Field spit out the half-chewed apple chunks and laughed.

It was outrageous that someone dared to attack an ugly female monster.

Just like modern people's orientation, as long as it is female, someone will like it.

Wiping away the tears squeezed out of the corners of his eyes due to wild laughter, Field became curious.

Will corruption cause reproductive isolation between people?

"Poor Steel Fork, he died of lower body ulceration in the end, and his big tits turned into a disgusting tumor. He was in great pain when he died. Corruption is the devil's curse, and Steel Fork may not be able to go to heaven. Except for those chosen by God, I think no creature can resist the curse."

Field closed the book. The sensory vocabulary throughout the book made Field not want to read for the time being.

"Lucas can only be regarded as an adventurer or explorer. As a scholar, he lacks rigor. Not all creatures cannot resist corruption, at least plants can."

Field thought of the green plants collected in Rum Village. They were not pieces of meat or tentacles.


A scream came from outside the window. Field's hand shook and he almost knocked over the teacup he raised to his mouth. The steaming tea in it spilled down, scalding himself. It was difficult to dry wet clothes in the night.

Field glanced at the small map and there was no skull logo.

"It seems that it is another idiot who needs to be dealt with and can't control his lower body." Field rubbed his temple. The slaves were mixed together. There would always be violence and forced incidents. Even the whip could not change their nature.

Slaves did not have the right to mate, but most of them could not even eat enough and had no intention of passing on their family line.

"My lord!"

Hearing a trot outside the corridor, the butler Waguan knocked on the door hurriedly.

"Come in, what's the matter?" Field came to the window and glanced. It was still dark outside. The torches downstairs were erected, but Field could only see some panicked faces appearing next to the torches.

It seemed that things were going to be more serious.

The clay pot prostrated on the ground, trembling, and said, "My lord, our territory is in big trouble!"

Field was anxious for a while, but still remained calm: "Don't worry, tell me what the trouble is."

"Robbers! Armed robbers attacked our territory!" After all, the clay pot was still young. He was so frightened that he couldn't help himself. His hands supporting the ground shook like Parkinson. "Several slaves went to the farmland to defecate, and were suddenly attacked by robbers rushing out of the gray fog. They killed two people with spears and took away a female slave!"

Field hurriedly stepped forward and asked in surprise: "Did they choose to retreat instead of continuing to attack?"

"Yes, they left immediately."

"Fuck!" Field cursed.

If you can retreat, you must have a certain amount of wisdom. In this broken place full of toxins, you can still encounter robbers. Is there anything more outrageous than this?

Maybe it's your "cute" stepmother and brothers and sisters.

It is possible. If they get the information of the Chosen, it will be dangerous.

Field looked at the small map again, and there was nothing unusual.

This reminded Field of Connor's cavalry. They only showed the exclamation mark when they were close to a certain distance.

It seems that the warning range of the small map is limited. It can only broadcast the Chosen and the corrupted creatures at a longer distance.

"You notify others to hide on the first floor of the winery. I will go to chase them." Field took the long sword from the shelf and walked downstairs quickly.

Asina was already checking the bodies downstairs. When she saw Field coming downstairs, she immediately apologized aggrievedly: "I disturbed your rest and let the enemy enter the territory. It is my fault."

"It's not your fault. The territory has not even built a wall. It is not impossible for the enemy to infiltrate."

It is normal that Asina did not notice the enemy because of fatigue after a bloody day of fighting.

Field half-knelt down, stretched out his hand to tear off the tattered and smelly linen clothes on the corpse, and immediately tilted his head in confusion: "The wound on the abdomen is actually irritating at an upward angle. Are those robbers dwarves?"

"It's really strange." Ashina rubbed her smooth chin and shook her legs rhythmically. The white thigh flesh trembled slightly. The slight movement allowed her to stay focused. "Maybe it's not human, maybe it's a nasty dwarf."

Field's worried feeling subsided a little. Things might not be too bad, at least not fatal.

"Ashina, can your wolf smell the enemy's traces?"

It sounds weird to use a dragon-type giant wolf as a dog.

Ashina slapped her head: "Why didn't I think of this method."

"Take me with you. I have to see what kind of dog dares to attack my territory." Field gritted his teeth, he canUnlike the original owner, he was kind, "I will chop off their dog heads."

Ashina was already familiar with Field's character, and smiled: "Of course! I will be your sword!"

The giant wolf sniffed the corpse a few times, and its blue eyes were aimed at the northeast of the Night Territory.

"The enemy fled there."

Fortunately, it did not run to the south, the enemy might not really be human.


A dozen slave guards ran out in disheveled clothes, many of them were still wearing armor, with sleepy eyes. Field pulled the corner of his mouth and wanted to scold but stopped. Don't expect the soldiers of this era to be as disciplined as the Chinese army. There is no doubt that the guards slept very soundly, so that when Field was ready to set off, most of them were still in their dreams.

"You guard the territory and don't let the enemy kill back."

Field did not intend to take them with him. The pursuit was mainly based on speed. By the time the troops were assembled, the enemy might have run away.

"However, discipline training should be put on the agenda."

A lazy army has no combat effectiveness, and it can't even protect the basic territory.

Ashina pulled Field onto the giant wolf. With Field's small map, the possibility of being ambushed can be greatly reduced.

More stable than horseback, Field's first feeling after riding the giant wolf was that it was very comfortable.

Riding a horse is not difficult. The horseback is very wide. As long as you stabilize your body and get used to it, you will be amazed that riding a horse is easier than riding a bicycle. After all, bicycles have no IQ, and many equestrian masters can even sleep while riding. Ashina's dragon wolf is more stable. The rugged scales on its back will not pierce people. They will automatically shrink and close, tightly fitting like modern crafts.

"Let's go!"

Driving the giant wolf, the two rushed into the gray fog quickly.

I only felt that the surrounding vision was rapidly blurred, the strong wind was whistling in my ears, and the speed of the wolf rider was so fast that it was amazing, it was just like a subway!

In just four minutes, Ashina found the enemy in the dense corrupted forest.

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