At this moment, the headquarters of the Guangshen City Night Patrol Department.

Chen Ming, who is in charge of monitoring information, received a text message.

Looking at the content of the text message, Chen Ming's pupils shrank suddenly, and he rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

I saw that the text message proudly marked the location of the headquarters of the Divine Envoy in Guangshen City!

"Is it a prank?"

Chen Ming thought secretly in his heart, and the next moment, he saw a group photo.

A teenager and an old man with pale sideburns.

"This kid is the grandson of the Qin Inspector of the Southeast Province!?"

Chen Ming's mouth opened wide, and he was almost shocked to drop his jaw.

At this moment, he did not dare to have any more contempt, and quickly reported the matter to his superiors.

Subsequently, the news was reported layer by layer, and finally reached the ears of Jiang Tianhao, director of the Guangshen City Night Patrol Department.

"What!? A man who claimed to be the grandson of the Qin Inspector said that he had found the location of the headquarters of the Divine Envoy!?

Jiang Tianhao stood up abruptly, his face showing shock.

He glanced at the group photo and found that it was indeed Qin Qingshan, the patrol of the Southeast Province, who was not wrong.

"Bang bang."

Jiang Tianhao's fingers rhythmically tapped the table in front of him, and his eyes fell into deep thought.

The Divine Envoy Society was lurking in the location of the headquarters of Guangshen City, they had spent a lot of manpower and material resources looking for so long and could not

find it, but could such a brat who had just arrived from the field find it so easily?

After thinking about it for a long time, Jiang Tianhao couldn't think of a reason.

After all, the matter was very important, and he did not dare to decide it lightly.

Thinking of this, he directly dialed the number of the inspector of Nanguangxing Province, which belongs to Guangshen City.

"Hey, Dragon Inspector, there is something I need to report to you now."

Subsequently, Jiang Tianhao explained this matter simply and clearly.

When Long Tianyang, the inspector of Nanguangxing Province, heard this, he was also extremely shocked, and hurriedly said: "

Okay, don't act rashly first, I'll confirm the authenticity of this matter with that guy from Qin Qingshan."

Immediately, hanging up the phone, Long Tianyang directly dialed the phone number of Qin Qingshan, the inspector of the Southeast Province.

"Hey, old Qin, take a look at this photo, is it true?"

Qin Qingshan looked at a photo uploaded by his mobile phone, and couldn't help but be slightly stunned:

"It's true, but how can you have this photo?"

This is a photo of him and Qin Yu's kid, and it stands to reason that it has not been passed out.

Immediately, he suddenly realized something, and cursed:

"Wipe! It won't be that little turtle calf who is doing evil outside in my name, and was caught by you!?

"This kid's crime is not a big deal, he has to be sentenced to a few years, and he won't have to eat a gun, right!?"

"Can I keep this kid with this identity?"

"If you can keep it, then you give me face and punish this kid lightly."

"But if it doesn't work, then when I didn't say, I'll ask his dad and his mother to have another one."

The corners of Long Tianyang's mouth twitched slightly.

Good fellow, this is really grandpa and grandson filial piety....

"Old Qin, don't get excited, your grandson didn't commit a crime."

Long Tianyang shook his head, and then told the other party what happened.


After Qin Qingshan listened, his eyes almost burst out.

"This kid actually sneaked into the headquarters of the Divine Messenger Society!?"

Qin Qingshan only felt that his blood pressure was soaring at the moment, and his heart was protruding.

It's better to squat in the number,

at least for the time being.

"Old Qin, that is, the person who sent us this message is really your grandson?"

"Then it must be!"

Qin Qingshan said with an anxious expression:

"Old Dragon, I Qin Qingshan has never begged others in my life, but this time I beg you, you must not let that little turtle calf have an accident, otherwise, I will really fight with you!"

The corner of Long Tianyang's mouth twitched.

Good fellow, do you ask for someone like that?

Long Tianyang shook his head, and immediately said with a solemn expression: "

Don't worry, Old Qin, I will definitely bring your grandson back safely!"

Hanging up the phone, Long Tianyang immediately dialed Jiang Tianhao's phone again, and said with a serious face:

"Immediately gather all the members of the Night Patrol Division to surround and suppress the Divine Envoy!"


At the same time, Dongsheng Group Building.

The captains and deputy captains of the detachments arrived at the conference room one after another.

The captain of the first detachment, Long Tou, looked at the duck head sitting in the main seat of the conference room, his brows suddenly frowned, and he coldly reprimanded:

"This son is also where you can sit?" Fuck off Lao Tzu!

However, the duck head put his hands on the back of his head, and his face calmly cocked Erlang's legs and said:

"Excuse me, dragon head, this meeting is entrusted to me by Lord Priest, so it is still very reasonable for me to sit on the throne."

The rest of the people couldn't help but be stunned when they heard this.

Duckhead is the captain of the seventeenth detachment, and he has always been at the bottom of these detachments, but why did Lord Priest appoint him to preside over this meeting?

Some sharp-minded people immediately realized that this meeting was not simple.

On the dragon head's side, when he heard what the duck head said, his eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn't say anything more, snorted coldly, and randomly found a position to sit down.

Soon, when all the staff arrived, the duck head also slowly stood up, put his hands on his back, and said lightly with a leader:

"Since everyone has arrived, then I will briefly say two words."

"First of all, our God Ambassador's ability to have the scale we have today is inseparable from the efforts of everyone here, and secondly..."

The captain of the first detachment sitting on the side, Long Tou, directly kicked the duck head out, and his eyes coldly reprimanded:

"Why don't you give me less nonsense, hurry up and tell Lao Tzu the point!"

The duck head covered his stomach, stood up tremblingly, glanced at the dragon head with a look of fear, did not dare to pretend to be forced anymore, and honestly said:

"There are undercover agents among us!"


As soon as these words came out, the entire conference room was in an uproar.

Everyone's eyes widened and they looked incredulous.

There are undercover agents among them!?

In an instant, the atmosphere in the entire conference room became extremely tense, and everyone's bodies suddenly tensed, looking at everyone present with a vigilant face.

The duck head's words were undoubtedly thunderous on the ground, and instantly woke up everyone in the conference room.

Among the people present, only the dragon head remained calm, and looked at the duck head with a fixed gaze:

"So, who is the undercover agent?"

"I don't know."

Duck Head shook his head and said with a determined expression: "The only thing that can be determined now is that I and my vice captain Duck Neck are iron good people!"

"And everyone else present may be undercover, so that's why Lord Priest appointed me to preside over this meeting!"

Hearing these words, everyone fell silent, and the atmosphere in the conference room immediately became more tense.

Looking at the scene in front of him, the corners of Qin Yu's mouth, which was hidden under the mask, couldn't help but curl up.

Good guys, this is not pure and pure large-scale live-action immersive werewolf killing.

And he is a werewolf, on the first day was issued a good man card by the only true prophet in the audience, this Nima still does not quack and kill థ౪థ?



PS: Elegant and timeless.

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