"Old Qin, to be honest, do you think I am a good person, please answer in one word."

On the other end of the phone, Liu Damao asked with a serious face.

When Qin Yu heard this, he thought about it with a serious face, and immediately replied, "


Liu Damao

: "..." Qin Yu smiled and shook his head:

"It's not nonsense, how have you and Xiao Ke been doing recently, have your realms improved?"

As soon as Liu Damao heard this, a smile immediately appeared on his face and said: "

To your blessing, after using the three-fold cultivation speed experience card you gave us, the cultivation speed is fast, Xiao Ke has been promoted to a martial artist, and I am only one foot away from the door."

"It's good, it's good, I heard that you two stupid sons are doing well, and I'm relieved to be a father." Qin Yu nodded with a look of satisfaction.

"Okay, let's not talk about it, I'm going to continue to the Ga family to make leeks."

Hanging up the phone, Qin Yu washed up, left the hotel gate, got on the subway, and went straight to the headquarters of Wuwu Media Company.

Because of Qin Yu's frequent hot searches in the past two days, he has now become a small celebrity, and he can be recognized wherever he goes.

No, just after getting on the subway, many people picked up their mobile phones to secretly take pictures of him, and

even many people came over and wanted to take photos with him to sign autographs.

Facing everyone's enthusiasm, Qin Yu waved his hand with a kind smile:

"Don't be in a hurry, all the families, come one by one, don't fall."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but cheer enthusiastically.

As the grandson of the Great Xia Dynasty Inspector, he is so close to the people and down-to-earth, isn't this better than chasing those high-ranking stars?

Then, they only heard Qin Yu shouting loudly:

"Everyone, take fifty photos, sign one hundred, I still have five stops to get off the train, everyone comes first, first served."

Everyone: "..." In

an instant, the people who had been enthusiastically gathered around directly dispersed.

Originally, I wanted to take a group photo, but it costs money, so forget it.

With this money, it is not as good as buying two pounds of ribs to go home and gnaw and eat.

Looking at the people who scattered in an instant, the corners of Qin Yu's mouth couldn't help twitching slightly

, good guy, are they all so real?

Qin Yu shook his head, then picked up his mobile phone and began to brush up the edge video.

But not long after brushing, a scream suddenly sounded in the carriage.

"Ah! Someone secretly photographed me!

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and they saw a delicately dressed girl looking at a middle-aged man squatting in the corner of a carriage with an imposing face, and asked coldly:

"Did you secretly photograph me just now?"

When the middle-aged man heard this, he shook his head with a confused expression:


The girl sneered:

"Don't quibble, I obviously saw you pointing your mobile phone camera at me just now!"

"But I really didn't take pictures of you."

"There is no basis for words, do you dare to hand over your mobile phone to me to check!"

When the middle-aged man heard this, his face was a little hesitant, but he still handed the mobile phone to the girl.

The girl opened her phone's album and checked it, but found no photos of her.

The middle-aged man spread his hands a little helplessly:

"Now I can prove my innocence."

The girl's face was a little embarrassed, but she still hardened her head and snorted coldly:

"Hmph, the deletion is quite fast, forget it this time, you will do less of this kind of thing in the future."

Some disdain glanced at the middle-aged man, and the girl waved her sleeves and left.

The middle-aged man frowned when he heard this, and wanted to refute, but in the end, he silently ate this secret loss with the mentality that more is better than less.

But he didn't know that it was precisely because of his silence

that everyone in the audience recognized him as a secretly filming maniac, and they all looked at him with some contempt and stayed away from him.

Feeling the kind of contemptuous gaze that everyone cast at him, the middle-aged man's face also turned red instantly, which can be described as yellow mud falling into the crotch of his pants, not but also.

And at this moment, Qin Yu suddenly stood up and stopped the girl:

"Wait a minute!" You stop! Did you secretly photograph me just now! "

When I got on the subway just now, many people picked up their mobile phones to shoot him, and among them was this girl.

Originally, this kind of thing was nothing

, but since this girl engaged in such disgusting things, then he would definitely treat her body with his human ways.

When the girl who was stopped by Qin Yu heard this, she couldn't help but be stunned and retorted:

"Who secretly photographed you, you can't spew blood with your mouth!"

Qin Yu clasped his hands to his chest and sneered,

"Then do you dare to let me check your mobile phone?"

When the girl heard this, a slight panic flashed on her face, but she still said extremely strongly:

"Why! What right do you have to look through my phone?

When Qin Yu heard this, he couldn't help but be happy, and asked rhetorically:

"Then why can you look through people's uncle's mobile phone?"

"Can that be the same, I'm a girl, I must have a sense of safety!" The girl said with a straight face.

"Huh." Qin Yu was amused by this girl's cerebral palsy logic:

"Then let me ask you, after you checked the mobile phone of the uncle, obviously nothing was found, why did you continue to slander people to secretly photograph you?"


the girl was speechless by the rebuttal, and suddenly said a little angrily:

"No, you are sick, what does this have to do with you?"

"Besides, looking at his lewd appearance and skillful movements, it is not the first time to commit a crime."

"Ten thousand steps back, if he didn't take a secret photo, why didn't he speak up for himself? It's not still a thief with a weak heart.

"You're so sick that I'm too lazy to wrestle with you."

Leaving these words, the girl was angry and ready to get out of the car, but she was grabbed by Qin Yu and snatched her mobile phone directly from her hand.

The girl was immediately startled and hurriedly shouted:

"What are you doing!? Robbery in broad daylight, huh!?

"Everyone, come and see, this person is going to rob me in broad daylight!"

The girl howled loudly, but the passers-by in the carriage just watched coldly.

Through the series of conversations just now, they have generally figured out what happened.

This girl obviously did not find any secretly taken photos from the uncle's mobile phone, but she still slandered him, which is simply no moral bottom line.

I saw Qin Yu forcibly holding the girl's weaker and thin body with one hand, and the other hand was holding her mobile phone to take a picture of her face, unlocking the lock screen, and then opening the mobile phone album to see, full of photos and videos that had just been secretly taken of him.

Qin Yu raised his mobile phone album and asked the girl with a sneer: "

Don't you say that you didn't secretly photograph me, then what is this?"

Being poked on the spot to break the lie, the girl's face was also suddenly frozen, but she still stiffened and said:

"You are a public figure, what can't I photograph you."

"Besides, I won't lose a piece of meat when I shoot you, because you are still a man, can you not be so stingy."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the carriage was speechless by her anti-heavenly logic.

Qin Yu was also too lazy to continue entanglement with this girl, and directly gave an ultimatum: "

Now give you two choices, either I will call the police now and let the night patrol division deal with it, or you sincerely apologize to that uncle in front of the whole carriage, you can choose by yourself."

"I..." The

girl's face turned blue and pale, and she looked very hesitant, but finally came to the middle-aged man and whispered:

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have slandered you."

"Louder, didn't eat, huh?"

"Sorry! I shouldn't slander you! The

girl repeated loudly with red eyes.

"Well, that's pretty much it." Qin Yu nodded with satisfaction, immediately looked at the uncle, and asked with a smile:

"Uncle, have you forgiven her now?"

The uncle glanced at Qin Yu with a grateful face, and nodded with a smile: "Forgiven, forgiven, thank you, young man."

Qin Yu smiled and waved his hand: "Little things, small things."

"So I can go now, right?" The girl had red eyes and looked at Qin Yudao with some resentment in her eyes.

"Of course not." Qin Yu decisively denied.

"What else do you want?"

"I still have to call the police, after all, you secretly filmed me, we haven't dealt with it yet."

"What!?" When the girl heard this, her pupils suddenly widened, and she said with some disbelief:

"Didn't you tell me that as long as I apologize, you won't call the police!?"

"Yes, you apologize to your uncle, and your uncle forgives you, so if you slander your uncle, I won't call the police."

"But if you secretly photograph me, I must call the police, this matter is one yard to one yard, it is very reasonable."

Qin Yu spread his hands and said with a look of course.


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