"My lord, why do you look embarrassed?" Ashina came over with a bow and arrow, smiling, "It was obviously the most difficult period before arriving here, why do you look embarrassed now?"

Waving his hands, Field didn't want to spread anxiety and hit the people who were already lacking confidence. He showed a teasing expression and stretched out his hand to pinch Ashina's wolf ears: "It's not embarrassing, I'm just struggling whether to give a massage to my great contributor who has worked hard and made great contributions."

"Hey, hey, hey?" Ashina's pretty face immediately flushed, red His eyes trembled like an earthquake, and he stuttered to answer, but when he saw Field's expression of teasing a child, he immediately realized that he was being teased, and immediately said angrily, "Lord, you are too much. I still care about you and I am not going to be friends with you anymore."

Field patted his sore neck: "Thank you for your concern, but it's time to find a place to stay. I don't want to sleep for a second in the carriage. The creaking noise is torturing my headache."

We have to occupy a house. It will be much better to have a place to shelter from the wind and rain, even if the houses here are rotten.

After carefully studying the map, Field said: "Let's occupy the big winery, Ashina, the main structure there is brick and stone, it is not easy to rot into a pile of ruins."

The big winery is located in the southeast of the main building, with a large area of ​​fertile farmland for growing black pearl grapes for winemaking. Of course, large tracts of grape fields are a thing of the past. Today, there are only large areas of wriggling black tentacles and rotten corpses in the farmland.

Grapevines and grape racks can be vaguely seen in the farmland. In the past, the land here produced the most famous black pearl wine in the empire.

"Women, clean up the farmland and don't leave any dirt. These wriggling tentacles and pieces of meat look scary, but they are actually not threatening." Field kicked away a piece of rotten meat with seven or eight eyes. "These disgusting things were cute little animals before the gray fog came."

"Okay, sir."

The slaves hesitated.

"Finish it within two days, and I will pay you ten copper coins as wages. These lands will be our source of food in the future." Field released a killer move and allowed slaves to have money.

The slaves' eyes lit up, and they used farm tools to kill the rotten creatures with their hands and feet. The work efficiency immediately increased tenfold.

Butler Perry saw the appearance of the slaves and rolled his eyes: "Only the master is so kind and generous. If these mud legs don't work, it's more convenient to hang them directly."

At this time, the free people kidnapped by Field came over.

"Sir, you are too fanciful. The land has been poisoned. Even if all the monsters are cleared, it can't be cultivated." The villagers questioned. Someone stomped his feet hard, and the soft and rotten land immediately sank, forming a footprint with a purple pool of water. "Look, it's like a swamp full of toxins. Oh! This damn smell is worse than the crotch of a widow who hasn't washed it for three years."

The slaves looked at him with doubts.

My kindness seems to have made some people start to get too far.

Field lowered his eyes, and his tone was emotionless: "This is my order, not a discussion with you."

The villagers were still loyal to the Bull Baron in their minds, and they didn't turn around for a while: "But, it's meaningless for you to do this."

"Huh?" Field frowned, his eyes unfriendly.

The guards such as Bobcat immediately drew their swords, and there was a "swish" sound of drawing swords. Even though Connor and other talents were the main force along the way, the slave guards were still tempered and had a hint of military aura.

The people whose eyes were flashed by the knife light immediately reacted. They were actually questioning their new lord! They were so scared that they sweated profusely and fell to the ground.

The scene was silent for half a minute.

Field waved his hand. It was not that he was deliberately showing off his power or playing feudalism. It was that he had no foundation. In this place far away from order, if he could not control these guys, he would not be a lord and would just hang himself somewhere.

"You also go and clean up. All the land in the east will be given to you. In addition, the idiot who said I was whimsical will receive five whips." Field punished them slightly and warned them severely. They would be used for both development and farming.

The villagers were already sweating profusely. When they heard Field's words, they were immediately pardoned: "Yes, yes, yes."

Everyone began to eradicate the corruption, which startled the corrupted creatures and caused them to burst into sharp screams.

"It's too Cthulhu." Field took a few deep breaths and felt nauseous. If he stayed in this cursed land for a long time, he might go crazy. "We must ignite the fire of civilization quickly, starting with the winery."

Two farmers holding torches opened the door of the winery, and a dark and rotten smell hit us. Field almost vomited yesterday's dinner, covered his mouth and nose, and glanced atOn the side.

"Be careful, there are a lot of footsteps on the second floor." Ashina had no abnormal reaction to the stench. She had lived in worse environments when she was a slave.

"We have to occupy this big house, and there may be flammable materials, so we can't use fire."

Ashina nodded obediently: "Leave it to me!"

Take a piece of iron-clad shield to protect your chest, Field drew out the long sword: "Set up the halberd! Prepare to meet the impact."

There has been no systematic training, but in these days of fighting, the guards have always figured out some tricks, and the small square formation quickly took shape. Field took a deep breath and slammed the shield with the hilt of the sword: "Hey, fellow villagers, our community is sending warmth!"

"Roar!" The darkness was full of ghosts and wolves howling.

The dense footsteps like drums suddenly sounded, and the monsters with unrecognizable faces and twisted bodies rushed out of the inky darkness, and the collision of flesh and iron immediately sounded.

Asina and her wolf held off the main force of the zombies. The spear in her hand could easily harvest the rotten corpses. The giant wolf was even more like a tank. It was covered by the rotten corpses and turned into a corpse ball, but it still couldn't break the defense. If Field hadn't stopped the dragon wolf from breathing fire, the battle would have been resolved at this moment.

"Ah! Goddess!"

The guard standing in the front row pierced a rotten corpse and was knocked off. Before he could stabilize his body, he was immediately pounced on by the rotten corpses that followed. He fell to the ground in armor and fell to the ground.

With a low shout, Field took a half step forward and chopped the rotten corpse's head with the long sword in his hand. This is not an anime. The blackening is three points stronger. The rotten corpse is just a monster covered with human skin. There is no armor protection. The sharp blade cuts the bones and muscles, and the whole head is removed.

"Thank... Thank you, sir!"

The guard stared with horror, his pants were wet and hot, he almost had a passionate kiss with the monster just now.

From his expression that he wanted to kneel down and call him daddy, it is not difficult to see that he has never respected and thanked a noble so much.

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