Lord Futian

Chapter 1312: The vitality of the origin of the universe

The most important thing is that he can feel from this that there seems to be some unusual power in the body of this mad war. When this drop of his blood appears, the aura of this mad war's whole person seems to follow It was a little different before, the magnificent and powerful breath even made Li Qingniu feel a trace of oppression.

"What the **** is going on?" The oppressed Li Qingniu was very shocked. In his own eyes, everything that happened right now looked really incredible, and he could also feel some of the things that existed in it. , The influence on oneself is indeed very profound.

It’s just that he didn’t care too much about it before, because he could feel that the appearance of these things had caused a change in the power of the laws of the world around him, and even made him feel it. From this crazy battle The feeling of oppression that came out of her body.

But this incident, after all, did not have much impact, and some of the things that happened in it made him particularly surprised. Judging from the current situation, the occurrence of this incident did indeed have a certain effect. These effects, but the scope of influence of this effect is actually limited.

And when the energy in the entire space was all aroused by the power of the essence and blood, Li Qingniu discovered that the influence of some of the aura in it on him was gradually weakening. The discovery of this situation made him very surprised, because some of the things that appeared in it were indeed extraordinary in his own eyes.

Before, he could feel that these unusual forces will not have much impact on him for the time being. Although there is a certain sense of oppression, Li Qingniu can feel it. The existence of these oppression is in a certain To a certain extent, it is not too stressful for oneself.

So at the beginning, he faced the changes in the world, and did not react too much, because he was constantly watching the mad war, he wanted to see whether this mad war can be Among them, directly sending out things that affect oneself, at least from the current point of view, the impact of this matter seems to be no more than that.

And he could also discover from this, although the law of power in the entire surrounding space was all attracted by the appearance of this blood, but in this, Li Qingniu did not find any traces of spatial fluctuations. For him, it's not a good thing.

Because if the essence of mad fighting can evoke the laws of space, then this space will inevitably be affected as well. At that time, some of the situations that appear in it will also change for him. It was very complicated, and the things that happened before made Li Qingniu feel a little surprised in his heart.

For him, the occurrence of this event is not good news in general. If there is really no way for him to reconsolidate the spatial channels on this mad war, this will, for himself, be It will be a huge dilemma, because it will mean that he himself must face the various scenes that are happening here.

At that time, some of the things that appeared in it will also be difficult for Li Qingniu himself, because he is the only one to go forward on the next road, so he now very much hopes that these actions of mad fighting , To be able to have some feedback, otherwise, he would be too bad.

The blood of mad fighting, exuding golden light, floats in front of him. As the law of the entire space, it is constantly being affected by it. There is a very special energy substance that passes through this deep space. , Passed it slowly, but Li Qingniu, who was in it, could clearly feel how strong the pressure that existed in it would have on him.

In his heart, there is an inexplicable worry. The things that are happening now make him feel very surprised, and he always feels that the emergence of some things in it may cause a very huge wave. Said that the occurrence of this incident made him a little surprised.

Because he found that the power of the world around him, at this time, seemed to be less obvious. The self in it can clearly feel that the appearance of these powers is just one thing for him. There is tremendous pressure, and to a certain extent, the impact of this pressure on oneself is obviously obvious.

Li Qingniu, who is in it, can clearly feel that the world around him is constantly communicating the power in his body, so that he himself, who is in it, can feel it, a kind of surrounding power. The feeling of oppression, but this feeling of oppression did not last long.

Because this drop of blood in front of Kuangzhan suddenly shattered, and the golden light immediately covered the front of Kuangzhan, Li Qingniu felt like a sun, with a strong vitality radiating from it. Li Qingniu is no stranger to such pure vitality when he comes out. He himself just walked out of such a space full of rich vitality.

Although the power between these vital forces is actually the same, the vitality in the birthplace of the universe is slightly different from the vitality of ordinary plants, because this is the birth of the universe. Vitality must be even stronger.

He possesses those ordinary vitality, powers that are completely absent. This is the ability to resurrect ordinary people from death. Of course, the premise is that he must still have spiritual consciousness. This is also what Li Qingniu beforehand realized from it. , He himself has also benefited greatly from this life force, otherwise, he would not be able to live safely after the martial soul is broken.

It was because of the vitality that he had absorbed before that was lurking in his body and brought to Li Qingniu the huge benefits. Now suddenly I feel that such pure vitality, from the blood of mad fighting, It broke out directly, and it still surprised Li Qingniu very much.

He finally understood why the physique of the clan in the war was so powerful that it was so terrifying. It turned out that there was a trace of extremely rich life force in their bodies, the origin of the universe.

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