

Field took out the magic book "Flame Vestments". Although he didn't have magic, it didn't prevent him from being curious about magic.

"Knock, knock, knock~" The door was knocked.

Not angry at being disturbed, Field put the magic book back on the bookshelf and cleared his throat.

"Please come in."

"Excuse me, Lord Field." The visitor was Tate, who was called "Warden".

Nicknames were common in this era, and Field had imagined that he could get the title of "Steel Stick" or "Devil Muscle Man" because it sounded cool.

"Sir, I came here to know your ideas so that I can manage the Night Territory more accurately." Tate did not rest, but walked all over the Night Territory. The sweat odor on his body was obvious. He seemed a little anxious and worried, "For example, this year's focus should be on taxes, population or food."

These things are the focus of the nobles.

"You get into work faster than I thought." Field nodded with satisfaction.

Before, seeing his face as black as a chimpanzee, Field thought he was going on strike.

Tate said honestly: "People have to face reality. My family is already tied to the Night Lord. Of course I have to do my best. I don't want my children to die in the mouth of a rotten corpse."

"Very good, but what's nextThe focus of work is neither taxation and food nor population. "Field took a sip of black tea.

The dilapidated environment of Night Territory does not allow production for the time being.

It is useless even if the hard target is set to collect 100 million gold coins a day. It is just a slogan. Field is not interested in playing empty games.

"The first is to gradually recover the corrupted farmland and houses, and organize people to remove the traces of corruption. As a lord, I have domain talent. As long as the corruption is eliminated, the death haze will not penetrate."

Field paused and said, "The second is to educate the slaves and turn them all into obedient and professionally skilled laborers. It is best to make them all free citizens. I think you should be professional in educating people. But I have to remind you that although some slaves look pitiful, some of them have committed many illegal acts behind the scenes. We can work further if we sort them out as soon as possible. ”

It is the people who are noble, not the professions. Similarly, it is the people who are lowly, not the situations.

There is oppression among slaves, which is ironic.

This time Tate was surprised.

“You actually have such accurate guidance on management, and it is well-organized and forward-looking. It is amazing.”

Good man, this guy looks upright, but it turns out he is good at flattering.

Field laughed: “Isn’t this a very basic ability?”

“No, at least I have never heard of it. The lord’s focus is generally on this year’s taxes and food, or the army, family and noble ladies. You are the first one to care about the grassroots affairs.”

“Oh?” Field tapped the table lightly with his fingers, making a pleasant sound. He likes to knock on the table when thinking.

Because of the wisdom of the Chinese and the advanced modern education, even if Field does something that he thinks is very ordinary, it is incredible to people of this era.

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