Lord Highlander

Chapter 137: 136. Live for me

  Chapter 137 136. Live for me

  He Boqiang ran over quickly, suddenly he found an evil spirit in the distant mountain valley looking towards this side, and quickly threw himself on the grass.

Among the wild grass, a bed crossbowman stared at him with wide eyes wide open. On the soldier's young face was a trace of longing for life, and there was a trace of dried blood on the corner of his mouth. On his chest was a hideous wound split by the evil spirit with a sawtooth axe. The ax was so sharp that any soldier who was hit by the axe would die.

He Boqiang stretched out his hand to cover his eyes, and then crawled to the side of the horse. A huge wound was cut on the neck of the horse, and it probably died of bleeding, but He Boqiang was not near the horse. Find the body of Baron Sidney.

   This is already the central area of ​​the battlefield of the Bed Crossbow Regiment. The corpses of soldiers can be seen everywhere, and the flag of the Fourth Battalion is lying beside the horses.

  When He Boqiang passed by, he left two clear **** footprints on the flag. He was looking for the soldiers of the second team, but he removed several corpses, but still found nothing.

At this time, there was obviously a defensive position in the center of the two bed crossbows, and the fallen soldiers around them formed an irregular circle. He Boqiang finally found the bodies of two recruits from the second team among the bodies of these fallen soldiers , like other fighters, their chests were pierced by army thorns, and the arm holding the shield was obviously broken.

It seemed that they wanted to use their shields to block the attack of the evil spirits, but without the blessing of the 'Shield of Blessing', the two recruits couldn't block the attacks of the evil spirits at all, so that the arm holding the shield was destroyed by the first Time broke, and these two recruits, He Boqiang, still clearly remembered their names.

  Nell and Chapman, it’s just that their personalities are relatively introverted, and He Boqiang always doesn’t speak, so there is almost no communication.

He Boqiang took off the nameplates on them and put them in his pockets, as well as a gold coin they had accumulated. A recruit can accumulate a gold coin in just one month after entering the second team. It was a unique thing in the heavy armored infantry regiment. Unfortunately, they died on Moyunling before they had a chance to spend the money they earned.

  He Boqiang pulled the two of them out of the pile of dead people, placed them on a disused bed crossbow, and then walked back to the pile of dead people to look for other soldiers of the second team.

The corpses of some soldiers are stacked together, and it is very difficult to move them away. Those warriors are guarding the position between the two bed crossbows, where the dead are almost piled up, and the last of the corpses Lying above is Baron Sidney, sitting on a high pile of corpses, leaning against the arrow slot of the bed crossbow behind him, two lines of blood were left when his eyes were closed, and there was no trace on his pale face. With one hand on his knee, the other hand holds a delicate long sword. The leather armor of the magic pattern on his body has been cut into several pieces, and his body is covered with military stab wounds.

   I don't know how many times he was stabbed by the evil spirits, so that his body became stiff after death, and he was still able to maintain the posture of sitting on the pile of corpses.

He Boqiang walked over slowly, but did not find the corpses of the other squadron leaders of the Fourth Battalion, except for some unnamed squadron leaders. The evil ghost's claws were torn, and the **** eye sockets left behind looked scary. He Boqiang dragged him out of the pile of corpses and found that he was missing half a leg.

   Subsequently, He Boqiang finally found the other fighters of the second team, the bearded Cagle, Augustus, Craigie, Billy...

The soldiers of the second team are almost the cornerstone of this pile of corpses. He Boqiang ignored Baron Sidney, but dragged all the soldiers of the second team out of the pile of corpses, and piled them aside. In the car, the soldiers of the second team almost all suffered comminuted fractures of their shield-holding left arms after they died. It seems that the "Blessed Body" and "Blessed Shield" not only failed to help them at the last moment, but caused them to be injured. primary reason.

He Boqiang pulled Billy out of the pile of corpses, and suddenly a **** hand stretched out from under the pile of corpses. He Boqiang rushed up and grabbed the blood-stained arm tightly. Desperately moving other corpses away, even the body of Baron Sidney was pushed aside by him, and he held the familiar hand tightly.

  At this moment, it was as if a stone was blocked in his throat, and he let out a choked sob, but he still couldn't call out Suldak's name.

He Boqiang pulled Suldak out of the pile of corpses. At this time, Suldak was already dying, and he did not know how he persisted in the pile of corpses. There were several wounds on his chest, and the deepest one was through the corpse. A sword wound passed through his chest, and an army thorn of the evil spirit was still inside his body, only the handle of the army thorn was exposed, and the handle was covered with blood.

His breathing was already very weak, and his consciousness was not too clear. The hand he stretched out just now could only be regarded as an instinctive reaction. The several wounds on his chest were still bubbling with blood, and his hands and feet had become very cold.

  He Boqiang patted Suerdak's cheek vigorously, trying to wake him up.

Rolling his eyelids with his hands again, his pupils have begun to slowly slacken. He Boqiang hastily lost the sacred aura that continuously diffused from his body to Suldak, feeling that his aura began to recover slowly. He dared to easily pull out the military thorns on his chest, and in a panic, he thought that he still had a bottle of healing potion on his body. This was given to him by Swordsman Bacarel before he left. I heard that it is very precious, and ordinary magic grocery stores do not have it. Such an amazing magic potion.

  He Boqiang pulled out the cork from the mouth of the medicine bottle, and poured the light red medicine into Suldak's mouth in one go.

  The magical power in the potion took effect immediately. Not only did Suldak's complexion turn rosy, but his legs and hands began to feel warm.

   Then He Boqiang remembered that he was still carrying the head of an evil spirit.

He Boqiang immediately set up a sacrificial circle on the ground, sacrificed the head of the evil spirit, and exchanged for the "Divine Blessing Body" and "Blessed Shield" to be blessed on Suldak's body. Ke found two binding straps from his backpack and began to bandage the wound on He Boqiang's body. He was worried that pulling out the military thorn would cause heavy bleeding, but he still did not dare to pull out the military thorn.

It's just that Suldak's body is like a sieve stabbed by evil spirits, with wounds everywhere. He Boqiang will be worried that the group of evil spirits from the bottom of the mountain will come up and drag Suldak to the base of the bed crossbow. under.

The 'Divine Blessing Body' revived Suldak's vitality, and He Boqiang concentrated all the sacred aura in the nodes of his body in the palm of his hand at this time, allowing all the sacred aura to pour into Suldak's body, slowly Slowly heal the wounds on his body.

It's just that as Suldak continued to breathe, the wounds on his chest were like opening mouths, with blood bubbles constantly bubbling out, but he seemed to be completely suffocated, his face turned from red to purple, His chest was constantly heaving, but it seemed to be in great pain.

   Just when He Boqiang felt helpless, Suldak woke up from a deep coma, and he slowly opened his eyes.

   At the first glance, he saw He Boqiang sitting next to him, showing a helpless look.

  Suldak's eyes brightened.

  He resisted the severe pain and pulled the corner of his mouth.

  I want to squeeze out a smile.

   Then he stretched out his hand with great difficulty, and scraped off the wet marks from the corners of He Boqiang's eyes with his thumb.

  He looked very weak, and he seemed to use all his strength without saying a word.

   "I'm sorry, Little Duck, I don't seem to be able to go back to Hailansa with you!"

   When he said this, Suldak's face was full of helplessness. He Boqiang wanted to let him take a rest, but he shook his head gently and said:

   "Forgive me for not being able to walk with you all the way to explore the end of fate."

   "Please also realize that I am selfish. On the occasion of parting, I would like to ask you to take care of my family, my mother, wife, sister and my child."

  He Boqiang nodded again and again, and made a hoarse voice in his throat, but he couldn't form the tone of the imperial language.

  “…According to the law of the Grimm Empire, if I die, my family will be torn apart, so I have an unkind request…”

  Suldak suddenly exhausted all his strength, took off the nameplate on his neck, and hung it on He Boqiang's neck. His eyes were full of sincerity, and he begged He Boqiang:

   "From now on, you are Suldak!"

   "Please live for me!"

   The preface of this book, I think it's a bit long, and it's a **** plot, sorry! In addition, thank you that I am your uncle's reward. I will add a new chapter later. I really haven't saved the manuscript, and the writing is a bit slow. Please don't ask for a reward if you don't agree with me. I can't write it!



  (end of this chapter)

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