Lord Futian

Chapter 1300: Four martial arts are broken

At this moment of breaking, Li Qingniu could clearly feel that in his originally calm and waveless Dantian, a violent energy storm was instantly triggered, and the power in these four martial arts seemed to be trapped. Like the dark beast in the cage, once released, the burst of breath made Li Qingniu feel a great threat.

Before, he didn’t really care too much about some of the things that happened in it, but when this happened later, he clearly understood that there was some power in it, and for him, it was absolutely. A chasm that incompetence can cross.

At the moment when this energy storm swept through, Li Qingniu wanted to use his ability to block the gap in his body, but he found that the storm that occurred in his dantian had completely exceeded his own control. Within the scope, everything around him began to affect himself.

And Li Qingniu, who is in it, can also clearly discover how difficult it is for him to appear these forces. Li Qingniu, who is immersed in this, is in a state of alert. In, because of the appearance of these energies, it has completely exceeded the scope of his understanding.

Moreover, compared with some of his previous changes, it is completely within two different ranges. Li Qingniu himself has no way to explain the impact of this change, and he himself understands very well. , If this continues, his dantian will definitely be affected.

Because these energy storms swept unrestrainedly, they had already caused damage to Li Qingniu’s dantian, but now Li Qingniu could not calm the storm in his body at all. He originally wanted to use the power of the chaotic breath, but found that he Actually, you can't control it at all.

More precisely, it is the forces in these chaos that have caused a powerful obstacle to themselves. It is the infusion of these chaotic aura forces that make the storms in the dantian in Li Qingniu's body become more violent. , And Li Qingniu, who was in it, could clearly discover how strong the power of these energy storms was for him.

It’s just that at the beginning, Li Qingniu had no way of foreseeing what happened here and its influence on him, because of the appearance of some things, perhaps at the beginning, it was already doomed to his final result. Li Qingniu, who was completely helpless, could only watch, the power in his body began to become more and more unscrupulous.

Li Qingniu, who was immersed in this, could clearly feel that the energy storm in his dantian became more and more unscrupulous. Li Qingniu could only endure passively, because the lightning energy around him was constantly madly Infused, Li Qingniu's body had already begun to undergo very obvious changes.

Although these energy storms did have a very obvious impact on Li Qingniu's dantian at the beginning, but in the end, Li Qingniu discovered that the impact was not just a little bit, but immersed in this state. Li Qingniu can clearly feel the power of integration.

These powers seem to be affected by the power of these thunders. After being completely shattered at the beginning, they are then integrated with the power of the chaotic aura. A very complex and majestic power appears in Li Qingniu’s dantian. This power appears. , Let Li Qingniu feel his body, as if suddenly regaining a new life.

Li Qingniu, who was immersed in this state, could clearly find that the appearance of this kind of power was a kind of powerful energy feedback for himself. In the beginning, he himself did not pay too much attention to it. , I thought that the appearance of this kind of power would have a huge impact on his dantian, but when this matter developed later, Li Qingniu discovered that it turned out that he had thought too much.

Because some of the energy movement in it is completely beyond Li Qingniu’s imagination, because he discovered that when these mixed forces began to continue to merge, there was some energy in it, which also changed, even At the end of the fusion, the attribute power inside also began to become less obvious.

Everything seemed to have been washed and returned to a pure state. Even Li Qingniu felt the extremely large chaotic power before, and in this state at this time, it gradually became a state. This kind of special feedback, Li Qingniu suddenly discovered, what does this power change mean?

He discovered that the emergence of these energies seemed to have a directional goal at the beginning. When Li Qingniu first started, he did not pay too much attention to it, but this matter got the final touch, and Li Qingniu discovered that there was something inside. The impact was so profound at the beginning.

And these energy bodies began to continue to merge together. Slowly, the aura of their respective attribute powers no longer became obvious. Li Qingniu, who was immersed in them, could clearly discover the emergence of these powers. , Perhaps at the beginning, it heralded a completely different ending.

Because he felt that a familiar and unfamiliar power suddenly emerged from his dantian. The familiarity of this power was the same power aura that Li Qingniu had come into contact with in the birthplace of the universe before. There are similarities in the same way, but if you feel it carefully, you can feel that there are some completely different breaths between the two energies.

It’s just that Li Qingniu didn’t pay much attention to it before. It was only after the development of this matter that Li Qingniu gradually discovered that the emergence of these forces may have been foreshadowed at the beginning, so that it can be clear. I can feel how powerful and terrifying the breath of these forces in his body is.

The power breath of the place where the universe was born indeed has the same magical effect. This means that the energy level between the two is actually the same. This is a power than chaos, because a higher power represents the entire universe. Among them, the undisputed most powerful force.

It's just that this kind of power shouldn't appear in the monk's body, and it has been quietly born at this time.

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