Of course, thanks to Ashina's bloody battle, she was exhausted at the moment, wrapped in a black robe and curled up in the carriage to sleep. The dragon wolf was also taken back. Now she only served as a maid.

The subhumans were too conspicuous. In the Holy Griffin Empire, all the subhumans that could be seen were slaves. In order not to attract attention, Field decisively asked them to wear robes to hide their identities.

One day west from Maple Leaf Fortress is Maple Leaf City, a beautiful city built on the mountain.

Here, it is also a flower on the decaying branches of the empire.

Before entering Maple Leaf City, Field felt the luxury of Maple Leaf City. The ridiculous city wall was only three meters high, but it was covered with flowers and silk banners, and there was almost no guard on the city wall.

A few guards gathered together, gulped down wine, and scanned the pedestrians with greedy and playful eyes.

However, the Mage Tower and Adventurer Association in the distance were particularly eye-catching.

There were caravans and travelers everywhere. Before entering the city, there were vendors carrying packages, selling wine, tobacco and snacks.

Maple Leaf City did not have much defense, but it was a top-notch gold-spending den.

The whole empire knew that Maple Leaf City was a "Kun woman" waiting to be fucked. No matter you used sweet words (academics or magic), glittering gold coins (merchants or nobles), or direct attacks (war means), there was not much defense anyway, so you could do whatever you wanted.

There were red-light districts, gambling competitions, and delicious food and wine.

The only thing that was not welcome was the guy with an empty pocket. The large number of homeless people squatting at the gate of the city was a good illustration of this. Many of the homeless people were even down-and-out landless nobles who lost everything here and were thrown out.

"Too prosperous." After holding it in for a long time, Tiechui barely found one from his dry vocabulary.

"Indeed, but the Night Territory in the future will be more prosperous than here."

Field was full of confidence. After all, he had seen the big city in his previous life. Maple Leaf City was at most a bold scenic spot for him.

After handing over his ID and the entrance fee, Field entered the city easily.

"Hi! Sweethearts, you have had a hard journey. I am considerate and gentle. For only ten silver coins, I will be your dessert today."

"I knock."

The soldiers were stunned, drooling, and blushing.

"It's outrageous. No wonder Maple Leaf City is so famous."

Not to mention his men, Field had never seen such a scene in his two lives.

This is the city gate!

Obviously, the person in front of him is an excellent "software hardening" engineer with excellent professional skills.

Field was also made hot all over. He had heard that Maple Leaf City was corrupt, but he didn't expect that he would play so big as soon as he entered the city gate. It is worthy of being a place favored by the god of love.

"Ahem, no need." Field shook his hand after seeing it for a while.

"My Lord, this place is full of demons! I would rather face disgusting corrupt creatures." The maid Jianzi blushed, and her hands were nowhere to be put.

Ashina also got out of the carriage, glanced at Field with a disdainful look, and said resentfully: "My Lord, do you want to have fun first? We can wait for you to finish."

"Don't doubt me so much, I'm not a casual person." Patting Tiechui's shoulder, this guy was already eager to move, drooling and looking around, Field joked, "Iron Hammer, your name is wrong, maybe you should change it to Iron Rod."

Tiechui scratched his head embarrassedly: "My Lord, I want to spend some money, I want to polish my 'spear'."

"How much money have you saved?"

In the Night Territory, slaves can have private property, which is a special permission from Field. But they can only save money, not spend money, and there is no place to spend it. The Night Territory does not even have a tavern. Among them, the guards saved money especially fast. Killing a rotten corpse could earn them a silver coin. Outside the northern border, this treatment would make people fight for it.

"Forty-seven silver coins." Tiechui answered proudly.

"Save it first. This won't be the last time you come to Maple Leaf City. When you become free citizens, come here to enjoy yourself." Field would rather hang them with a goal, so that they will work harder to create value, rather than wasting money on software hardening. "Ashina, you and the cavalry buy some delicious food to fill your stomach, and then go to the post station outside to rest. I'm going to visit the nobles here."

Maple Leaf Manor is one of the few noble manors built in the downtown area of ​​the city in the empire. Maple Leaf Baron is Simon Maple Leaf, a person who likes to be lively. He is not afraid of people shouting loudly or assassinating.

After handing over the name card, Field waited at the door of the manor for a while.

"Handsome Baron Field, I am the maid of Maple Leaf Manor. I have been ordered to take you into the manor. Please go through the side door for your caravan." A charming woman who was almost wearing a silk swimsuit said to Field.De bowed deeply, showing almost all the beauty that could be shown, "Only the noble blood can go through the main gate, please understand."

Field rubbed his temples and kept inhaling cold air to comfort himself. This Baron Simon really did not shy away from showing his hobbies.

"Please lead the way."

Entering the manor, the maid twisted her waist and took Field to a building decorated like a palace.

"Ahem." As soon as he entered, Field was choked twice. The pervasive water vapor and smoke made Field almost think he was back in the northern province, and he almost took out the fog lights.

"Hehe, don't touch there!"

"Come chase me, if you catch me, I'll let you hehehe."

Seven or eight women were laughing and playing in the hot spring pool. Field glanced at them and his blood pressure rose. It's not that he had evil thoughts, but it would be bad if he ran into Baron Maple Leaf's wife. Field turned his head and wanted to go out, and heard a heavy but slightly funny voice, "Hey, Baron Field, you don't have to be shy, these are to entertain your maids, enjoy them as you like."

Fuck! This guy can get along!

But Field was calm. If he really messed with the maid and had a child, Baron Simon would send someone to assassinate him. According to the imperial law, the inheritance right would belong to the child in the maid's belly.

The property of Night Territory and Field was "jointly ruled" by Maple Leaf Territory.

The maid leading the way smiled wickedly, squatted down and untied Field's clothes directly.

After Field awkwardly broke free, he adjusted his robe, straightened his collar, and said seriously: "Thank you for your kindness, Baron Simon, but I came here to visit you and discuss another business."

Field certainly knew the name of "the stunning dancer", and he didn't want to be fascinated by her and finally squeezed out all his value and ended up on the streets.

Even though the maids were still posing coquettishly, Field was used to seeing the stunningly beautiful Chosen Ones and had no interest in mediocre women.

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