"The admission list of this special recruitment early approval examination has been announced, and students who have not been admitted should not be frustrated, I hope to continue to work hard in the college entrance examination and achieve good results."

Ye Baihe put down the list in his hand and said with a smile: "

Now, the double election meeting will officially begin."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the candidates who got the admission quota suddenly became excited and excited.

The double election meeting, as the name suggests, is the process of negotiation between the school and the candidates.

The school can throw an olive branch to the candidates they like, and candidates can also choose their favorite colleges and universities to recommend themselves.

In an instant, the candidates who got the admission quota couldn't help but rub their little hands with excitement, not knowing which university would throw an olive branch to them.

Then, I saw that in the next moment

, nine invigilators from major top universities instantly rushed in front of Qin Yu, surrounded him, and threw olive branches to him with enthusiasm, directly leaving the rest of the examinees in place.

"Ah, this..." The

expressions on the examinees' faces were all stunned, and they didn't expect such a situation at all.

But there was no way, Qin Yu's performance in the previous rounds of exams had already been pinched by all the invigilators present.

In the face of such a peerless genius that was rare in a century, they were extremely eager to recruit him into their schools.

"Classmate Qin Yu, our Sichuan-Chongqing University is a leading university in the southwest region of Daxia, come to us, promise to train you with all our strength, and directly give you the treatment of super S+ level students!"

"You Sichuan-Chongqing University is a fart in the southwest region, have you forgotten that we were tyrannical in the last national college competition?"

"Fuck your uncle! Just luckily won us once and put this on hold, why don't you say that in the previous decades, they were beaten by our school?

"Let's put this history aside with me, then go back hundreds of years ago, when our Hanwu University was bullish, your Sichuan-Chongqing University still didn't know where to shelve!"

"I'm **** you**"

The two invigilators began to spray directly.

The invigilator of Suhang University smiled and waved his hand:

"Classmate Qin Yu, don't take care of the two of them, their two universities are just the rookies at the bottom of the top 10 universities, or come to our Suhang University, not only ranked TOP5

, but also, I directly equip you with ten beautiful seniors as your student companions, plus give you special approval to apply for a luxury villa by the lake, the environment is beautiful and quiet, no one knows what you are doing inside!"

When the rest of the invigilators heard this, they couldn't help but angrily go to the invigilator from Suhang University, looking annoyed.

This old beep den has a lot of beautiful women in their university, and

it is simply shameless to use this kind of inferior beauty trick every day!

"I wipe! You are an old and unorthodox person, can you not use this kind of trick every day, moreover, I believe that Qin Yu is not a womanizer at all!

"Yes! Classmate Qin Yu is a bright and honest person, how can he be tempted by the despicable temptation of you like this! Listening

to everyone's praise for him, Qin Yu scratched his head a little embarrassed:

"It's not a secret, this aspect has actually always been my weakness, I still want to challenge my weakness and exercise my willpower."

The invigilators: "..." When

the invigilator of Suhang University heard this, his expression suddenly couldn't help but be delighted, and a smug look appeared on his face.

This is called the hero sad beauty off!

At this moment, the invigilator of Higashiyama University, who had been silent, spoke.

I saw him carrying his hands behind his back, and just said lightly

, "There is still an empty bed in the school flower dormitory, you come, it will be yours."

Oh!!! Buy ~~~Ka!!

Everyone was wide-eyed and confused.


Can this kind of operation be done!?

Or you just let him get aBc!

Qin Yu's tiger body was suddenly shocked at this moment, and without saying a word, he said with an excited expression:

"Don't say anything, Dongshan University has always been my dream school, I have to go today!"

When the rest of the invigilators heard this, they were immediately anxious, and hurriedly opened their mouths to dissuade: "

Classmate Qin Yu, don't go to his big beep, the school flower of Dongshan University is like this!"

A proctor hurriedly pulled out a photo!

Qin Yu fixed his eyes, and was immediately frightened and took a big step back, and couldn't help but exclaim,

"Lying groove!? What model of military tank is this !? "

This girl's little arms are thicker than his thighs

, and if you share a dormitory with her,

I am afraid that you will be crushed into meatloaf the next day!"

Qin Yu looked at the invigilator of Dongshan University in disbelief:

"This, this is your school's joke!?"

The invigilator of Dongshan University touched his nose with some embarrassment:

"At that time, our school held the school flower selection, and she won the name of the school flower with an overwhelming vote of 99.9%, and I couldn't help it."

"Pull it down!"

Qin Yu quickly waved his hand and directly pulled Dongshan University into the blacklist.

And at this moment, Ye Baihe spoke.

"Classmate Qin Yu, I have just applied to the school leaders, and after hearing your situation, I decided to give you the treatment of the highest SSS-level student in our school."


As soon as these words came out, the rest of the people were in an uproar.

No one expected that Dijing University would really give this SSS-level student who only awakened the highest grade of A-level talent treatment!

However, it's normal to think about it.

After all, this kid's other comprehensive aspects are too perverted, which is completely enough to cover up his disadvantage in talent level.

At this moment, many invigilators suddenly showed regret.

Teikyo University offers the highest level of treatment, and the rest of their schools can't compete in any way.

At this moment, Chen Shouzheng, who was standing behind everyone, was constantly engaged in a fierce ideological struggle in his heart.

He also very much wanted to recruit this kid now,

but at first, he put down his words and said that he would not admit this kid no matter what.

If he opened his mouth to solicit now, wouldn't it be a slap in his own face?

In the end, Chen Shouzheng hesitated again and again in his heart, but still made a decision.

I saw that he decisively said

, "Classmate Qin Yu, our Longxia University also gives you the highest level of student treatment!"

As soon as these words came out, the rest of the people's expressions were shocked again, and they couldn't help but look at Chen Shouzheng with a surprised expression.

Ye Baihe brushed his beard with a smile and said

, "Old Chen, didn't you say that you won't admit Qin Yu if you kill him, why did you change your mouth now?"

Chen Shouzheng's face froze when he heard this, but he still stiffened his head and said with a look of course:

"What do the words I said at that time have to do with me now?"




PS: Who can figure out this elementary school arithmetic problem, I call him daddy!

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