Lord Futian

Chapter 1241: Lost Sanity

At the moment he almost jumped down, he woke up instantly, knowing what was happening in front of him, what did it mean? But he has no other choice. Li Qingniu didn't understand at this moment, what exactly happened just now? Actually caused myself to make this decision.

However, what I can perceive is that Li Qingniu had been completely affected by the black mist at the time, and his judgment was completely affected. Otherwise, with the power of Li Qingniu's divine consciousness, it would be impossible. This kind of confusion of consciousness would have occurred. But now that the situation has already happened, even if Li Qingniu regrets it, it is beyond his reach.

He can only feel that your body is falling continuously. In the process of falling, the wind whizzing around made Li Qingniu feel that a burst of cold air swept toward himself, inside his body. The flames of the flames, involuntarily protected the Lord automatically.

The golden-red light directly illuminates part of the dark space channel that is falling down. Li Qingniu discovered at this time that faces with fangs appeared in the surrounding darkness, looking at it. With these hideous faces, Li Qingniu felt like he was looking at the faces of people who were struggling before they died.

There are all kinds of weird expressions on it, some are sad and wrong, and some are moaning constantly. They are all exceptions. The expressions on their faces are very painful. Li Qingniu glanced over and felt that all around him was basically this. The human face that appeared in the black mist was a bit like the soul bodies that I saw when I was on the outermost side.

It's just that those things, compared with the things in front of them, they have more torsos, and these things now only have a single head left. To be more precise, it is a face, this kind of infiltration. In the scene, Li Qingniu unconsciously got goose bumps on her body.

He could feel the influence of the surrounding forces on him, how powerful it is. The space that has been reversed makes him fully feel that the place he is going to go is probably not a good thing, because of this. It was completely different from the route marked on the starry sky map in his mind.

Li Qingniu himself is not sure, what will happen after entering such a turbulent space? However, the fear in his heart did not last long. Li Qingniu felt that his whole figure seemed to have lost gravity, and suddenly stopped from the height of this vast abyss.

With his body floating in this mid-air, Li Qingniu felt that he was above the ground, but at a distance of more than ten meters, but in this place, all the objects, all seemed to have lost gravity, floating in the mid-air. In, including those black mist that is constantly rising.

"Where is this place?" Li Qingniu said curiously. As soon as his body's strength turned, Li Qingniu's body seemed to have suddenly added a thousand gold weight, and it banged directly and landed firmly on the ground, although he could feel it Obtained, this space has lost the existence of gravity, but it has no other influence on himself.

Li Qingniu now has completely increased the weight of his body, so he can resist this area where gravity has disappeared. It seems that he walks on this black land normally, but in this way, he goes under normal gravity. In the end, Li Qingniu has some discomforts for Li Qingniu's walking.

But he soon discovered that he had no intention to care about this now, because he saw the light not far away in this black space, so dazzling, in this black space, that The colorful light is like a rainbow hanging in the sky, and it is also a beacon to guide the way.

"What is that? How could it appear in this place?" Li Qingniu's heart was full of all kinds of doubts at this time. He came to this space inexplicably, and all the things he saw could not be described in words. , And Li Qingniu didn't know anything about this space, he didn't know at all, what was hidden in it?

It's just that he can feel that this space is unique, and it is also a huge challenge for him to find it on his own, but Li Qingniu himself is confused about what will happen next. He himself is not quite clear about the impact of this space on him.

It's just that he could feel that the starry sky map in his mind suddenly burst into bright light in this place. Almost all the stars were all lit up in a flash. This is still Li Qingniu. For the first time I saw such a grand scene, blooming in my mind.

This definitely indicates that the place he is entering right now is very unusual. You know, he just absorbed a little black mist before, so that the outermost star directly lit up. When he came down all the way before , I can already feel the surrounding black mist, constantly trying to find a way to get into Li Qingniu's body, for this, Li Qingniu himself does not have any refusal.

Because under the circumstances at that time, he himself could no longer control his body at all. He could only allow these powers to constantly wander back and forth in his body. At this time, Li Qingniu deeply felt these powers. The existence of has such a powerful influence on the starry sky map in his own mind.

Affected by the starry sky map in the center of his mind, Li Qingniu clearly felt that some of the power in his body started to move around without his control. This is the first time I have encountered this situation, this kind of completely uncontrollable feeling. , Is very uncomfortable, just like Li Qingniu is now in the weightless field.

He can only rely on his own strength to walk calmly and calmly in this weightless domain, but the existence of these things is not too great a temporary threat to Li Qingniu, and he is most surprised now. Yes, it was the abnormal light not far in front.

I don't know why, Li Qingniu felt that colorful light gave him a familiar feeling. Although he didn't know exactly, what did this feeling mean? But he can feel the existence of these things, what does it mean to him?

Just like a person who has been searching for food for a long time, finally saw the salivating prey, Li Qingniu's heart, an inexplicable burst of hunger and thirst, this feeling surprised him, as if completely beyond. This kind of feeling suddenly appeared outside of his control, which made Li Qingniu very uncomfortable.

But in terms of discomfort, what Li Qingniu is most curious about right now is what happened in it? Because he could feel how unbelievable the existence of something was for him, his body began to move towards the colorful light unconsciously.

As he got closer, he could even feel the sensation of the colorful light shaking, as if it were man-made. If it weren't for the darkness around it, it was too deep, Li Qingniu estimated that he had already seen it clearly. What is hidden under that colorful light?

Only because of the limitation of the surrounding space and the influence of his own, the range that Li Qingniu's divine consciousness can detect is actually very limited, and he himself is in it, and he also feels these powers. His existence is constantly interfering with him.

Including the black mist around, tell Li Qingniu directly that although this kind of thing has a certain influence on the starry sky map, it can make one's own perception, in this strange place, compared to other monks, it has a completely different qualitative leap. , But similarly, Li Qingniu also had an inexplicable worry in his own heart. After all, this thing, at the very beginning, brought him very bad feelings.

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