After learning that his son was wearing a green grassland on his head, Fang Tiancheng immediately left angrily.

Originally, he came to see the joke,

but in the end, he became a joke first!

However, Qin Qingshan's side couldn't help but laugh at him.

After all, now he himself is also in this mess

, belonging to the boiling clown, no one should laugh at anyone.


With several crisp and loud loud sounds of big mouths, Zhang Facai's face suddenly swelled into a pig's head.

I saw Qin Qingshan's face turned livid and asked coldly:

"Give me an honest explanation, who else is involved in this matter!?"


Zhang Fa just wanted to speak, but because his mouth was fanned into a sausage mouth, his lips could not open at all, and he could only mumble indistinctly.

Qin Qingshan's brows suddenly frowned, and he 'snapped' a few big pockets and fanned over.

"Your mouth is quite hard!"

"What the hell are you talking about!? Say or not!? Say or not!? "



Zhang Facai wanted to cry without tears

, why don't you fan me like this, I just can't say it.

"Eh, Grandpa, is there a possibility that he is now being slapped by you so that he can't open his mouth at all?"

Qin Yu on the side couldn't stand it, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

When Qin Qingshan heard this, he shook his head:

"Sun Tzu, you don't know these people under me too well."

"Those who can enter the Night Patrol Division, especially those in high positions, may be corroded by the beauty of money, but the bones are definitely harder than one!"

"I dare to pack a ticket, just this kid, if he doesn't torture him for ten days and a half months, this kid will definitely not confess his accomplices!"

"Oh?" When Qin Yu heard this, his eyebrows raised slightly: "This guy's bones can be so hard?" "


Qin Qingshan showed a slightly proud smile on his face and said

, "Big grandson, it's not me bragging with you, the people under me may have scum, but there can definitely be no seed!"


Qin Yu nodded, and immediately silently used the talent of the Revival Wood to heal the injury on Zhang Fa Cai's lips.

Soon, Zhang Facai's swollen lips that were swollen into sausages disappeared for the most part, and although they were not healed, they were at least able to speak.

I saw Zhang Fa Cai hurriedly said with a look of fear: "

I said I said!"

"My accomplices still have ***......***..." In

less than a few minutes, Zhang Facai confessed everyone involved in this matter!

After all, the person who knows the time is Junjie

, and now that he has been caught, he naturally has to do his best to make meritorious contributions and strive for leniency.

Qin Qingshan

: "..." Qin Yu covered his mouth and smiled: "Grandpa, this subordinate of yours is really 'good backbone'!"

Qin Qingshan was so angry at this moment that the corners of his mouth twitched violently, and his eyes looking at Zhang Facai suddenly became even more gloomy.

"Damn it, you're not only fucking scum, but also a scum, I'm CNM!"

With a loud national curse, the angry Qin Qingshan again gave Zhang Facai another brutal beating.

Zhang Facai: ???


I don't say

, you hit me, I said, you still hit me !?

I'm going to have to be beaten vertically and horizontally???

Half an hour later, Zhang Facai, who was severely injured and nearly disabled, was taken away by the relevant staff for further investigation and interrogation.

Under Zhang Facai's confession

, soon, a list of all the relevant people involved in this matter was printed out and sent to Qin Qingshan.

Looking at the list in his hand, Qin Qingshan's brows suddenly twisted into a ball, and he couldn't help but sigh and rub his temples.

"Oh, it's a little difficult."

This time, the matter has spread widely, and if one is not handled well, I am afraid that it will affect the development of the entire southeastern province.

And at this moment, Qin Qingshan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he couldn't help but turn his head to look at Qin Yu, who was reclining on the sofa on the side, swiping his mobile phone.

Feeling his grandfather's slightly strange gaze, Qin Yu couldn't help but shiver suddenly, quickly hugged his chest with his hands, and said with a wary face:

"Grandpa, what do you want to do?"

I saw Qin Qingshan smiled and said

, "Big grandson, grandpa now has a great opportunity to show sainthood in front of a good person, are you willing to do it?"

"Manifestation before people?"

Qin Yu was slightly stunned when he heard this: "Zun Du fake Dudu O.0?

"Of course it's true."

Qin Qingshan couldn't help but grin, and then began to tell Qin Yu about his plan.

It turned out that the people involved in this incident were not only people from the official side, but also the heads of major commercial groups in the southeast province.

The people on the official side are easy to deal with, after all, it is a matter within their own household.

Mainly on the business side, this

matter directly involves more than half of the leading enterprises in the southeast province.

If these people are really sanctioned in accordance with laws and regulations, the negative impact on the economy, employment and people's livelihood will be absolutely incalculable.

If one is not done well, it may even directly collapse the economy of the entire southeastern province.

However, if the punishment is not punished, or the punishment is not painful, it will be difficult to have a warning effect, and it will also weaken the majesty of their night patrol division.

All in all, the strength of this punishment is too difficult to grasp

, so Qin Qingshan feels that it may be possible to use an unconventional way that can not only affect the economy and people's livelihood, but also have a deterrent effect.

And using this unconventional method, Qin Qingshan felt that his grandson was definitely the most suitable.

"Sun Tzu, my plan is like this**%#@¥..."

Qin Qingshan leaned into Qin Yu's ear and quickly elaborated in a low voice.

When Qin Yu heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but grin.

Good fellow, this is indeed a great opportunity for personal manifestation.

"No problem, grandpa, you can leave this matter to me."

Qin Yu smiled and patted his chest to assure, and immediately stretched out his palm.

Seeing this, Qin Qingshan was stunned: "What are you doing?"

"Give benefits!"

Qin Yu said with a look of course: "Can't you give some benefits if you ask someone to do something?" When

Qin Qingshan heard this, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching, and he directly patted the back of Qin Yu's head.

"You boy, I forgot about your grandfather so quickly that I was going to give you a big chance, right?"

"Oh, yes."

Hearing this, Qin Yu suddenly thought about it.

The reason why he flew back to Jianghang City was because of this.

"Grandpa, you haven't said yet, what is the big opportunity you want to send me?" Qin Yu asked with a curious look.

When Qin Qingshan heard this, he couldn't help but carry his hands, an unfathomable mysterious smile appeared on his face, and said lightly:

"Sun Tzu, have you ever heard of a palm technique that descends from the sky?"

When Qin Yu heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up:

"Grandpa, what are you talking about is Rulai Divine Palm?"

"That's right, I'm going to send you a big chance with this... Half a dime relationship no.

Qin Yu: "..."

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