Lord Futian

Chapter 412: Luoyuan Building

If this is the case, Li Qingniu might be in danger if he goes out. After all, this lady of the Bai family has seen her true face clearly, and she also knows her name. If she says it out, this Bai family member It is hard to guarantee that he is not secretly wanted, which is quite troublesome for Li Qingniu.

When I just came to a new place, I offended the snake and felt uncomfortable. Li Qingniu thought, it’s better to change his face when I go out, so as to avoid some misfortunes. Li Qingniu is now in this state of concentration, desolate and empty. Jujue turned more and more handy, even a monk who was a few orders higher than her could not see this hijab-changing technique.

As soon as he walked out of the vast ice field, Li Qingniu changed his appearance, pressing his cultivation base to the peak of the starfall realm, and his whole body shape changed a bit, a tough face, a little dark, and an ordinary man of medium height. Appeared on the deserted grassland.

There is no one on this grassland. Li Qingniu first met the Bai family on this grassland. When he came to this place again, Li Qingniu was no longer like it used to be, and he didn't know what the boundary of the land was.

Li Qingniu now has a general understanding of this place, and knows that a few hundred kilometers away from this grassland, there is a place called Luoyuan City, which is the only supply place on this grassland. The original city can be regarded as the edge of the Bai family's boundary. In fact, the entire grassland connecting this ice sheet belongs to the Bai family's boundary.

It’s just that this grassland has always been a three-regardless zone. Although it belongs to the Bai family’s boundary, it was hundreds of thousands of years ago. Since a major event happened hundreds of thousands of years ago, this grassland white The prairie family has not taken care of it anymore, only this Bingyuan Bai family held it tightly in his hand.

Generally, if you are a cultivator of the Ice Martial Spirit who do not belong to the Bai family, and want to come to this ice field to practice, you generally need the approval of the Bai family to enter. If you don’t have the consent of the Bai family, enter If this icefield is discovered, it will be directly killed by the discoverer of the Bai family.

So the management here is very strict, but the management of this grassland is very weak, basically it exists only in name, because the grassland is geographically located at the junction of the three major families and the Warcraft Mountains. It is a mixture of fish and dragons. The family is not easy to manage, so over the years it gave up the control of this grassland.

After all, there are no useful resources on this grassland, and this Luoyuan city is on this vast grassland, the only city, this city is quite huge, the lord of the city is famous for the king of Luoyuan, it is rumored that the king of Luoyuan is The power of the air control realm is unfathomable. He is an extremely mysterious figure, and basically will not show his face in this Luoyuan city.

After several hours of driving, Li Qingniu finally came outside the Luoyuan city before sunset. Li Qingniu far away saw this big guy standing on the grassland. This city was regarded as an eye-opener for Li Qingniu. The land area is wide, and the topography of the grassland undulates gently.

Very majestic, the black city wall disappeared on the skyline, the blood-red sunset reflected the brilliance on the horizon, sprinkled on the majestic city, it is quite majestic after bathing in blood, let this grassland The only city adds a sense of desolation.

When Li Qingniu came to this towering city gate, several monks in various costumes came and went, none of their cultivation bases were very high. There were more monks in the Broken Mirror and the Starry Sky Realm, and there were also some monks in the Starfall Realm. , But obviously there are relatively few. The gate is guarded by monks in the Shattered Realm, with a cold face wearing armor.

When Li Qingniu walked to the gate of the city, although it was already late, there were still many people coming and going at the gate. Everyone looked different and dressed differently, but Li Qingniu discovered that these people entered here, The expression on his face was a little heavy, as if something had happened.

Li Qingniu did not find any pictures of the wanted person near the city gate, and I don’t know if the Bai family is wanted for him, but now he has changed his face, even if someone is searching for him in secret, Li Qingniu is also Don't worry about your whereabouts being exposed.

After entering this city gate, there is a very large main road. After crossing this wide main road, Li Qingniu came to Luoyuan City, which is full of people. The whole Luoyuan City is full of wild atmosphere, and there are some trades all around. The commercial shops of the goods, although people come and go, these streets are also very clean. They are all pavements of some merchants. They are not like those in the cities on the Starry Sky Continent. Some stalls are still placed on this street.

After passing through these streets, Li Qingniu found an inn called Tianxinlou. He planned to rest in this inn for the first night, and then go around in this Luoyuan city the next day. After all, it was already late. In this unfamiliar place, Li Qingniu still has a lot of things to do, such as Luoshui in his celestial aperture mirror. He doesn't know what is going on and when will he wake up.

Li Qingniu walked into this Tianxin Tower, and was really surprised by the decoration inside. Above the splendid hall, the decoration was unusually complicated. The lighting on the top of the hall was a very hard-to-see pearl of the deep sea, which was not only spiritual. It is full, and the use of this deep-sea pearl for lighting is definitely the patent of the rich and nobles, because this deep-sea pearl is bright and soft, without dazzling at all, and the light will change over time.

Although this pearl of the deep sea is not of much use to practitioners, it is very searchable and needs to be found in the deep sea. At least it is necessary for monks in the starry sky realm to dive into the deep sea. Looking for this jewel hidden in the deep sea, there are naturally more dangers in this seabed than on land.

These conditions have also led to this deep-sea pearl, although it has no spiritual value, but if it is used to decorate his own courtyard, it is definitely something that shows his identity, and Li Qingniu has only seen it by chance, and has some feelings about this deep-sea pearl. I understand, Li Qingniu didn't know that there was such a deep-sea pearl on Heluo Star, indicating that there was definitely a vast deep ocean on Heluo Star.

Li Qingniu didn’t expect that he came to an inn casually. The decoration was so big. I think the price is not cheap. It’s just that when Li Qingniu came in, the decoration outside the Tianxin Building was mediocre. Li Qingniu I can't see it, there is such a crouching tiger, hidden dragon inside.

Moreover, the whole hall was very empty and there were not many people. It made Li Qingniu suddenly come in from the crowd, and felt a little uncomfortable. After entering the hall, Li Qingniu came to the counter in the hall a few steps. , A beautiful beauty with a smile on Li Qingniu's service.

"This son, is there anything I can do for you?"

"Give me a room." Li Qingniu replied.

"My son, we only have a Tianzi size room left here. This room is more expensive overnight."

"How much?" Li Qingniu asked nonchalantly. Now Li Qingniu doesn't care about this kind of money. After all, a monk at his level, even if the inn is expensive overnight, where can it go?

"It needs 10,000 top-grade primordial stones." The delicate maid stretched out a finger and said with a smile.

This 10,000 top-grade primordial stone surprised Li Qingniu. This is a top-grade primordial stone. It actually costs 10,000. When converted, it is equivalent to ten top-grade primordial stones. Why is this room so expensive, Li Qingniu No matter how expensive it is, it won't be too expensive. I didn't expect that it would really break through his imagination.

If Li Qingniu, who was in the Starry Sky Continent before, saw this number, he must have left in a blink of an eye. The Starry Sky Continent is relatively scarce. These ten thousand high-grade spirit stones are relatively large for the monks in the Starry Sky Realm, and they are only a trivial one The room rate for one night at the inn.

Although it is expensive, Li Qingniu can still afford it. Although Li Qingniu was a little surprised in his heart, he was still calm on the surface. From the space ring, he took out 10,000 top-grade gemstones and piled them up directly in front of the maid at the counter. A pile of yuan stones as high as a hill.

This caused a look of surprise flashed in the delicate and beautiful maid’s eyes, but it returned to normal in an instant, but was still noticed by Li Qingniu, who was perceived by the powerful spiritual sense. The maid on the counter looked at Li Qingniu’s dress and appearance. It's not like such a rich master.

Unexpectedly, this Li Qingniu gave her a surprise, and she really took out the large sum of money as usual. The maid instantly felt that she might be underestimating others. After all, she is a monk in the Starfall Realm, so naturally she won’t. Wherever he is poor, just being able to live in such an expensive inn shows that there must be a lot of resources behind this person.

The graceful maid is just a monk with a shattered mirror, but she still has eyesight, but Li Qingniu's disguise is too good, this graceful maid treats Li Qingniu as an ordinary monk. You can see it.

The graceful maid smiled and piled up the hill-like primordial stone on the counter, and disappeared instantly with a wave of her hand. At this moment, behind the screen on the right, a beautiful maid came and said to Li Qingniu. : "My son, please."

At this moment, there was a noisy noise at the gate, and a young man with a crown of jade stopped two seductive women from right and left to walk in, and passed by Li Qingniu.

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