Lord Highlander

Chapter 327: 326. Alumni

   Chapter 327 326. Alumni

  Every year when the first snow falls, Karl likes to find a few friends to drink with in Hailansa City, waiting for the coming of winter with the snowflakes falling outside the window.

   There are not many guests in the bar, mainly because this bar does not accept civilian guests, and the price of alcohol is slightly expensive, only some young nobles will come here for a drink. The two dancers were leaning against the bar, playing dice with the half-elf owner in the bar. The dice spun rapidly in the cup, making a crisp sound, and when the dice stopped, someone would cheer from time to time.

Whether you win or lose, you have to drink. The half-elf owner in the tavern likes to drink a kind of fruit wine that is sweetened with tree sap. Karl asked Suldak to drink a cup, and it felt like it had a hint of alcohol. The sugar water is not bad to drink, but it is definitely not delicious, but this kind of blended sweet wine is the specialty of this tavern.

  Of course, the liquor girl with both face and figure is also a feature here. Liquor girls don't mind taking advantage of a drink as long as they're willing to pay for a drink.

  Suldak likes to drink ale, and when drinking, he also eats a few nuts with salt grains. He is a little confused why Karl is so keen on introducing him to a female partner.

  Just like the Miss Brenda who looked down on him before, Suldak still has a headache when he thinks of her now.

Karl didn't talk about this week's harvest, but just told Suldak in a low voice that in order to collect evidence against Baron Grenfell, Mrs. Christie and Baron Grenfell's wife got very close and went to During the conversation, Baron Grenfell also inquired about Miss Hoyle.

  Suldak remembered the poor noble lady and asked, "So, the Hoyle Manor is completely deserted now?"

"Almost, Miss Hoyle is unwilling to go back to the manor no matter what. There are many terrible pasts that she does not want to recall. Recently, she has been living in the mansion of Consul Christie, but it is hers after all. The territory, in any case, is still waiting for her to rebuild, and I hope that after this winter, she can recover." Carl raised the wine glass in his hand, and couldn't help but sigh when he mentioned Miss Hoyle.

For this noble lady who grew up in a greenhouse, a knight with outstanding abilities needs to stand up and save her. Recently, many outstanding young people have visited the Consul Christie's mansion, hoping to win Miss Hoyle's favor. But it is said that Miss Hoyle's eyes were so critical that she rejected almost all young men who pursued her.

"Hey, do you have any ideas? As long as you marry this Miss Hoyle, you will be equivalent to inheriting a baronship, allowing you to leap from a knight to a noble in one step. This is something that almost all knights dream of." Karl hooked Suldak's shoulders, put his head close to his ear and whispered.

  Suldak couldn't help but rolled his eyes. This guy actually proposed to be a soft rice man himself, and he said it so confidently.

Before completely solving the black magic hermitage hidden in the city of Hailansa, don't talk about pursuing Miss Hoyle, Suldak didn't even want to get close to anything related to Miss Hoyle, so he shook his head again and again, Tell Karl that he has no such intention at all.

Karl said to Suldak with some regret: "You must know... there are very few knights in the Grimm Empire who can complete this leap. What an obstacle! Take you as an example, after you have been canonized as a knight, if you want to be promoted to a baron through normal channels, you need at least a letter of proposal from the council hall of Hailansa City, and then fight for half of the province of Bena The above members of parliament support you, and you can officially become a nobleman only after voting in the parliament."

  At this time, Llewellyn squeezed between Karl and Suldak with a glass of ale.

  He asked Karl and Suldak with a smile: "What are you two discussing? ... Karl, you seem to be very busy recently, hasn't the bandit group disappeared? Why do you always go out of the city?"

After chasing Miss Brenda, Baron Llewellyn's eyes became more kind every time he looked at Suldak. He even felt that Suldak was his defeat, and was ruthlessly abandoned by Miss Brenda. Erdak was a little pitiful, and he didn't mind expressing his kindness to Surdak from the perspective of the winner.

  He clinked wine glasses with Suldak and Karl, with aristocratic arrogance on his face, which made people feel a little uncomfortable.

The three of them took a sip of ale respectively, and Karl complained to Baron Llewellyn: "What's the use of hiding! When the wind dies down, this group of robbers will come out to make trouble again. They left all kinds of crimes in Hailansa , enough to send all of them to the guillotine."

Llewellyn, Jonah, and Brook are Karl's best friends. This time when the bandits were making trouble outside High Lansa, the three of them really helped Karl a lot. He led his knight retinue to search for news of the bandit group in the south of the city.

Seeing that Karl still did not intend to let the gang of robbers go, Llewellyn reminded rationally: "You should also be careful at ordinary times. It is said that these bandits are notoriously cruel. You killed them twenty-three in one go. member, be careful they seek revenge on you."

  Hearing Llewellyn mention this achievement, Carl felt a little guilty, after all, he took the credit for Suldak.

He glanced at Suldak, saw that Suldak didn't respond, and even looked at him very cooperatively, and even cast admiring glances, Karl bit the bullet and said: "I've been very low-key recently, don't worry , I made a lot of preparations."

   Llewellyn didn't expect that the person who sent Karl to complete this feat was Knight Suldak.

  He showed a kind smile on his face, approached Suldak and said, "Suldak, I heard from Karl that you are currently studying at the Knight Academy?"

   "Yeah, I want to mix up a knight academy graduation certificate. This medal is just a reserve knight, and I may lose my knight status at any time." Suldak said frankly.

Llewellyn said kindly: "You don't need to worry about this. If you're just a commoner, maybe we can't help you get knight status for the time being, but since you have become a reserve knight, if anyone wants Take away this power, and we can still help!"

  He whispered to Suldak with some mystery: "And we will be alumni from now on. Let me tell you a secret, I also graduated from High Lansa Knight Academy."


  What's there to brag about?

  Suldak looked at Baron Llewellyn beside him, speechless for a while.

  (end of this chapter)

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