Lord Highlander

Chapter 104: 103. War Horse 2

   Chapter 104 103. War Horse 2

  He Boqiang rescued a horse with a broken leg from the battlefield, which has become one of the main topics of the second team in recent days.

The soldiers of the second team agreed that the last bit of dignity should be left for this broken leg horse, and let it die with dignity. At most, everyone would not enjoy its horse meat, and dig a cemetery for it Bury it, even the soldiers who died in the expeditionary army would not have this kind of treatment, this proposal was rejected by He Boqiang.

The war horse with the broken leg refused to lie on the ground obediently, and forced itself to stand up several times, which caused the splint tied to the horse's leg by He Boqiang to loosen. The horse had to be hoisted up in a tarpaulin and hung on a tree, only the horse's head and four legs were exposed, so that the horse could calm down.

  Since the war horse was hung from a tree, He Boqiang has an extra task every day, which is to wait for the dew to clear up and go to the place with lush water and grass below the hillside to mow grass and feed the horse every morning.

Fortunately, the second team has been stationed on this **** for the past few days. The heavy armored infantry soldiers have built some fortifications around this **** to prevent the surprise attacks of the evil spirits. If the evil spirits want to occupy this slope, they must break through There are layers of defenses on the battlefield, so the infantry soldiers stationed here only need to prevent the sneak attack of the evil spirit squad at night.

  The second team has been stationed on this **** for almost a week, and has been attacked by evil spirits for two consecutive nights. However, they were discovered in time by the secret sentries below the hillside and successfully prevented the evil spirits from attacking.

He Boqiang tries to heal the wounded horse with the divine power from his body every day. The pale golden light shines from He Boqiang's hand, and he can feel the warmth emanating from that gleam. When the war horse on the tree was being treated, it behaved extremely quietly, and seemed to be able to feel the recovery power in the light.

On the morning of the fifth day, He Boqiang ran to feed the horse with fodder, and found that the linen bandages and clips wrapped around the horse's legs had been broken. He shouted '咴咴咴' to He Boqiang.

He Boqiang didn't expect that the horse's broken leg would recover so quickly. He tried to untie the ropes hanging from the horse's body, and let the four horse's legs touch the ground. The horse stood firmly on the grass under the tree. His legs kept kicking the grass on the ground, as if he wanted to break free and run around on the hillside.

  He Boqiang untied the rope on its body, and the war horse rushed out like an arrow from the string, and ran happily on the grass on the hillside for a few laps, and finally stopped at a place with lush water and grass below the hillside, and began to eat grass quietly.

  At this time, He Boqiang realized that the magical power released by the nodes of his body actually had the power of healing.

Sitting under the tree, He Boqiang concentrated on manipulating the power of the sea of ​​consciousness, and found that the light golden power actually came from each node in the body, and a trace of sacred power came out from the nodes, forming a wave in He Boqiang's sea of ​​consciousness. A mass of air, following one's own thoughts, the mass of air can reach all parts of the body, and it can also pass out of the body through the palm of the hand, but after the power reaches the body, it takes more spiritual power to control it. The sacred power maintained by force will eventually dissipate with the wind in the palm of your hand.

Now the nodes in He Boqiang's body are still being lit up in an orderly manner, which may be the reason for the recent frequent battles. The number of lit nodes has reached fifteen, but He Boqiang can feel that his physical strength is growing very slowly. It seems that I need a certain opportunity to make a breakthrough.

Unknowingly sitting on this high hill for a long time, when He Boqiang opened his eyes, he found that the war horse was standing quietly beside him, gnawing the grass under his feet with his head down. Seeing He Boqiang standing up from under the tree, he ran away in fright.

   After a while, seeing that He Boqiang didn't make any follow-up actions, he "tap, tap" and ran under the tree, flicking his jujube-colored ponytail.

  He Boqiang wanted to walk to the war horse, but the war horse seemed unwilling to approach He Boqiang, keeping a safe distance of about ten meters between each person and the horse.

   "Let's go, leave here, run far away, don't come back, this place will become more and more dangerous, and don't be a mount for those heavy cavalry, you can enjoy your own freedom..."

  He Boqiang spoke in a jerky aboriginal language to the maroon horse.

It's not that he can't pronounce, but every time he wants to speak Imperial language, he loses his voice. He Boqiang thinks this may be some psychological barrier, but when he thinks back, he feels that he is actually quite healthy mentally. What a sign of autism.

  The horse naturally couldn't understand what He Boqiang was saying, but it saw He Boqiang whispering to it, shook the mane on its neck, and took two steps towards He Boqiang.

  He Boqiang felt that he had established initial trust with the war horse, and when he approached it again, the war horse did not avoid it.

   "Let's go, don't come back!"

  He Boqiang said it again to the horse, as if he was talking to himself.

The horse seemed to enjoy He Boqiang's stroking, but leaned against He Boqiang. He Boqiang walked behind the horse and slapped the horse's buttocks. Then the horse neighed and jumped forward. Then rushed to the bottom of the hillside.

  When Suldak climbed up this hill, he just saw the war horse galloping away.

  He climbed to the hill panting, and said to He Boqiang: "Little Duck, that horse ran away..."

The thatch and some fragments of linen bandages scattered on the turf on the grass, and the two splints have been broken. He Boqiang squatted aside and refolded the thatch. Seeing Suerdak running over, he smiled at him. head, to show that he knows.

   "Little Duck, didn't you plan to let the horse go after it was cured from the beginning?"

  Suldak leaned over to help Surdak fold the sheet, and couldn't help asking.

  Seeing He Boqiang nodded with a smile, Suldak wiped his face speechlessly, not wanting to say anything.

   After a while, He Boqiang packed up all his belongings and walked down the hill with Suldak.

   At this time, Suldak remembered the purpose of running here. The second team finally waited until the defense was changed. This time, they returned to the Moyunling camp, so they could take a good rest.

  Although the battle of Moyunling has begun, the battle is far from intense.

   To be precise, both sides are currently testing each other, and have not invested a lot of troops in this battlefield.

  The evil spirits need to seize the time to repair the fortifications on Moyun Ridge stronger.

  The expeditionary force, Marquis Solomon Bowen, intends to fight steadily and step by step for the camp, relying on the advantages of bed crossbows and catapults for long-distance strikes, to suppress the evil ghost soldiers on the battlefield. The heavy cavalry and the Constructed Knights advanced from the front, crushing the main force of the evil spirits with uninterrupted offensives.

   When it was almost noon, the Fifth Battalion of the 58th Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment who came to change defense officially took over the defense, and Baron Sidney led the 4th Battalion of the 57th Army Regiment to retreat to the rear camp.

  When he left the battlefield, He Boqiang saw the horse galloping recklessly among the mountains, as if it followed the fourth brigade for a certain distance before disappearing into the dense forest.


  Surdak has also been preparing for the squadron leader assessment recently.

His biggest shortcoming is that the level of fighters has just reached level eight, and fighters of this level can only meet the requirements of squad leaders, while the promotion regulations of the Green Empire army clearly require that the position of squadron leader of the heavy armored infantry regiment should reach at least the peak of level nine. It is impossible for Nesuldak to break through the ninth level, so this can be regarded as his biggest obstacle on the way to promotion.

  Since Suldak is going to gamble, He Boqiang will of course support him unconditionally...

  (end of this chapter)

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