At this moment, everyone in the examination room couldn't help but look at Qin Yu with a surprised expression.

According to common sense, the higher the level of awakened talent, the faster the cultivation speed will be, which is like the general truth of 1+1=2.

In particular, the gap in cultivation speed between S-level talent and S-level talent is unimaginably large.

But now, what is happening in front of them has completely shattered the truth they have always believed in.

A kid who only awakens A-level talent, but the realm is higher than that of a peer who awakens SS-level talent, which is extremely explosive when looking at the whole country!

At this moment, the attitude of all the examiners present looking at Qin Yu suddenly changed.

No matter what the reason, even if his patrol grandfather gave him crazy krypton gold, but the realm can grow to this extent, this kid definitely has two brushes.

Even Chen Shouzheng, who had been looking at Qin Yu unfavorably, had to admit at this moment that based on this alone, this kid was indeed qualified to participate in this exam.

But that was still not enough to change his previous thinking.

After all, the reason why they set the entry threshold for S-level talent is because the gap between S-level talent and non-S-level talent in the upper limit in the later stage is too large.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the early stage, perhaps an A-level

talent awakener can defeat an S-level talent awakener by using some means, but once in the later stage, especially after reaching the Wuhou realm or above

, the S-level talent awakener will form an absolute strength crush on the awakened person below the S-level talent, and, with the improvement of the realm, this gap will only become larger and larger, and it is difficult to make up for it in any other way.

This is also the reason why Qin Yu led the team to win the provincial high school competition, and had an extremely amazing performance, but was still not recognized by the examiners present.

After all, as teachers at top ten universities, they have seen too many so-called 'geniuses' who are wonderful in the early days, but soon fall to the ground like meteors.

"Old Chen, are you still sticking to your previous idea?"

Ye Baihe looked at Chen Shouzhengdao with a smile, and the smile on his face became even stronger.

Li Sisi's girl had previously blown this kid to the sky, as if if Dijing University did not admit him was a loss for Dijing University.

He used to just think that this girl was joking, but now, he really believed it.

After all, an A-level talent awakener can be promoted to a six-star martial artist at his current age, even if there is an inspector grandfather standing behind him, but this is also quite amazing.

You know, Fang Ping's kid's grandfather is also a Daxia Governor with a very high status, and his awakening talent is even SS-level, but his current realm is only to the five-star martial artist.

Chen Shouzheng's face was a little embarrassed at the moment, but he still nodded and said

, "Ye Lao, I have to say, I do look away a little, and this kid's strength is indeed a little beyond my expectations."

"But if you want me to change my mind just because of that, that's not enough."

"After all, at his age, the realm is even higher than him, and you and I have not seen it."

When Qin Yu heard this, he couldn't help but pout, this

old guy's mouth is really hard!

I'm afraid it's soft there, the mouth is still hard, come a sentence

, oh, I'm a little tired today, so I didn't play well ~~~

Qin Yu rolled his eyes, but didn't say much.

He knew that the best way to break the doubt was to use strength to silence the other party.

Then, the second exam, the cultural exam, begins.

Everyone went to a classroom and sat down in their marked places, with six test papers on their desks, corresponding to Chinese, mathematics, history, physics, chemistry and biology.

"These six test papers are the same as the cultural knowledge you usually learn, but the exam time is only one hour, and you can choose the order of the questions."

"An hour!?"

When the students present heard this, their jaws dropped in shock.

The normal time of the college entrance examination cultural course exam is four hours, but here, it turns out that it is only 1 hour!?

This special Jade Emperor can't finish when he comes!

As if seeing the shock and dazedness on the students' faces, Ye Baihe said with a smile: "

I know that it is indeed impossible for you to complete six rolls in 1 hour."

"At present, the maximum total score of the special recruitment early approval cultural course exam is only 385 points, so you don't need to have psychological pressure, just let go and do it."

When the students present heard this, they secretly sighed with relief in their hearts.

If the highest total score in history is only 385 points, then their psychological pressure is indeed not so great.

Soon, with the ringing of a bell, the exam officially began.

The students picked up the pen and started to work quickly on the problem.

As long as there is no answer in the first glance, everyone directly chooses to be blinded, and then quickly looks at the next question.

After all, in an hour, if they want to get the highest score, they must not waste time on any question.

And just as everyone was struggling to write, Qin Yu was not in a hurry to pick up the pen.

Because at this moment, an option appeared in front of his eyes.

[Option 1: Write six scrolls in an hour, what the Jade Emperor can't do, I'll do it! ] Completion Reward: Revival Wood Talent Level XP +20%. (PS: The current XP progress is 70%, and when 100% is reached, the talent level will be promoted from A to S. 【

Option 2: In line with the concept that Mu Xiu will destroy in the forest wind, this exam is clumsy, and only a medium level of 300 points. Complete the reward: Get the title: 'The Dragon King smiles', from now on, when you laugh, you will crooked your mouth]

[Option 3: The real reckless man never does the question, and directly hands in the blank paper! ] Completion rewards: strength +500, spiritual power -500]

Looking at the options in front of him, Qin Yu was slightly stunned.

Do you choose the crooked smile of the dragon king, or choose to be a heroic and brainless reckless man?

In this regard, his idea is that

children only make choices, he does not want at all!

Without a doubt, choose option one!

Qin Yu's mind moved slightly, and he made a decision in an instant, and then he picked up his pen and began to make the test paper.

Because he had previously made himself proficient in all the knowledge of high school subjects through selection, he was now doing the test paper at a rapid pace.

He didn't have to think about each question, the answer automatically popped up in his head, and the 'Oh Oh' was written as a dashing tunnel!



PS: No, no, no, there won't be people who haven't received roses today 520, that's really pitiful enough (laughing and crying expression).

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