Lord Futian

Chapter 1236: New problem

Heiyan would naturally not care about this kind of person. If it hadn’t been for the protection of King Han and Ming Yi before, that Heiyan had a trance towards Li Qingniu, he would never have thought of it at all. As far as he is concerned, a monk in the state of chaos cannot attract his attention at all.

What's more, the person in front of him has only this own strength. In a certain aspect, he can even feel it, even if he has no use value at all. The existence of Li Qingniu, in some respects, Maybe it could have some usefulness. After all, this place is unpredictable. What will they meet next? No one can tell.

At that time, Li Qingniu, but one of the best pathfinders, a free pathfinder delivered to the door, Heiyan will naturally not give up, not to mention this guy, the performance is also unusually well-behaved, which is even more important for Heiyan. Handy, he turned his gaze into the surrounding space.

Only a part of the attention was divided, watching the movement of Li Qingniu. When Heiyan was exploring the road, Li Qingniu was also exploring the road. They could only be in one space and could feel the intersection of another space. Otherwise, they can't feel anything more.

It is because of this setting that Li Qingniu has been unable to find the real path in his starry sky map, because he has not stepped into the starry sky map, the route that appears, And in the starry sky map, there is also no other place existence, so for Li Qingniu, this has become troublesome.

He previously thought that with this starry sky map, he could sit back and relax, but what he didn't expect was that all of this was originally thought of too simple, but think about it, if there are so many steps in the sky. The monk of, looking for something that hasn't been found for so long, it is indeed unreasonable to be found so easily by Li Qingniu.

But even so, the thing that Li Qingniu holds in his hands is also very powerful, because it means that as long as he can find a route in this starry sky map, he can find the existence of another route. This is for him. Generally speaking, it will be a very important thing.

Li Qingniu followed Heiyan all the time, through the route chosen by Heiyan, Li Qingniu walked for most of the day. The two of them were in this place and ran across for a long time, but they still had no clue until they entered a new space. At the time, this place actually exudes a faint sweet smell.

Li Qingniu is very familiar with this taste. You must know that it was because of this taste that the starry sky map in his mind was completely opened. Otherwise, they would not be able to come to this place, but he did not. What I know is that the space outside right now has completely undergone earth-shaking changes.

The appearance of all those things made Li Qingniu feel a heaviness. In his own heart, there were also some doubts. These things appeared. For him, although he is not unfamiliar, he is in this space. Why is there such a special change?

"There seems to be something wrong with this place," Hei Yan clearly noticed it. He perceived this small space in a puzzled manner, but found that these sweet smells actually appeared out of thin air, in the originally transparent space. Knowing when, a black mist suddenly appeared.

Although there is only a little bit, both of them are very sharp-eyed. This unusual change is indeed very elusive for them. No one knows that what exists in it is a What kind of thing? But Li Qingniu discovered that there seemed to be something wrong.

Because he discovered that these black mists actually started to flow towards him, as if it was purposeful. At the beginning, there was only a trace. When it floated towards Li Qingniu, Heiyan did not pay too much attention, after all. These places are so mysterious, and some abnormal situations have occurred, which is completely foreseeable to him.

What Li Qingniu didn’t expect was that the black mist entered his body directly. At that moment, Li Qingniu basically couldn’t even stop him. He felt the mist in his body. During the collision, an unusual sound began to ring in his ears.

The appearance of that power was also an anomaly for him, a change he had never noticed before, just when he was in a hurry and wanted to remove this power from his body, but this Something unexpectedly ran directly into the center of his eyebrows, reminding Li Qingniu of the starry sky map in the center of his eyebrows when he was excited.

With a dubious attitude, he let this black mist blend into the starry sky map. As expected, Li Qingniu felt his starry sky map and became brighter. For him, it was a rare experience. In the same way, in his own heart, he was very curious about this thing.

He doesn't know exactly what the effect of these black mists is? But he was able to perceive what these black mists meant to him? When he thought of this, Li Qingniu's whole body was suddenly agitated, and he found that a mysterious power in the center of his eyebrows began to spread.

At this moment, the star closest to the entrance suddenly lit up. To say that the previous starry sky map was all condensed by stars, and in every route, there was a dim Li Qingniu's Xinghui exists in it, but this thing, Li Qingniu had never paid too much attention to it before.

Because this was a very strange thing for him, but later, Li Qingniu discovered that the existence of this thing was indeed somewhat special, because the black mist that he had absorbed inexplicably lit up the most. Does the star at the beginning represent? He has entered the correct route.

Thinking of this possibility, Li Qingniu's heart was inexplicably happy. After walking for so long, he has finally reached the right path. Then he will have all the following routes in his heart completely, as long as he goes along. If you go down, you will be able to reach the end of this road.

After thinking of this, Li Qingniu became inexplicably excited in his heart, because he clearly understood what this event meant to him? So many people have been searching for so long without finding the ultimate secret. Now they have opened a broad road and appeared in front of him. How can Li Qingniu's heart not be excited or excited?

He knew what this meant for him. Once he said it, it would definitely cause an uproar. When he thought of this, Li Qingniu was in a good mood. Even the look in Heiyan's eyes began to become smoother. He found this. Heiyan doesn't seem to be as annoying as before.

It’s just that the emergence of this incident made Li Qingniu think of a crisis again. He is not alone now, and he is surrounded by a black rock staring at him. At this time, the black rock is still thinking carefully about how many branches he is going to take. Which way to go?

I don’t pay much attention to Li Qingniu anymore, because Li Qingniu has acted very calmly and guarding himself this way, and no moths have appeared. Therefore, this Black Rock didn’t care too much about Li Qingniu, anyway, it was a state of chaos. The monk, for himself, couldn't get through any storms at all.

Hei Yan now only wants to find his direction wholeheartedly. He has been paying close attention to it for a long time, but he has never had a clue. Now he is worried. He does not know that Li Qingniu behind him is thinking about how to get rid of himself and want to get rid of a black rock. , But it's not so easy, Li Qingniu thought about it, suddenly a flash of inspiration.

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