Lord Futian

Chapter 1703: Can't get down?

To be conservative, Li Qingniu decided to leave here quickly. This may be the best solution. However, this height makes Li Qingniu quite a headache. Naturally, it is impossible for him to take risks personally. It's not a good thing. The current situation is not absolutely safe.

Li Qingniu looked at the shimmering golden scales under his feet, and his heart moved. He didn't know what the appearance of this golden dragon meant, but he could feel the appearance of this golden dragon. It was absolutely very common. All kinds of things, for him, are themselves a challenge.

As for the secrets in this palace, Li Qingniu will naturally not give up easily. The most important thing at the moment is that after solving the situation inside, he may be able to solve the current dilemma. In Li Qingniu's heart, it is already There is a general feeling.

"Then I will try to stimulate this golden dragon with fire?" After Li Qingniu thought of this, he immediately started to do it. Under the current situation, can he stay in this place for too long, because it is for him That is not a good thing.

The golden-red blazing sun flame appeared in Li Qingniu's palm, and the swaying fire light exuded a faint warmth. Li Qingniu himself had not thought about it, if there were any problems in it, what would it do to them? Influence, but after today, he discovered that the temperature of the flame is far from being as simple as he imagined.

Just when Li Qingniu was about to directly release the pale golden flame in his hand, a faint chill came from the sky. Almost in an instant, Li Qingniu felt it, his whole body There was a shock, and there was a sense of anxiety in my heart.

He also didn't know exactly what was going on, but he could feel the existence of some unusual things from it, and the power that exists in it, for Li Qingniu himself, has a huge problem in itself. After here, Li Qingniu's state immediately became alert.

Because he knows very well that once any problem arises in it, it will cause a huge blow to himself. Moreover, at present, there are many other problems in it. Li Qingniu himself has not noticed the situation. Relatively speaking, Li Qingniu was actually a little worried in his own heart. The situation in front of him made him a little unclear. What happened in it?

As soon as he looked up, he saw a cloud coming from a distance. Only for an instant, Li Qingniu felt that this cloud was different from what he usually saw. This difference is not a simple situation, it can be clearly described, and it is aimed at Li Qingniu himself could feel some of the situations in it, and what happened in it was definitely not as simple as he imagined.

"What is this?" Li Qingniu put his hand over and put the blazing sun flame in his hand directly, he could feel it, the cloud was not simple, it seemed to be directed at him, this feeling was very Obviously, Li Qingniu is almost certain that he will never admit his mistake.

It’s just that the occurrence of this situation does not mean anything to him himself. It’s just that, relatively speaking, the situation inside is far beyond his own expectations, compared to the inside. In the situation, Li Qingniu was even more worried about overexposure. It was not the change in it, but the appearance of this thing.

Unexpectedly, the golden dragon on the soles of his feet began to undergo unusual changes. I saw him suddenly roar, and the surrounding space was severely affected, including Li Qingniu himself, who was almost here. In the violent shock of the golden dragon, it turned over directly.

In fact, he is very clear in his heart. The situation before him has many problems for him. Relatively speaking, what happened inside makes him a little worried. Once it appears, What happened to me, but there is nothing good about it?

The various situations that have happened here have made Li Qingniu a little worried. I did not expect that there will be a change in the sky. This is not good news. Li Qingniu himself is very worried about the changes in it. The situation, for both of them, has its own huge problems.

As time passed, the changes in the sky became more and more violent. This golden dragon seemed to be stimulated, constantly tossing in the mid-air, almost not overturning Li Qingniu directly. , Had it not been for Li Qingniu to hold onto this golden dragon's scales tightly, Li Qingniu still didn't know what happened in it?

However, as time passed, he felt more and more that some of the problems in it were far more dangerous than he had imagined, and the situation inside made Li Qingniu a little worried. Any problems that occur will have a huge impact on him.

After thinking of this, Li Qingniu began to watch it change. The appearance of this cloud is not a good thing. The situation in front of him has made him more vigilant in his heart. After all, he is in this mid-air, so Once there is any change in the high place, this will have a huge impact on me.

After all, with his current physique, it is estimated that there will be no good things to fall directly from such a high place, and in his own heart, there is also some worry, if he falls, the consequences may not be too great. Well, in his own heart, there is also some worry, once there is something wrong, it will be a very serious matter for himself.

After thinking of this, Li Qingniu became even more worried in his heart. Once any change occurred in it, it would be a very serious matter for himself. After thinking of this, Li Qingniu became even more worried. He became vigilant.

The clouds in the sky began to gradually show his own power, the energy beating in the air became more and more intense, like a pair of invisible big hands, in the darkness, constantly This stirs up the situation inside, and this makes Li Qingniu's own heart also very worried. If anything happens here, it will be very detrimental to him.

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